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Negative moments of a wife’s assignment are especially strong when husband advances in his own business and his relocation can potentially have disastrous consequences for his (my) career. Certainly, such a situation is very damaging for both spouses. I also recognize that for many Russian families a necessity for a man to follow his wife in a different country is a serious status-related challenge. The situation of a long-time assignment from child’s viewpoint The relocation to other country is certainly interesting and useful adventure for children. They can learn other languages, acquaint with children from other culture, and acquire new cultural experience. Even if they feel uncomfortable (or even depressed) in the beginning, they can benefit from such changes in their lives in long-term perspective. This is because such changes will force them to obtain ne skills and competences which are objectively useful as they broaden their experience and life chances in the future.The negative moment is associated with the necessity to change school (or kindergarten) and, then, change casual environment and casual circle of contacts. Certainly, such change in life is always stressful.Again, much depends on age. Younger children will probably be more flexible and adaptive for a new situation. For teenagers friendship and possible romantic relationships established with their peers, the stress can be enormous. Skype and other social media can partially reduce the problem but only partially.In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that, in my view, when family relationship is strong, and spouses sincerely worry about their mutual interests, than all the difficulties could be overcome.

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