
Topic: Alexandra Kollontai – the first woman ambassador.

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Introduction 3
1 Kollontai’s First Steps in Career 5
2 Kollontai’s Reforms and Ideas 9
Conclusion 18
Bibliography 20

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Accordingly, a significant part of her activities is associated with these ideas. For example, in 1913 Alexandra Kollontai published an article "New Woman", which developed the views of a woman of a new, advanced society. New Kollontai woman aspires to become a full member of society, and therefore governed by the following principles:
- Victory over the emotions, the development of self-discipline.
- Waiver of jealousy, freedom men respect.
- Requires men are not material support, and careful attitude to his personality.
- New Woman - an independent personality, its interests are not confined to home, family and love.
- Submission reason love experiences.
- Waiver of fetish as well as double standards in romantic relationships. The new woman does not hide his sexuality.
The development concept of the new women caused Kollontai to dedicate her fiction such as the novel "Big Love". The story tells readers about love of a young unmarried revolutionary Natasha and married revolutionary Simon. Although Simon is a Marxist, he can not part with the old view of women as the only object of love and Natasha also obeys him. At the end of the story Natasha manages to throw off the shackles of communication and gain freedom.
Then Kollontai developed these ideas in the story "Vasilisa Malygina" (1923) and the short story "Love of three generations" (1923), in which she describes the emancipation of women, not wishing to be bound by family. Kollontai belonged to the family of extremely skeptical, believing that women should serve the interests of a class, rather than an isolated cell of society. In the article "The relationship between gender and class morality," she wrote, "For the working class majority" fluidity "less is fixed relationships between sexes is quite the same, and even direct consequence of the primary goals of this class."
Cathy Porter wrote that “How much energy and time we wasted in all our endless love tragedies and their complications! But it is also we, the women… who taught ourselves and those younger than we that love is not the most important things in a woman’s life. And that if she must choose between love and work she should never hesitate: it is work, a woman’s own creative work that gives her the only real satisfaction and makes her life worth living”.
Similar free views of Kollontai led to the fact that she declared the author of the theory of a glass of water. In fact, the involvement of Kollontai into this theory is not established. In contrast to the primitive concepts of the theory, Kollontai still wrote about the need to love in the relationship between the sexes. Finally, “the fire and determination of Alexandra Kollontai cannot be ignored. Though she may have been unaware of it during her lifetime, she did make great strides in the quest for answers to the Woman Question. Feminists, socialist or not, cannot deny the power of her ideas. Kollontai’s mobilization of women workers and her diagnosis of the effects of romantic love on women and society were groundbreaking in their day and still have validity today”.
With persistent feminist views, as well as having a pronounced freedom-loving nature of being five years out of a family, and in August 13, 1898, Kollontai went to Switzerland, where she began to attend lectures at the University of Zurich at the Faculty of Economics and Statistics. It is possible to say that she joined early the revolutionary movement. Travelling around Europe was building useful contacts, and then she performed missions, participated in congresses and conferences. She was arrested for fierce revolutionary activities, but soon released on bail. In 1907 she flees abroad - first in Berlin, then in Paris. She was also in Sweden and Norway, has successfully lectured in the United States. She accepted the Revolution of 1917 unconditionally, being at the time in Norway. After the death of Inessa Armand, Kollontai receives a high party post - Commissar Women’s departments of the Central Committee of the Party and parallel - a mission to combat prostitution at the People's Commissariat of Social Security. Newspapers at the time called her only as Valkyrie of revolution. In 1921-22she was secretary of the International Women's Secretariat at the Comintern.
Kollontai herself also gave a lot of effort propaganda of Marxism in Russia. This purpose is served as one of her articles, namely "The problem of morality from positive point of view". The article is devoted to clarify the one whose view of morality is truer - the idealistic trend in philosophy, or "positive", that is, the materialist, which one is more viable? A.M. Kollontai has three cardinal points of disagreement:
1) Where to find the source of morality? What is its origin - experimental or transcendental?
2) What causes a person to act in accordance with the principles of morality, what is the moral impulse to action?
3) What are the problems of morality, what is its purpose? Currently, believes Kollontai, ethics of the proletariat closer to the truth of human morality, since the proletariat alone highlights the principles of association, solidarity, dedication, puts the common good above private.
Therefore, it can be concluded that Alexandra Kollontai was not only the first woman ambassador in Russia, but also a bright personality and a prominent political leader which affected both Russia and the world. The world cannot imagine what would have been with it, if Alexandra Kollontai had not been there in the most difficult period of its history and did her best to achieve peace and equality.
Abrikossov, Dm. Revelations of a Russian Diplomat: The Memoirs of Dmitrii I. Abrikossow. Seattle. 1964.
Adibekov, Grant et al. (ed.), Politburo Tsk RKP(b)-VKP(b) i Komintern: 1919–1943 gg. Dokumenty. Moscow, 2004.
Farnsworth, Beatrice. Alexandra Kollontai: Socialism, Feminism, and the Bolshevik Revolution. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1980.
Holt, Al. Selected Writings of Alexandra Kollontai. Westport, Conn.: Lawrence Hill and Company, 1977.
Illič, Melanie, editor. Women in the Stalin Era: Studies in Russian and East European History and Society. New York: PALGRAVE, 2001.
Kennedy-Pipe, C. Russia and the World 1917–1991. London and New York, 1997.
Kocho-Williams, A. The Soviet Diplomatic Corps and Stalin’s Purges. Slavonic and East European Review, 86 (1). 2008. Pp. 90-110.
Kováts, E. (ed.) Love and Politics. Budapest, 2015.
Moore, C. (2010) Alexandra Kollontai: Revolutionary. London. P. 5.
Porter, C. (1980) Alexandra Kollontai: The Lonely Struggle of the Woman who Defied Lenin. New York. P. 62.
Vest, C. Alexandra Kollontai and the “Woman Question”: Women and Social Revolution, 1905-1917. London. 2012.
Vukolov, N. IN SWEDEN AT THE TIME OF WORLD WAR II. International Affairs. No. 4, 2010.
Wood, Elizabeth A. The Baba and the Comrade: Gender and Politics in Revolutionary Russia. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1997.
World-Changing Women. BBC, The Open University. 2010.
Anglo-Russian Parliamentary Committee, Raid on Arcos Ltd and the Trade Delegation of the USSR. London. 1927.
“Kollontai, Alexandra Mikhailovna,” in Encyclopedia of Russian History. Vol. 2. New York: MacMillan Reference U.S.A. 2004.
“Samoilova, Kondordiya Nikolayevna,” in Encyclopedia of Russian History. Vol. 4. New York: MacMillan Reference U.S.A., 2004.
“Kollontai, Alexandra Mikhailovna,” in Encyclopedia of Russian History. Vol. 2. New York: MacMillan Reference U.S.A. 2004.
Kováts, E. (ed.) Love and Politics. Budapest, 2015.
“Samoilova, Kondordiya Nikolayevna,” in Encyclopedia of Russian History. Vol. 4. New York: MacMillan Reference U.S.A., 2004.
World-Changing Women. BBC, The Open University. 2010.
Farnsworth, Beatrice. Alexandra Kollontai: Socialism, Feminism, and the Bolshevik Revolution. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1980.
Adibekov, Grant et al. (ed.), Politburo Tsk RKP(b)-VKP(b) i Komintern: 1919–1943 gg. Dokumenty. Moscow, 2004.
Holt, Al. Selected Writings of Alexandra Kollontai. Westport, Conn.: Lawrence Hill and Company, 1977.
Illič, Melanie, editor. Women in the Stalin Era: Studies in Russian and East European History and Society. New York: PALGRAVE, 2001.
Anglo-Russian Parliamentary Committee, Raid on Arcos Ltd and the Trade Delegation of the USSR. London. 1927.
Abrikossov, Dm. Revelations of a Russian Diplomat: The Memoirs of Dmitrii I. Abrikossow. Seattle. 1964.
Vukolov, N. IN SWEDEN AT THE TIME OF WORLD WAR II. International Affairs. No. 4, 2010.
Wood, Elizabeth A. The Baba and the Comrade: Gender and Politics in Revolutionary Russia. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1997.
Kocho-Williams, A. The Soviet Diplomatic Corps and Stalin’s Purges. Slavonic and East European Review, 86 (1). 2008. Pp. 90-110.
Vest, C. Alexandra Kollontai and the “Woman Question”: Women and Social Revolution, 1905-1917. London. 2012.
Kennedy-Pipe, C. Russia and the World 1917–1991. London and New York, 1997.
Porter, C. (1980) Alexandra Kollontai: The Lonely Struggle of the Woman who Defied Lenin. New York. P. 62.
Moore, C. (2010) Alexandra Kollontai: Revolutionary. London. P. 5.

Список литературы [ всего 17]

1. Abrikossov, Dm. Revelations of a Russian Diplomat: The Memoirs of Dmitrii I. Abrikossow. Seattle. 1964.
2. Adibekov, Grant et al. (ed.), Politburo Tsk RKP(b)-VKP(b) i Komintern: 1919–1943 gg. Dokumenty. Moscow, 2004.
3. Farnsworth, Beatrice. Alexandra Kollontai: Socialism, Feminism, and the Bolshevik Revolution. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1980.
4. Holt, Al. Selected Writings of Alexandra Kollontai. Westport, Conn.: Lawrence Hill and Company, 1977.
5. Illič, Melanie, editor. Women in the Stalin Era: Studies in Russian and East European History and Society. New York: PALGRAVE, 2001.
6. Kennedy-Pipe, C. Russia and the World 1917–1991. London and New York, 1997.
7. Kocho-Williams, A. The Soviet Diplomatic Corps and Stalin’s Purges. Slavonic and East European Review, 86 (1). 2008. Pp. 90-110.
8. Kováts, E. (ed.) Love and Politics. Budapest, 2015.
9. Moore, C. (2010) Alexandra Kollontai: Revolutionary. London. P. 5.
10. Porter, C. (1980) Alexandra Kollontai: The Lonely Struggle of the Woman who Defied Lenin. New York. P. 62.
11. Vest, C. Alexandra Kollontai and the “Woman Question”: Women and Social Revolution, 1905-1917. London. 2012.
12. Vukolov, N. IN SWEDEN AT THE TIME OF WORLD WAR II. International Affairs. No. 4, 2010.
13. Wood, Elizabeth A. The Baba and the Comrade: Gender and Politics in Revolutionary Russia. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1997.
14. World-Changing Women. BBC, The Open University. 2010.
15. Anglo-Russian Parliamentary Committee, Raid on Arcos Ltd and the Trade Delegation of the USSR. London. 1927.
16. “Kollontai, Alexandra Mikhailovna,” in Encyclopedia of Russian History. Vol. 2. New York: MacMillan Reference U.S.A. 2004.
17. “Samoilova, Kondordiya Nikolayevna,” in Encyclopedia of Russian History. Vol. 4. New York: MacMillan Reference U.S.A., 2004.
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