
История развития фольклорного танца в России Перевод

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Код 334759
Дата создания 07 июля 2013
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Chapter 1 Development of folklore dance of Russian people
1.1. Concept and main features of folklore dance as a type of the art of dance
1.2. Formation and description of main elements of Russian folklore dance
chapter 2 Russian folklore dance as stage dance
2.1. Folklore material for creating stage dance
2.2. I. Moiseev’s choreographic folklore


История развития фольклорного танца в России

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

The aim of course paper is to analyze the history of Russian folk dance.
Tasks of the work are
To examine the concept and main features of folk dance as a type of the art of dance
To provide a description of basic Russian dances and their formation
To examine Russian folk dance as stage dance and to particularly examine activity of Russian folk dance ensemble under the direction of Igor Moiseev.
Since ancient times mankind used to express impression of outer world using different motions and gestures, putting in it special mood and state of soul. Outcries, singing, pantomimic play were interconnected with dance. The dance itself has always been closely connected with people’s life. That’s why every dance corresponds to temper, spirit of a nation by which it was created. Along with the chance of social structure and living conditions specific and topics of art changed, so did the dance. In its roots it lies deep on folk arts.
Folk art of dance, transmitted from generation to generation is changing uninterruptedly, enriching itself with new elements. As time passes some of the elements disappear while others come into being. The dance crystallizes and becomes more perfect. All husk dies off as insufficient and all the things that help to explain trays of national character, feelings and thoughts of people remain and is transmitted from generation to generation as most typical. Some folk dances, which are the most artistic and perfect, become property of all nations. In a live process of creation essence and form of folk dance are transformed, reflecting shifts that take place in historical, social, cultural and everyday life of people. New folk dances appear.
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