
Английский язык, 15 заданий

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Английский язык, 15 заданий Образец 87354
Английский язык, 15 заданий Образец 87355
Английский язык, 15 заданий Образец 87356
Английский язык, 15 заданий Образец 87357
Английский язык, 15 заданий Образец 87358
Английский язык, 15 заданий Образец 87359
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Английский язык, 15 заданий Образец 87361
Английский язык, 15 заданий Образец 87362
Английский язык, 15 заданий Образец 87363
Английский язык, 15 заданий Образец 87364
Английский язык, 15 заданий Образец 87365
Английский язык, 15 заданий Образец 87366

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

Задание 1

Напишите множественное число

  1. Brake, car
  2. Bogie, cardan
  3. Axle, coupler
  4. Brakeman, crash
  5. Line, speed
  6. Circuit, delivery
  7. Coach, departure
  8. Computer, fork
  9. Control, freight
  10. Traffic, friction



Задание 2

Напишите «а» или «an» перед нужным словом

  1. Accident, baggage
  2. Baggage, accuracy
  3. Adhesion, ballast
  4. Bogie, assembly
  5. Alloy, brake
  6. Employee, automation
  7. Axle, fuel
  8. Effect, train
  9. Engine, guide
  10. Iron, hump



Задание 3

Напишите множественное число

  1. the hump yard
  2. the railway station
  3. a branch line
  4. a marshalling yard
  5. the weather condition
  6. a heavy locomotive
  7. the railway equipment
  8. a road brakedown
  9. the terminal yard
  10. a serious problem



Задание 4

Укажите глагол am, is, are

  1. She … a conductor.
  2. I ... an engine driver.
  3. They … in the hump yard.
  4. It … a heavy locomotive.
  5. John … a brakeman.
  6. I … a guide.
  7. She … from locomotive depot.
  8. The boy … an engine driver assistant.
  9. The electric train … very complex.
  10. The men … from the through train.



Задание 5

Напишите множественное число

  1. I am in the sleeping car.
  2. The manager is from the computer center.
  3. The girl is from the booking office.
  4. The diesel locomotive is very heavy.
  5. The woman is from the depot.
  6. The girl is a guide.
  7. The brakeman is from that train.
  8. The technician is from the locomotive depot.
  9. The man is a station master.
  10. You are an office staff.



Задание 6

Составьте вопросы

  1. He is an operator.
  2. She is a train guide.
  3. You are railway builders.
  4. Rails are 94 pounds per yards.
  5. They are plate layers.
  6. Mr. Brown is a headmaster.
  7. Mr. and Mrs. Smith are in the sleeping car.
  8. Broken granite is most suitable for ballast.
  9. Ballast trains are employed.
  10. The plate layers are on the track.



Задание 7

Составьте отрицательные предложения

  1. She is a master.
  2. He is a porter.
  3. They are locomotive drivers.
  4. Mr. Smith is an automatic driver.
  5. You are a mechanic.
  6. I am at the railway station.
  7. The headway is short.
  8. The schedule is correct.
  9. The electrician is in the shop.
  10. The transmitter is broken.



Задание 8

Укажите this или these

  1. Tape, shop, brakemen
  2. Schedule, receivers, precision
  3. Plate layers, lock-up
  4. Frequency, guides, employee
  5. Broadcast, clips, services
  6. Range, scopes, petrol
  7. Fuels, warehouses, vehicles
  8. Workpieces, track, indications
  9. Message, luggage, locomotives
  10. Employees, speed, crew



Задание 9

Напишите множественное число

  1. this effect, that master
  2. this engine, this fault
  3. that flash, this fork
  4. this fly-over, that gear
  5. this train, that yard
  6. that highway, this hump
  7. this bogie, that van
  8. this connection, that car
  9. this crew, that driver
  10. this machine, that network



Задание 10

Укажите this (these) в вопросе, is (are) в ответе

  1. Is … an engine? Yes, it … an engine.
  2. Are … plate-layers? Yes, they … plate-layers.
  3. Is … a train? No, it … a car.
  4. Are … foremen? Yes, those… foremen.
  5. Is … a highway? No, that … a railway.
  6. Are … bogies? Yes, those … bogies.
  7. Is … a crew? No, it … a team.
  8. Is … a machine? Yes, it … a machine.
  9. Is … a monitor? No, that … a recorder.
  10. Are … jets? No, those … engines.



Задание 11

Укажите have / has

  1. Ballast … various materials. Trains … cars.
  2. The depot … reconditioning shop. Platelayers … shovels.
  3. The depot … parts reclamation shop. The shops … various equipment.
  4. Moscow Metro … many stations. Cars … wide doors.
  5. Night trains … many cars. A sleeping car … compartments.
  6. A diesel locomotive … a complex engine. Freight trains … freight conductors.
  7. The conductor … wheel report. Wheel reports … member of each car.
  8. A car … a bogie. Bogies … axles.
  9. A train … a caboose. The dash-board … many instruments.
  10. An operator … all information. The railways … new television apparatus.



Задание 12

Укажите is/are

  1. Metro … the speediest.
  2. The temperature in metro … constant.
  3. Our metro … well-lighted.
  4. Metro stations … washed 6 times a day.
  5. The new cars … reliable.
  6. The new cars … convenient.
  7. The laboratory … well equipped.
  8. All-metal cars … equipped with good acoustic insulation.
  9. The length of the first line … 11 km.
  10. The speed of metro train … 90 km per hour.



Задание 13

Укажите do/does/am/are/is

  1. … railways maintain the roadbed?
  2. … metro the speediest?
  3. … drivers have a rest after 3 hours of work?
  4. … movement of freight start at the terminal?
  5. … cars classified depending on destination?
  6. … length of a rail 39 feet?
  7. … the weight of a rail 94 pounds?
  8. … railways maintain locomotives in good order?
  9. … maintenance of equipment a serious problem?
  10. …diesel locomotives serviced at depot?



Задание 14

Укажите don’t/doesn’t/am not/aren’t/isn’t

  1. The speed of electric locomotive … increase.
  2. Materials for ballast … cheap.
  3. Railways … use wooden stringers now.
  4. Ballast … less than 24 inches deep.
  5. Day and night temperature … affect.
  6. Railway line in Tokyo … controlled by sleepers drivers.
  7. Steel sleepers … have many holes.
  8. Steel sleepers … lose their traditional quality.
  9. Railway workers … pay for traveling by rail.
  10. The tunnel … built now.



Задание 15

Задайте вопросы к предложениям

  1. Train automatically identifies itself.
  2. There are various types of trains.
  3. Work of sleepers and rails depends of the system of fastening.
  4. Rail crossings wear away rapidly.
  5. Broken ballast is the most suitable.
  6. Railways play a very important part in transportation.
  7. The speedometer shows 75 km/h.
  8. Drivers and their assistants rest for 3-4 hours.
  9. Railway workers travel by rail free of charge.
  10. The “Russia” express consists of all-metal cars



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* Категория работы носит оценочный характер в соответствии с качественными и количественными параметрами предоставляемого материала. Данный материал ни целиком, ни любая из его частей не является готовым научным трудом, выпускной квалификационной работой, научным докладом или иной работой, предусмотренной государственной системой научной аттестации или необходимой для прохождения промежуточной или итоговой аттестации. Данный материал представляет собой субъективный результат обработки, структурирования и форматирования собранной его автором информации и предназначен, прежде всего, для использования в качестве источника для самостоятельной подготовки работы указанной тематики.
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