
Английский язык Практическое занятие 2. НСПК

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Контрольная работа*
Код 512496
Дата создания 2022
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Оценка 7,00 из 7,00 (100%)

Вопрос 1

Вставьте слово, максимально подходящее по смыслу:

1. Which horse shall we  on in the 2.15 race?

2. Manchester United  Liverpool in the F.A. Cup Final.

3. My work’s got worse and worse. Unless I  summer. I’ll fail my exams in the summer.

4. Oh dear! My watch has  !

5. If you work for someone, then you are  .

6. I’m afraid there’s no  of seeing Mr Brown until tomorrow.

7. The  around this town is quite beautiful.

8. He's always telling me what to do. He’s so 

Вопрос 2

Вставьте артикли the, a\an и нулевой артикль. Нулевой артикль обозначьте пропуском (-).

1.You have  hour to finish your essay.

2.  year has passed but his business still has same problem.

3. We have  lot in common.

4. What do you want to buy? We've got  sugar,  oil,  sack of rice,  few magazines.

5. I agree that  knowledge is power but  proverb is not about  knowledge of all seasons of  «Simpsons».

Вопрос 3

Ответьте на утверждения, высказанные в предложениях, используя "True/верно", "False/не верно" или "Don`t know/не знаю".

1. The English spoken in the USA and Australia doesn't differ from the English spoken in Great Britain. 

2. There are many borrowed words in English. 

3. People cut down long words to get new ones. 

4. There are three English-speaking countries in the world. 

5. Some words came to English from Russian. 

6. There are 450 words in Webster's Third New International Dictionary. 

7. All dictionaries are always made in two languages. 

8. You can learn English only if you live in an English-speaking country. 

9. English is the most popular foreign language in Russia. 

10. There are thirty-two letters in the English alphabet. 

Вопрос 4

Выберите правильное слово, решив, что нужно использовать: just, already или yet.

1. After lunch you go to see a friend at her house. She says, ‘Would you like something to eat? ’You say: ‘No thank you. I’ve  had lunch’.

2. Joe goes out. Five minutes later, the phone rings and the caller says, ‘Can I speak to Joe?’ You say: ‘I’m afraid he’s  gone out’.

3. You are eating in a restaurant. The waiter thinks you have finished and starts to take your plate away. You say: ‘Wait a minute! I haven’t finished  .

4. You plan to eat at a restaurant tonight. You phone to reserve a table. Later your friend says, ‘Shall I phone to reserve a table?’ You say: ‘No, I’ve  done it’.

5. You know that Lisa is looking for a place to live. Perhaps she has been successful. You ask her: ‘Have you found a place to live  ?’

6. You are still thinking about where to go for your holiday. A friend asks, ‘Where are you going for your holiday?’ You say: ‘I haven’t decided  ’.

7. Laura went out, but a few minutes ago she returned. Somebody asks, ‘Is Laura still out?’ You say: ‘No, she’s  come back’.


Оценка 7,00 из 7,00 (100%)

Вопрос 1

Вставьте слово, максимально подходящее по смыслу:

1. Which horse shall we  on in the 2.15 race?

2. Manchester United  Liverpool in the F.A. Cup Final.

3. My work’s got worse and worse. Unless I  summer. I’ll fail my exams in the summer.

4. Oh dear! My watch has  !

5. If you work for someone, then you are  .

6. I’m afraid there’s no  of seeing Mr Brown until tomorrow.

7. The  around this town is quite beautiful.

8. He's always telling me what to do. He’s so 

Вопрос 2

Вставьте артикли the, a\an и нулевой артикль. Нулевой артикль обозначьте пропуском (-).

1.You have  hour to finish your essay.

2.  year has passed but his business still has same problem.

3. We have  lot in common.

4. What do you want to buy? We've got  sugar,  oil,  sack of rice,  few magazines.

5. I agree that  knowledge is power but  proverb is not about  knowledge of all seasons of  «Simpsons».

Вопрос 3

Ответьте на утверждения, высказанные в предложениях, используя "True/верно", "False/не верно" или "Don`t know/не знаю".

1. The English spoken in the USA and Australia doesn't differ from the English spoken in Great Britain. 

2. There are many borrowed words in English. 

3. People cut down long words to get new ones. 

4. There are three English-speaking countries in the world. 

5. Some words came to English from Russian. 

6. There are 450 words in Webster's Third New International Dictionary. 

7. All dictionaries are always made in two languages. 

8. You can learn English only if you live in an English-speaking country. 

9. English is the most popular foreign language in Russia. 

10. There are thirty-two letters in the English alphabet. 

Вопрос 4

Выберите правильное слово, решив, что нужно использовать: just, already или yet.

1. After lunch you go to see a friend at her house. She says, ‘Would you like something to eat? ’You say: ‘No thank you. I’ve  had lunch’.

2. Joe goes out. Five minutes later, the phone rings and the caller says, ‘Can I speak to Joe?’ You say: ‘I’m afraid he’s  gone out’.

3. You are eating in a restaurant. The waiter thinks you have finished and starts to take your plate away. You say: ‘Wait a minute! I haven’t finished  .

4. You plan to eat at a restaurant tonight. You phone to reserve a table. Later your friend says, ‘Shall I phone to reserve a table?’ You say: ‘No, I’ve  done it’.

5. You know that Lisa is looking for a place to live. Perhaps she has been successful. You ask her: ‘Have you found a place to live  ?’

6. You are still thinking about where to go for your holiday. A friend asks, ‘Where are you going for your holiday?’ You say: ‘I haven’t decided  ’.

7. Laura went out, but a few minutes ago she returned. Somebody asks, ‘Is Laura still out?’ You say: ‘No, she’s  come back’.

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* Категория работы носит оценочный характер в соответствии с качественными и количественными параметрами предоставляемого материала. Данный материал ни целиком, ни любая из его частей не является готовым научным трудом, выпускной квалификационной работой, научным докладом или иной работой, предусмотренной государственной системой научной аттестации или необходимой для прохождения промежуточной или итоговой аттестации. Данный материал представляет собой субъективный результат обработки, структурирования и форматирования собранной его автором информации и предназначен, прежде всего, для использования в качестве источника для самостоятельной подготовки работы указанной тематики.
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