
Эволюция источников международного частного права

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Введение 3
Эволюция источников международного частного права 3
Заключение 6
Глоссарий 8
Список источников 29

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

In order agreement to submit determined by the courts of jurisdiction disputes a particular country.ПророгацияProrogation - To end a session of a Parliament, and all business then on the agenda, until it is summoned to reconvene.Публичное правоPublic Law - Those laws which regulate the structure and administration of the government, the conduct of the government in its relations with its citizens, the responsibilities of government employees and the relationships with foreign governments.Рамочный договорOpen-Ended Agreement - A contract silent as to an essential term left either to the discretion of one of the contracting parties, or in making the duration of the contract indefinite.РатификацияRatification - The act by a principal, after the agent has acted, confirming that what the agent may have done without authority, is binding on the principal.Реальные убытки (морское право)Punitive Damages - Special and highly exceptional damages ordered by a court against a defendant where the act or omission which caused the suit, was of a particularly heinous, malicious or highhanded nature.Режим личной собственности супруговSeparate Property - A marital property regime wherein property acquired or owned by a married person and which, notwithstanding the marriage or, where recognized, a marriage-like relationship, remains the separate property of the spouse who acquired or to whom was gifted the item of property.Режим наибольшего благоприятствования Most-favoured-nation treatment - Guaranteeofsametradingopportunities (i.e., tariffconcessions) alreadygrantedtothemostfavourednation (MFN).РепарацияReparation - one of the forms of liability subject of international law for the damage caused as a result of that he committed the international crime of another subject of international law. Reparations may be made in kind, in the form of cash or other financial compensation or both restitution and compensation of losses.РеторсияRetorsion - Discriminatory actions against the citizens of one state by and within that of another, as a gentle reprisal against some perceived injustice imposed upon their own citizens in and by the targeted state.РеферендумReferendum - The putting of a question of proposed law to popular vote of the people.СамооборонаSelf-Defence - A person is not responsible for an act if the conduct is carried-out in self-defence of self or of another.СанкцияSanction - To sanction can mean to ratify or to approve but it can also mean to punish. The sanction of a crime refers to the actual punishment, usually expressed as a fine or jail term.СатисфакцияSatisfaction - a form of international legal responsibility, which is expressed in the fact that the offending state gives satisfaction to the victim State.Свободная экономическая зона (СЭЗ)A special economic zone (SEZ) is an area within a nation which has relaxed financial and economic laws. The laws are altered with the goal of attracting foreign investors who might be interested in doing business in an area where they receive favorable treatment.СегрегацияSegregation - the separation or isolation of a race or ethnic group by enforced or voluntary settlement in a limited area, or through the establishment of barriers to social intercourse, or separate training and education, or other discriminatory measures. Segregatsiya- special kind of discrimination.СервитутServitude - From Roman law and now a feature of civil law; equivalent to the common law's easement: access rights over, under or on the property of another.Совместная опекаShared Custody - A situation where a child spends about an equal amount of time in the care and home of each of the two separated parents, and the parents share the legal rights in regards to the child.Соглашение о конфиденциальностиNondisclosure Agreement - A contract between the holder of confidential information and another person to whom that information is disclosed, prohibiting that other person from disclosing the confidential information to any other party.Спасение на мореSalvage - The rescue of vessels or cargo in peril at sea, and the reward thereof.Сталийное времяLay Day - A term of a maritime law contract: days stipulated for the loading or unloading of cargo from a ship.СуверенитетSovereignty - A state's ability to legislate without legal limitation save as set by themselves and the reach of international law.Судебный депозитSecurity for Costs - Payment or deposit of money or some form of security in lieu thereof, into court, by a litigant to secure the payment of such costs if such person does not prevail.Судебный иммунитетJudicial Immunity - Absolute immunity from civil liability for official decisions or acts.Товарный знак A trademark is a fairly familiar concept and symbol signaling a recognizable branding of a company’s goods, i.e., its “trade.” Unregistered, a trademark is designated as ™. Registered, it appears as ®.Толкование международного договораInterpretation of an international agreement - clarification of the true intentions of the parties of the contract and the actual meaning of its provisions. The purpose tolkovaniya- the fullest possible implementation of the conditions of the international agreement, thus ensuring the enforcement is one of the basic principles of international law pactasuntservanda (agreements must be respected).Транснациональные компании (ТНК)A multinational corporation (worldwide enterprise, international corporation, transnational corporation, stateless corporation) - is an organization that owns or controls production of goods or services in one or more countries other than their home country. Третейский (арбитражный) судCommercial Arbitration - Arbitration of a dispute as to a trade transaction for the supply or exchange of goods or services.Уполномоченный по правам человекаOmbudsman - A person whose occupation consists of investigating customer complaints against his or her employer. Many governments have ombudsmen who will investigate citizen complaints against government services.ФилиацияFiliation - the acquisition of citizenship by birth.Формальная взаимностьFormal Reciprocity - A form of international agreement wherein the signatories agree to give each other's citizens and corporations legal treatment no less favourable to that given to their own citizens and corporations.Формулаприкрепления,коллизионная привязкаIn the conflict of law, connecting factors, are facts which tend to connect a transaction or occurrence with a particular law or jurisdiction.Форс-мажорForce-major - an irresistible force majeure event under these conditions in the form of floods, earthquakes, hurricanes and other natural disasters, as well as military action. In international law, force majeure means circumstances absolving the state from the international legal responsibility.ФраншизаFranchise - A licensing contract in which a holder of certain legal rights gives another to sell or package those rights.ФрахтFreight - The money paid by a person for the transportation of goods.Хромающий бракLimping marriages occurs when a couple is married in one jurisdiction but then goes to another jurisdiction that does not recognize their marriage.ЦессияAssign - To sell, give or otherwise transfer some legal right or responsibility to another.ЧартерCharterparty - A transportation contract which includes the full and exclusive use of the airplane, vehicle or vessel for the duration of the transportation of either goods or persons.Частные иностранные инвестицииA private foreign investment is an investment made by a private individual or a private entity in a foreign country.ЭкзекватураExequatur - 1) enforcement in this country a judgment given in another country; 2) an official document certifying acceptance by the Government of the consul of the receiving State.ЭкоцидEcocide - the application environment of the harm which creates a direct threat to the life and health of the individual human communities and humanity as a whole. It is recognized by the international crime.ЭскроуEscrow - When the performance of something is outstanding and a third party holds onto money or a written document (such as shares or a deed) until a certain condition is met between the two contracting parties.ЭстоппельEstoppel - A rule of law that when person A, by act or words, gives person B reason to believe a certain set of facts upon which person B takes action, person A cannot later, to his (or her) benefit, deny those facts or say that his (or her) earlier act was improper.Юрисдикция государстваJurisdiction of the State - the right to judicial and administrative organs of the State to hear and determine cases in accordance with their competence.Список источниковУчебная литература, публикацииГетьман-Павлова И.В. Международное частное право.// URL: http://www.be5.biz/pravo/mgpiv/toc.htmИнкотермс 2010. Условияпоставки CPT, FCA, CIP, FOB, DAP, FAS, CFR, CIF, EXW, DAT, DDP. // http://pandia.ru/text/78/332/1751.phpИсточники международного частного права // URL: http://jurkom74.ru/materialy-dlia-ucheby/istochniki-mezhdunarodnogo-chastnogo-pravaКоновалов В.В. Признание и исполнение решений иностранных судов // http://www.conventions.ru/view_articles.php?id=24Международное частное право. Терминологический словарь. Спб. университет МВД РФ, 2010 // http://www.studfiles.ru/preview/4365459/Принцип взаимности в международном гражданском процессе // URL: http://russian-divorce.ru/articles/a150/International Commercial terms / INCOTERMS 2010 // http://court-inter.us/sites/default/files/users/user8/incoterms_2010.pdfIvana Kunda,Carlos ManuelPractical HandbookonEuropean Private International LawPractical Handbook, 2010 // http://ec.europa.eu/justice/civil/files/practical_handbook_eu_international_law_en.pdfKarl-Heinz Böckstiegel. Party Autonomy and Case Management — Experiences and Suggestions of an Arbitrator, Cologne // http://www.arbitration-icca.org/media/1/13644850393080/bckstiegel_party_autonomy.pdfСловари, электронные источникиForeign Economic Activity // URL: http://economtermin.ru/en/economic-terms/foreign-economic-activity/360-foreign-economic-activity.htmlАнгло-русский словарь юридических терминов // http://www.pravozoom.ru/dictionary/IИностранные инвестиции Определение | Investopediahttp://www.investopedia.com/terms/f/foreign-investment.asp#ixzz46jUnhlrOСайт «Learn Law» // URL: http://www.duhaime.org/Сайт http://definitions.uslegal.com/Сайт slovar-vocab.com/Сайт www.businessdictionary.com/Сайт Деловой английский // URL: www.delo-angl.ru

Список литературы [ всего 17]

Учебная литература, публикации
1. Гетьман-Павлова И.В. Международное частное право.// URL: http://www.be5.biz/pravo/mgpiv/toc.htm
2. Инкотермс 2010. Условия поставки CPT, FCA, CIP, FOB, DAP, FAS, CFR, CIF, EXW, DAT, DDP. // http://pandia.ru/text/78/332/1751.php
3. Источники международного частного права // URL: http://jurkom74.ru/materialy-dlia-ucheby/istochniki-mezhdunarodnogo-chastnogo-prava
4. Коновалов В.В. Признание и исполнение решений иностранных судов // http://www.conventions.ru/view_articles.php?id=24
5. Международное частное право. Терминологический словарь. Спб. университет МВД РФ, 2010 // http://www.studfiles.ru/preview/4365459/
6. Принцип взаимности в международном гражданском процессе // URL: http://russian-divorce.ru/articles/a150/
7. International Commercial terms / INCOTERMS 2010 // http://court-inter.us/sites/default/files/users/user8/incoterms_2010.pdf
8. Ivana Kunda, Carlos Manuel Practical Handbook on European Private International Law Practical Handbook, 2010 // http://ec.europa.eu/justice/civil/files/practical_handbook_eu_international_law_en.pdf
9. Karl-Heinz Böckstiegel. Party Autonomy and Case Management —
Experiences and Suggestions of an Arbitrator, Cologne // http://www.arbitration-icca.org/media/1/13644850393080/bckstiegel_party_autonomy.pdf
Словари, электронные источники
1. Foreign Economic Activity // URL: http://economtermin.ru/en/economic-terms/foreign-economic-activity/360-foreign-economic-activity.html
2. Англо-русский словарь юридических терминов // http://www.pravozoom.ru/dictionary/I
3. Иностранные инвестиции Определение | Investopedia http://www.investopedia.com/terms/f/foreign-investment.asp#ixzz46jUnhlrO
4. Сайт «Learn Law» // URL: http://www.duhaime.org/
5. Сайт http://definitions.uslegal.com/
6. Сайт slovar-vocab.com/
7. Сайт www.businessdictionary.com/
8. Сайт Деловой английский // URL: www.delo-angl.ru
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