
Economics in my life

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Have you ever thought about Why do we need the economy as a whole? But in the life of our society it takes a huge essential and integral part of it. This science is very big. As in any other science it has its own laws and instruments, axioms and proofs. Economy does not apply to an individual it affects the whole of society, including economic processes that arise in society. With it, we can determine how to effectively use the limited resources that we have - minerals, human capital and reserves of labor. This science has a national character. All we ever thought about why prices rise or fall on something.

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As social productive system stabilizes. The economy, as I said trying to affect various areas relating to the public good.The economy called the world of work. This sphere of economic activity may cover the amount of wages, terms of employment security, education, career opportunities job security rights. In the life of man is a very important factor in salary he gets. Every man according to his effort wants to live in abundance. Working conditions consider an important factor. They have performed as well as the employee to arrange it. There are also features such as the possibility of secondary, special or higher education. In our country, you can enroll in higher education after passing a competition and trained on a budgetary basis, in all the years of your training you will have to pay the state. There is also an opportunity for career growth. When a person starts to get a job, it should be interested not only wages, but also the opportunity for professional growth. I believe that one must always strive for more. As for job security, a person must be fully convinced that after receiving their education, he will be able to work in the specialty for which learned. All of the above me in the area of ​​economic activity.The economic life of society is the cycle of the process involves the production of goods and services, distribution, exchange between the people and their consumption. Every day for us is the purchase of a commodity, in this case we compare the price to make it more profitable for us to buy. Any process that happens to us in one way or another connected with science, economics. An example of this: the clothing that we have, its manufacturer to be sure that the goods that it produced will be bought, because if the clothes will not be in demand in the market for goods, it may incur losses up goods will be produced again.If the product is in demand, people learn about it as the quality and price several times lower than the competition, he will be in demand and will trade under the new round.What about the questions housing here we can use economic issues since people want to invest their money to good use and benefits when buying an apartment or a suburban area, we must also correct in economic terms to conduct their business, take a closer look at it the economic side, because people want a better life while spending on the implementation of their dreams for a minimum amount of money. The word economy is a very rich history of the development. In this area, over the years there have been a lot of changes, some of them have taken the global momentum. During the existence of this science we took all sorts of crises has changed, and society itself, everything else had a huge impact scientific and technical revolution. With the advent of computers and precision of computers for most people, life has become easier in the economic nature, but also become more difficult to keep the economy in balance. I believe that the main factor of economic life is the standard of living of its members, here are wage level of state provision of services and goods produced by citizens. From what has been said by me earlier, you can safely conclude that the world economy is at a very high level of development at the moment.I think that the economy - it is a science, which should begin to teach not only in universities but also in secondary educational and secondary schools in our country. I can argue my opinion that the economy is not static. It evolves every day, people should to learn to understand how to properly invest your finances. How to calculate this or that amount of expenses for housing, clothing and the like Everyone should know what exactly he has to pay taxes, how to do it right, to be developed in this area, because the world is made up of economic processes running each second. A person should know what loan or installments, because we talk every day on television and other mass media about these cash transactions. People who are not familiar with the economy may be in an awkward or difficult situation. The economy has become an integral part of human life. The terms of the economy are increasingly common in our lives, if you're on the occasion destiny will fall into the company of people who are well versed in this area, when you addressed the question you can’t answer correctly, if you are not versed in economic matters and the obvious question of "What is your budget? "can put you in an awkward situation. If the program to give the economy in the schools, the children will understand these issues and they will be easier in the future, their lives will be easier and perhaps someone will be on the way to the discovery of something new.The importance of this science increases with each passing day more and more. How would the man was not far from what surrounds it, what is clear is that the impact of the economy on the sphere of society it is impossible not to notice. Of course the economy, I learned a lot of terms that help me in my life and I did not understand before. Earlier, when the transmission went on television with an emphasis on the economy. I always switch the channel, even when I was watching the news on the first channel, I do not watch the news about the economy, because I did not understand what was going on and for me it was as if, of information on the TV serves a language unknown to me. Now I'm happy to watch the program on the economy, because I have an idea about the science, which was very interesting for me, recently. And even when people ask me what was in the news and economic news which I learned, I can easily answer this question, even a discussion. Everything else you can add that I learned how to control and shape their resources. He began to look all grown-up. If the years before I could go to the store with a large sum of money and buy a lot of goods that were not for me of paramount importance, thoughts were about to go to the store to buy what I need and do not spend all the money that I had . Now, before going to the supermarket, I try to write yourself a list, which has a product name, which I need, approximate its value in rubles and amount.

Список литературы

Economic theory: Textbook / Ed. VD Kamaeva, EI Lobachevoj - M.Yurayt-Izdat 2010.
Nikolaeva IP Economic theory. – M. Dashkov & Co, 2012.
Arzumanova TI Machabeli M.Sh. Economy organization. – M. Dashkov & Co, 2013.
Kochergina TE World economy. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2009.
Simkina LG Economic theory. 2nd ed. - St. Petersburg: Peter. - 2010
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