
Motivation of teachers. Higher Education: the importance of salary

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Статья на английском языке. Тема: Motivation of teachers. Higher Education: the importance of salary ...


Theoretical aspects of the intellectual potential question
Evaluation of intellectual potential of IHE scientific and pedagogical work-ers
Work motivation as a factor in increasing the efficiency of IHE intellectual potential use
Approaches to material rewards of scientific and pedagogical workers


Статья на английском языке. Тема: Motivation of teachers. Higher Education: the importance of salary

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

- the development needs (self-actualization).
The first class of needs is focused on meeting the frustrated needs, and the second - on the personal growth and self-actualization. Meanwhile, E.P. Ilyin notes that according to A. Maslow, personal development forms depending what it is “obsessed with”: on "elimination of deficit" or self-actualization. 
The terms "self-actualization" and "self-actualizing person" were introduced by A. Maslow. According to the definition, self-actualization is the highest human need, the desire for the fullest possible identification and development of his personal needs and opportunities, realization of his potential. And under the self-actualizing person it is standard to mean a person coming to the level of self-actualization. But a person can be self-actualizing and show himself only among other people (in the community), i.e. in sociocultural environment.
Intellectual activity of IHE teachers is aimed at training personnel with higher education, who should be involved in the innovation environment at the end of IHE, and in this environment, professional qualities of graduates will be realized. So, to carry out activities of IHE teachers, a person must possess special qualities, besides special training, that would enable him to meet the level of updates of current scientific knowledge and have the ability to perceive the ever-increasing flow of information.
Therefore, the process of the teacher’s self-actualization in this innovative environment becomes the key point in his practice.
We want to note that self-actualization makes a person develop and reach heights at various levels. Self-esteem may be adequate, that is to correspond with true qualities and abilities of a man, and perhaps may be inadequate - over or under.
Self-actualization is the core K. Rogers’s theory, developed on the basis of theoretical studies of A. Maslow’s theory. Structural components of Rogers’s concept are growth of self-esteem and encouraging personal growth. We can distinguish the main idea of this concept: self-actualizing personality is a personality that realizes himself in the process of work, that is, improves his knowledge and skills, develops professional skills. Accordingly, self-actualization needs are the desire for creativity, creation, self-affirmation. In other words, we can say that the motivation of self-actualization is one of the main incentives for self-development.
On the other hand, motivation of self-actualization is closely linked to the motivation of success, which is described in the concept of needs by D. McClelland. According to the theory of D. McClelland, need for success is the desire to excel, to achieve success, which means that in order to achieve the goals people with a high level of motivation of success tend to get significant results.
According to K. Rogers’s theory, the development of creative personality as a result of professional development will ensure his rapid adaptation to changing conditions, susceptibility to learn new technologies and forms of work. These qualities are essential for IHE teachers in terms of innovative activity of modern institute of higher education.
Consequently, the creative opportunities, professionalism, ability to self-development and self-improvement in the innovation activities of IHE are the main functions of teachers.
After studying foreign experience in managing IHE intellectual potential, we can highlight the following key points.
A planning director at Makerere University (Uganda) M.K. Mayanya gives an interesting example. This university was in a deep crisis for many years of the last century, could hardly scraped along. But thanks to a series of changes, the University got a significant development, including innovative orientation. A key success factor was the change in attitude of teachers to the nature of academic work, which largely contributed to the decentralization of internal budgetary control, in which those who received income could leave a considerable amount of it. Initially, representatives of faculty showed little eagerness to make money for the university, using their intellectual potential in full. To get them interested in earning university’s income, teachers were given a voice in determining how this revenue will be spent. Under the supervision of the deans, directors, heads of departments and teachers, more than 60% earn money was left [Clarke, 2011].
In this regard, our research of motivation and motives of activity includes evaluating the effectiveness of teachers’ activity, which reflects the satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the successful achievements and assessment of IHE teachers’ potential, associated with the self-esteem of professional opportunities and reflecting professional success.
A.A. Rean notes that low self-esteem of results in combination with high self-esteem of potential is a factor of professional self-development [Rean, 2004]. Performance assessment of activity and potential of teachers can become the basis for the formation of a motivation system in the institute of higher education, which will enable to adjust teachers’ activities to achieve better results of work.
However, this process is complex and ambiguous, it should take into account the following rules:
- To be specific, that is, to point to specific acts and actions of a teacher;
- To be objective, that is, to point to the consequences to which a teacher’s actions have resulted in each specific case;
- To be balanced, that is, to balance positive and negative examples;
- To be clear to a teacher what situations and examples it is said about;
- To be consistent with the point of teacher’s view and his capabilities;
- To be focused on innovation.
IHE teachers have to be aware of their real merits and demerits quite fully, their strengths and weaknesses. But without external objective assessment there cannot be an objective self-assessment.
Today, innovative tools and methods of higher education management are necessary, which focus on the development of IHE teachers’ motivation system to innovate. Based on the business experience, we can develop and implement a balanced indicator system of higher education, based on key performance indicators (Key Performance Indicators, KPI) [Zhusupova, 2010] which are based on self-esteem of efficiency and self-esteem of employees’ potential within the organization. We want to note that KPI can be applied in the implementation of differentiated remuneration of labor, bonuses based on the results of activities to assess the results of professional competitions, i.e. those elements of innovation that can positively affect changes in the traditionally existing management structure of teaching staff.
In the writings of A.K. Markova, L.M. Mitya and others[Markova, 1996], there are two groups of traditional motives in educational activity:
- Inner motives related to personal and professional growth and self-actualization;
- External motives associated with the motive to achieve success.
The authors emphasize inner motivation, based on which a teacher works with pleasure, without any external pressure.
At different stages of professional development different motives become dominant, providing the greatest involvement of a party in the development and implementation of activity. We want to note that the change of dominant motivation depends on personal characteristics, working conditions or training, organization of activity. Thus, the combination of inner motives, which are adequate to innovation activity, will ensure successful readiness of teachers to realize innovations.
Approaches to material rewards of scientific and pedagogical workers
On the other hand, the material reward for intellectual labor workers is as important as for workers in the field of goods production, services, etc.
The problem is not so much in its low size, no. The problem is in the lack of connection between the sizes of earnings with the results of work. In connection with this, the question of material reward and criteria for determining the fixed and variable parts in it is urgent. You will agree with [Hanushek, 2011] that most discussion of teacher policies includes very limited attention to costs except where salary is itself the focus of discussion. In these latter discussions of salaries, moreover, little attention is given to teacher effectiveness.
Justification methods of teachers’ work level of payment should be based on the relative complexity of their work. We can distinguish four groups of factors that affect teachers' salaries (see Fig. 1):
- Workforce;
- Teaching work and its features;
- The level and quality of life;
- Factors of the economic system.
Fig. 2. Remuneration of IHE teachers in the public system
There are 3 approaches to the calculation of IHE faculty’s remuneration. The basis of the first one is costing of specialist training. The basis of the second one is rating system of the teacher’s work valuation, including various characteristics of professional activity; the third one is based on academic load and qualifications of teachers, as well as the cost of academic hour, differentiated by type of academic load. In the first case, the wage focuses on the costs for students’ teaching. In the second one, it focuses on the estimations of experts, and in the third one, it focuses on the quality and volume of academic work done by a teacher.
To determine the amount of additional payments it is advisable to calculate the contribution of a teacher into the learning process.
Calculation of the personal contribution of a teacher into the learning process (based on [3]):
Cind = G + C1 + C2 + C3,
G – IHE grade
C1 – coefficient of performance rating (in points)
C2 – coefficient of professional and qualification level (in points)
C3 – coefficient of personal contribution (in points)
To assess the performance rating and calculate the corresponding coefficients the following indicators can be used (criteria) (see Annex 2):
Based on the available wage fund it is possible to calculate the reward sum for each teacher:
Step 1: “Price” calculation of the coefficient size (P):
WF – wage fund of organization department (for example, of faculty)
P – «price» of coefficient unit
n – number of teachers in organization department

Список литературы

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