
Наркобизнес . глобальная проблема XXI в, мировая политика

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Drugs situation in the world; scales, major factors and tendencies of development of drugs business.
The drugs business characteristic: criminal groups, kinds of drugs, stages of manufacture and distribution, sale territory.
The characteristic of the markets of principal views of drugs
Interrelation of drugs business with other global problems of mankind.



Наркобизнес . глобальная проблема XXI в, мировая политика

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The problem of consumption of drugs gets global and more and more menacing character. Drugs business to some extent can be compared to the international terrorism, and unique distinction between them consists only that terrorists destroy people in arms, and drugs businessmen kill and will cripple human lives, using narcotics.
Growth of manufacture and spread of drug addiction in the world speaks following reasons:
• In the conditions of political and economic integration, development of international trade, increase of a transparency of internal borders by more free there is a movement of the goods, financial streams, the capital, population shift. These factors are actively used by criminal structures for working out of new routes and perfection of methods of a transfer of drugs;
• Development of a science and occurrence of a new information technology expand possibilities of criminal groupings for application of modern techniques, including computers and шифраторы, mobile phones and other communication facility that substantially raises security of criminal structures and reduces percent of disclosing of the crimes connected with manufacture, a transfer and spread of drug addiction;
• Increasing distinction between "the rich north" and "the poor south" is actively maintained by drugs business for expansion of manufacture of drugs on the African continent, in region Central and the South America, in the countries of South East Asia.
The wide circulation has received the use of drugs among youth. As a whole such tendency is shown: middle age of the persons, for the first time tried drugs, decreases, and total number of new consumers of narcotics increases.

Список литературы


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