
Interjection in the English language.

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Код 367439
Дата создания 08 апреля 2013
Страниц 29
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II.Interjection as a linguistic unit
2.1Definition of interjections……………………………………… ..4
2.2Forms and morphological features of interjections……………….8
2.3Position and meaning of interjections……………………………12

III.Use of interjections in English language……………………………….16


V.References ……………………………………………………………...29


Interjection in the English language.

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

The main purpose of this paper is to discuss the interjections of the English languagein a systematic way, to present a possible interpretation of their importance within thelanguage system, to provide a model of classification anda basis for the corpus of interjections that are existent in English. According to the traditional classification of wordsinto parts of speech, interjectionsform a separate class of words.As many authors in philology and linguistics suggest, interjections might have beenamong the fist utterances or words used by humans at the dawn of language. The expressivenessand simplicity of such forms of communication may be among the reasons forthat. It is not difficult to imagine how complex and almost awkward language might be ifwe were to obliterate this means of expression from our everyday communication. ConclusionThe interjections of English make up a comparatively small but rather varied group ofwords with a particular communicative significance. Most often, these are uninterruptedlexical sequences positioned towards the beginning of the sentence. Various interjections can be used to suggest certain emotions or attitudes, among thetypical of which are anger, disgust, fear, joy, pain, pleasure, relief, surprise, triumph,wonder, etc. Aside from plain interjections expressive of emotions, other different types ofinterjections can be distinguished among such words and phrases used in English.

Список литературы


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