
Анализ фрагмента текста «Plunging Ahead» из учебника Аракина 5 курс.

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Стилистический анализ текста, написанный в 2015 году, как подготовка к Государственному экзамену по английскому языку. ...


The text begins with exposition, where we can know that actions take place on Thursday, in November the eight in Petrograd. The first Sentence is very short. It names the day of the revolution. The author uses a metaphor (Day broke on a city).


The text I’m going to analyse is Plunging Ahead written by an American journalist John Reed. The subject matter is October Revolution of 1917. The events take place in Russia, in Petrograd in 1917. It narrates with the third person plural and only one passage with the first person plural. This text is written in an emotional key.

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To make this picture more vivid the author uses personification such as the social organism-how it persists, feeding itself, clothing itself, amusing itself.In the development of events the author goes on to the complication with metaphor (with breaks released, the Committee whirled, throwing of orders) and simile (like sparks).To show how energetically and hard Committee works there are inversion (with break released) and passive parallel constructions (kornilov was ordered, members of Committees imprisoned, Government were declared, capital was abolished, employees were ordered, pillage, disorder and speculation were forbidden). Then to underline the idea author uses a prolong metaphor (a storm of proclamations, the battle of the printed press) and personification (newspapers screaming and cursing and prophesying evil). Also the author resorts inversion (now raged the battle of the printed press). Metonymy (Smolny) is used for passing the information and such hyperbole as was tenser than ever. To show how much people work in text there are parallel constructions ( the same running man, squads of workers, leaders arguing, explaining, giving…).To make the situation more picturesque the author uses epithets about men ( men literally out of themselves, prodigies of sleeplessness, with burning eyes, engines of exaltation).

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Аракин В.Д 5 курс
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