
Political regime change

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Дата создания 15 декабря 2013
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Эссе на английском языке о процессе смены политических режимов. ...


Over the last four decades, the world has witnessed the transition of political regimes from different forms of autocracy to various new types of political regimes. The current situation provides ground for disparate, and sometimes outright contradictory, diagnoses about the present state of democracy around the globe and its future development.


"Regime change" is the replacement of one regime with another. Regime change can occur through conquest by a foreign power, revolution, coup d'état or reconstruction following the failure of a state. Regime change may replace all or part of the state's existing institutions, administrative apparatus, bureaucracy and other elements.

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Reform is alteration, conversion of a part of public life while maintaining the fundamentals of the existing social order. Reform is an evolutionary change of economic, political and cultural social relations. Moreover, qualitative changes in various areas of public life are gradual and nonviolent.
Second way is a revolution. Revolution is a radical transformation of the society as a whole, the overthrow of the ruling classes and political elites. It is based on a new project of the future political and social structure. The revolutionary process, as a rule, is violent and involves an open clash between social and political groups.
The reasons which may cause rise of a revolution, are diverse. The main reason is the fact that the ruling political elite of the society can not continue todo this effectively. Political elites lose trust and respect of the nation and consequently lose legitimacy. There are some stages in the development of social revolutions in: maturation, burst, and the institutionalization of a victory. All of them are really painful for the whole nation.

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