
управление качеством товара на предприятии

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Рост технического уровня и качества выпускаемой продукции является в настоящее время наиболее характерной чертой работы предприятий в промышленно развитых странах. В условиях преобладающей неценовой конкуренции и насыщенного рынка именно высокое качество продукции служит главным фактором успеха.
Качество выпускаемой продукции по праву можно отнести к важнейшим критериям деятельности любого предприятия. Именно повышение качества продукции определяет степень выживаемости фирмы в условиях рынка, темпы научно – технического прогресса, рост эффективности производства, экономию всех видов ресурсов, используемых на предприятии.



1. Теоретические основы управления качеством продукции
1.1 Качество продукции как объект управления
1.2 Содержание системного подхода к управлению качеством
1.3 Современные тенденции управления качеством в зарубежной и отечественной практике
2. Анализ деятельности предприятия ОАО "Бетон-плюс"
2.1 Системный подход управления качеством продукции на предприятии ОАО "Бетон-плюс"
2.2 Организация разработки систем управления качеством на предприятии
2.3 Рекомендации по совершенствованию процесса управления качеством
2.4 Внедрение системы менеджмента качества на предприятии ОАО "Бетон-плюс"
Список использованных источников


Одним из важнейших факторов роста эффективности производства является улучшение качества выпускаемой продукции или предоставляемой услуги. Повышение качества выпускаемой продукции расценивается в настоящее время, как решающее условие её конкурентоспособности на внутреннем и внешнем рынках. Конкурентоспособность продукции во многом определяет престиж страны и является решающим фактором увеличения её национального богатства.

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

Our ancient ancestors combined to living together in tribes, already in need of that next to them was a wise man, to make the best decisions for the whole tribe, to resolve conflicts within the tribe, the sentencing of the punishment in something innocent. This man became the leader. With the proliferation of social groups of people was necessary division of labor, however, all this work also had to be controlled by someone from the outside. So there are the first rudiments of management of individual groups of people separated by their professional status. The history of management in the modern sense of the word begins with the industrial revolution that occurred in the 17-19 centuries. It was during this period in Europe, there are the first manufacturing companies in need of a truly talented managers. Management Science develops at The critical path of the network model - the longest maturity daisy chain works. As in the critical path method, and the method of "PERT" projects are seen as a network of individual events and activities. Work in these systems is an element of any project, the implementation of which takes time and can delay the onset of other work. The main difference between the method of the critical path method and "PERT" is a different approach to the duration of the operations. Critical Path Method is based on the fact that the duration of the operation can be estimated with a high degree of precision and certainty. The method of "PERT" admits the uncertainty of the duration of operations and analyze the impact of this uncertainty on the duration of the project as a whole. There was widespread critical path method, not the method of evaluation and revision of the plans. Control system for the implementation of projects which are based on critical path method, now used worldwide. Planning work on the critical path method Application of the method of the critical path for the development of the implementation of the timetable of the project mainly involves the implementation of four stages of analysis. They can be much more if the project is more ambitious. As an example, take the example for the analysis of the project for the construction of the garage. - narrative epic genre with the installation of a small volume, and the unity of artistic events. The story is usually devoted to a particular fate, he says about a particular event in the life of man, are grouped around a particular episode. In this it differs from the novel as a more extensive form, which is usually described by some episodes, the length of life of the hero. In the story of Chekhov's "Sleepy" is said about a girl who sleepless nights brought to the crime: it stifles prevent her baby to sleep. The fact that it was with this girl before, the reader learns only from her dream, that it will be after the crime was committed, generally unknown. All the characters, except for the girl, outlined very briefly. All the events described are preparing central - infanticide. The story is not large in volume. But it's not the number of pages (there are small in terms of story and a relatively long story), and not even in the amount of fable events and to set a limit on the author's brevity. For Chekhov's story "Ionic" content is not even close to the story and the novel (traced almost the entire life of the hero). But all the episodes described very briefly, the author's goal is the same - to show the spiritual degradation of Dr. Started. According to Jack London, "the story - it's ... the unity of mood, situation, action." Small volume determines the story and stylistic unity. The story is usually conducted by one person. This may be the author and the narrator and protagonist. But the story is much more common than in the "major" genres, as if the pen is transmitted to the hero, who himself tells his story. Often in front of us - the tale: the story of a fictitious person that has its own, pronounced the speech manner (stories in the 20th century. Background of Management No organization, no business can succeed without governance. However, the management as an activity and as a science in a way in which we have it now, did not appear at once. Once the prehistoric people began to live in organized groups, they will need to manage. In the first stage, when a group of people were small in all areas of management carried out by one person - the leader of this group. In the future, as the proliferation of groups and the complexity of their functions, the necessity of the division of labor and differentiation of functions. But it took centuries. The Egyptian pyramids, built in 3000-2000 years. Don. e., it is a clear indication not only the culture of the ancient Egyptians, but also their management of art. The construction of huge pyramids demanded, above all, a clear planning. Socrates provides an understanding of management as a special sphere of human activity. He said that the main thing in management is to put the right person in the right place and to enforce its tasks. The revolution in the relations of production associated with the industrial revolution that began in the middle of the XVIII century. With the industrial revolution associated allocation of three levels of management: top, middle and bottom. In the production of a wizard who soon became hated by the workers. At this stage only management development trend of transition from the principle of supervision of employees to the principle of labor organization on a scientific basis. With the growing scale of production increases the range of professions and the number of managers. The greatest development of management was in the twentieth century. Thus, the assumptions and sources of formation of management as the management of a special kind are: industrial way of organizing production; development of market relations, which are the basic elements of demand, supply and price. The first explosion of interest in governance was noted in 1911. It was then that Frederick W. Taylor published his book "The Principles of Scientific Management," is considered the beginning of the recognition of the self-management of science and research area. The development of management as a scientific discipline consists of several approaches, which are often the same. Facilities Management - this technology, and people. Consequently, advances in control theory have always depended on the success of other management-related fields, such as mathematics, engineering, psychology, sociology and anthropology. With the development of these fields of knowledge, researchers in the field of management theorists and practitioners learned more about the factors that affect the success of the organization. Prehistoric people living in isolation, did not need to manage their activities from the side. The main purpose of their existence was to survive in the harsh conditions of nature. Our ancient ancestors combined to living together in tribes, already in need of that next to them was aon the fact that the duration of the operation can be estimated with a high degree of precision and certainty. The method of "PERT" admits the uncertainty of the duration of operations and analyze the impact of this uncertainty on the duration of the project as a whole. There was widespread critical path method, not the method of evaluation and revision of the plans. Control system for the implementation of projects which are based on critical path method, now used worldwide. Planning work on the critical path method Application of the method of the critical path for the development of the implementation of the timetable of the project mainly involves the implementation of four stages of analysis. They can be much more if the project is more ambitious. As an example, take the example for the analysis of the project for the construction of the garage. - narrative epic genre with the installation of a small volume, and the unity of artistic events. The story is usually devoted to a particular fate, he says about a particular event in the life of man, are grouped around a particular episode. In this it differs from the novel as a more extensive form, which is usually described by some episodes, the length of life of the hero. In the story of Chekhov's "Sleepy" is said about a girl who sleepless nights brought to the crime: it stifles prevent her baby to sleep. The fact that it was with this girl before, the reader learns only from her dream, that it will be after the crime was committed, generally unknown. All the characters, except for the girl, outlined very briefly. All the events described are preparing central - infanticide. The story is not large in volume. But it's not the number of pages (there are small in terms of story and a relatively long story), and not even in the amount of fable events and to set a limit on the author's brevity. For Chekhov's story "Ionic" content is not even close to the story and the novel (traced almost the entire life of the hero). But all the episodes described very briefly, the author's goal is the same - to show the spiritual degradation of Dr. Started. According to Jack London, "the story - it's ... the unity of mood, situation, action." Small volume determines the story and stylistic unity. The story is usually conducted by one person. This may be the author and the narrator and protagonist. But the story is much more common than in the "major" genres, as if the pen is transmitted to the hero, who himself tells his story. Often in front of us - the tale: the story of a fictitious person that has its own, pronounced the speech manner (stories in the 20th century. Background of Management No organization, no business can succeed without governance. However, the management as an activity and as a science in a way in which we have it now, did not appear at once. Once the prehistoric people began to live in organized groups, they will need to manage. In the first stage, when a group of people were small in all areas of management carried out by one person - the leader of this group. In the future, as the proliferation of groups and the complexity of their functions, the necessity of the division of labor and differentiation of functions. But it took centuries. The Egyptian pyramids, built in 3000-2000 years. Don. e., it is a clear indication not only the culture of the ancient Egyptians, but also their management of art. The construction of huge pyramids demanded, above all, a clear planning. Socrates provides an understanding of management as a special sphere of human activity. He said that the main thing in management is to put the right person in the right place and to enforce its tasks. The revolution in the relations of production associated with the industrial revolution that began in the middle of the XVIII century. With the industrial revolution associated allocation of three levels of management: top, middle and bottom. In the production of a wizard who soon became hated by the workers. At this stage only management development trend of transition from the principle of supervision of employees to the principle of labor organization on a scientific basis. With the growing scale of production increases the range of professions and the number of managers. The greatest development of management was in the twentieth century. Thus, the assumptions and sources of formation of management as the management of a special kind are: industrial way of organizing production; development of market relations, which are the basic elements of demand, supply and price. The first explosion of interest in governance was noted in 1911. It was then that Frederick W. Taylor published his book "The Principles of Scientific Management," is considered the beginning of the recognition of the self-management of science and research area. The development of management as a scientific discipline consists of several approaches, which are often the same. Facilities Management - this technology, and people. Consequently, advances in control theory have always depended on the success of other management-related fields, such as mathematics, engineering, psychology, sociology and anthropology. With the development of these fields of knowledge, researchers in the field of management theorists and practitioners learned more about the factors that affect the success of the organization. Prehistoric people living in isolation, did not need to manage their activities from the side. The main purpose of their existence was to survive in the harsh conditions of nature. Our ancient ancestors combined to living together in tribes, already in need of that next to them was a wise man, to make the best decisions for the whole tribe, to resolve conflicts within the tribe, the sentencing of the punishment in something innocent. This man became the leader. With the proliferation of social groups of people was necessary division of labor, however, all this work also had to be controlled by someone from the outside. So there are the first rudiments of management of individual groups of people separated by their professional status. The history of management in the modern sense of the word begins with the industrial revolution that occurred in the 17-19 centuries. It was during this period in Europe, there are the first manufacturing companies in need of a truly talented managers. Management Science develops at the end of the 19th century. During this time, there are the first work of scientists devoted to this type of Stages and schools in the history of management as a professional activity was first seen by American H. Tawney in his report prepared for presentation at the meeting of the Society of Mechanical Engineers. At this meeting he first expresses his opinion that the society needs a training-managers. - Read more time, there are the first Critical Path (Critical Path Method - CPM) is the main method of project management, a system of evaluation and review of project plans and programs, Program Evaluation and Review Technique - PERT (method "PERT"). In Soviet practice both methods, as well as their more complex modifications combined the concept of "methods of network planning and management." The critical path of the network model - the longest maturity daisy chain works. As in the critical path method, and the method of "PERT" projects are seen as a network of individual events and activities. Work in these systems is an element of any project, the implementation of which takes time and can delay the onset of other work. The main difference between the method of the critical path method and "PERT" is a different approach to the duration of the operations. Critical Path Method is based on the fact that the duration of the operation can be estimated with a high degree of precision and certainty. The method of "PERT" admits the uncertainty of the duration of operations and analyze the impact of this uncertainty on the duration of the project as a whole. There was widespread critical path method, not the method of evaluation and revision of the plans. Control system for the implementation of projects which are based on critical path method, now used worldwide. Planning work on the critical path method Application of the method of the critical path for the development of the implementation of the timetable of the project mainly involves the implementation of four stages of analysis. They can be much more if the project is more ambitious. As an example, take the example for the analysis of the project for the construction of the garage. - narrative epic genre with the installation of a small volume, and the unity of artistic events. The story is usually devoted to a particular fate, he says about a particular event in the life of man, are grouped around a particular episode. In this it differs from the novel as a more extensive form, which is usually described by some episodes, the length of life of the hero. In the story of Chekhov's "Sleepy" is said about a girl who sleepless nights brought to the crime: it stifles prevent her baby to sleep. The fact that it was with this girl before, the reader learns only from her dream, that it will be after the crime was committed, generally unknown. All the characters, except for the girl, outlined very briefly. All the events described are preparing central - infanticide. The story is not large in volume. But it's not the number of pages (there are small in terms of story and a relatively long story), and not even in the amount of fable events and to set a limit on the author's brevity. For Chekhov's story "Ionic" content is not even close to the story and the novel (traced almost the entire life of the hero). But all the episodes described very briefly, the author's goal is the same - to show the spiritual degradation of Dr. Started. According to Jack London, "the story - it's ... the unity of mood, situation, action." Small volume determines the story and stylistic unity. The story is usually conducted by one person. This may be the author and the narrator and protagonist. But the story is much more common than in the "major" genres, as if the pen is transmitted to the hero, who himself tells his story. Often in front of us - the tale: the story of a fictitious person that has its own, pronounced the speech manner (stories in the 20th century. Background of Management No organization, no business can succeed without governance. However, the management as an activity and as a science in a way in which we have it now, did not appear at once. Once the prehistoric people began to live in organized groups, they will need to manage. In the first stage, when a group of people were small in all areas of management carried out by one person - the leader of this group. In the future, as the proliferation of groups and the complexity of their functions, the necessity of the division of labor and differentiation of functions. But it took centuries. The Egyptian pyramids, built in 3000-2000 years. Don. e., it is a clear indication not only the culture of the ancient Egyptians, but also their management of art. The construction of huge pyramids demanded, above all, a clear planning. Socrates provides an understanding of management as a special sphere of human activity. He said that the main thing in management is to put the right person in the right place and to enforce its tasks. The revolution in the relations of production associated with the industrial revolution that began in the middle of the XVIII century. With the industrial revolution associated allocation of three levels of management: top, middle and bottom. In the production of a wizard who soon became hated by the workers. At this stage only management development trend of transition from the principle of supervision of employees to the principle of labor organization on a scientific basis. With the growing scale of production increases the range of professions and the number of managers. The greatest development of management was in the twentieth century. Thus, the assumptions and sources of formation of management as the management of a special kind are: industrial way of organizing production; development of market relations, which are the basic elements of demand, supply and price. The first explosion of interest in governance was noted in 1911. It was then that Frederick W. Taylor published his book "The Principles of Scientific Management," is considered the beginning of the recognition of the self-management of science and research area. The development of management as a scientific discipline consists of several approaches, which are often the same. Facilities Management - this technology, and people. Consequently, advances in control theory have always depended on the success of other management-related fields, such as mathematics, engineering, psychology, sociology and anthropology.

Список литературы

Список использованной литературы

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4. Варгина М.К. Направления совершенствования работ по управлению качеством в регионах мира. //Сертификация.-2015.- №1.- с.10.
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7. Версан В.Г., Панкина Г.В. О некоторых актуальных направлениях развития сертификации. // Сертификация.-2015.-№3.-с.5.
8. Версан В.Г. Организация работ на предприятии (в рамках системы качества) по подготовке продукции к сертификации. //Сертификация.-2014.-№3.
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20. Егорова Л.Г. В помощь предприятиям, готовящимся к сертификации. // Сертификация. - 2013.- №3.- с.26
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24. Рахлин К.М. Организация учёта и оценки затрат предприятия на качество. // Стандарты и качество .- 2015.- №3.- с.34.
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26. Рубанюк Ю.Т. Четырнадцать пунктов Деминга - программа действий для выживания производителей России? //Стандарты и качество .-2013.- №8.- с.38.
27. Фатхутдинов Р.А. Система обеспечения конкурентоспособности. //Стандарты и качество. - 2014.- №1.- с.48.
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29. Чайка И.И. Кризисный период экономики и проблемы управления качеством. //Сертификация .- 2013.- №3.-с.13.
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