
Functions of Irony as a stylistic device

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Код 467532
Дата создания 2021
Страниц 27
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INTRODUCTION ……………………………………………………………………3
1. The problem of irony in the theoretical lighting …………………………………..5
1.1 Irony in the historical and linguistic aspect ………………………………………5
1.2 Functions of irony as a stylistic device …………………………………………..6
1.3 Pragmatic functions of irony in the text………………………………………… 9
1.4 Means of expressing irony in the text …………………………………………...11
2. Features of the use and functioning of irony as a stylistic unit in the production of JEROME K. JEROME «THREE MEN IN a BOAT « ……………………………...16
2.1 History of the story Jerome K. Jerome «Three Men in a Boat» ………………...16
2.2 Analysis of the functions and means of irony representation in the story «Three Men in a Boat « by Jerome K. Jerome» …………………………………………….18
CONCLUSION ……………………………………………………………………..24
REFERENCES ……………………………………………………………………...26


This work is devoted to the study of the phenomenon of irony, its functions and means of expression in a literary text. Despite its wide prevalence, this phenomenon needs further study. In our research, we tried to reveal the functions and means of implementing irony in the story «Three Men in a Boat» by Jerome K. Jerome, since this work is a classic example of ironic prose. The functional possibilities of irony in the language material of the selected story contribute to a deep understanding of the phenomenon under study in literary texts and to the consideration of linguistic mechanisms for the formation of the ironic effect.
The relevance of our chosen topic is due to the growing volume of scientific literature devoted to the study of the phenomenon of irony, linguistic means of creating expression and emotional images, and therefore there is a need to determine the means of expressing irony and trends in the development of this phenomenon in literary texts.
Rational understanding of ways to create an ironic effect is possible only if the author skillfully uses the language means of expressing irony, which allow analyzing artistic or other texts.
Bearing in mind that irony is inextricably linked with the comic, it should be noted that laughter as a symbolic reaction is an integral part of friendly communication, a form of rejection and condemnation of what surrounds people, a mockery of something, directly-emotional comprehension of certain contradictions that subtly border on the comic. In linguistic science, various aspects of the study of irony are touched upon-from the stylistic interpretation of the trope to the consideration of irony as a conceptual category of text.
Until now, scientific and theoretical research has not fully covered the functioning of irony as a language unit in a literary text, in General, and the features of an adequate interpretation of the ironic context in the literary texts of the Jerome K. Jerome story «Three Men in a Boat» in particular. Thus, the study of linguistic ways of transmitting and the specifics of the functioning of irony in a literary text requires careful research.
The object of the research is irony, which appears, on the one hand, as part of the category of the comic and, on the other hand, as an aspect of stylistics, considered as one of the tropes based on the contrasting opposition of form and content.
The subject of research is the functions and means of expressing irony in a literary text.
The aim of the work is to identify the variety of means of transmitting irony in a literary text on the example of the story «Three Men in a Boat»by Jerome K. Jerome.
To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set:
- consider the phenomenon of irony in a theoretical light;
- identify the difference between irony and related concepts;
- identify the pragmatic functions of irony in the text;
- generalize theoretical research on the problem of means of expressing irony in a literary text;
- identify the functions and means of expressing irony in the story «Three Men in a Boat»by Jerome K. Jerome.
The following methods were used:
- continuous sampling method;
- descriptive method;
- method of quantitative analysis;
- method of linguistic analysis.
The work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, and a list of references.

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

The subject of research is the functions and means of expressing irony in a literary text.
The aim of the work is to identify the variety of means of transmitting irony in a literary text on the example of the story «Three Men in a Boat»by Jerome K. Jerome.

Список литературы

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17. Jerome K. Jerome Three Men in a Boat: Book for reading in English-St. Petersburg: KARO, 2004. - 256 p.
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