
Английский язык

Рекомендуемая категория для самостоятельной подготовки:
Контрольная работа*
Код 233766
Дата создания 10 июня 2016
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Английский язык ...


Контрольная работа №4 ( 2 курс – 4 семестр)
Задания для самостоятельной работы (в письменной форме высылаются преподавателю для проверки)

1. Переведите следующие предложения и определите функцию и форму инфинитива:

1) To walk in bad weather is not pleasant. Разговаривать в плохую погоду не очень приятно. ( indefinite, подлежащее)
2) Our task is to master English. Наша задача – усовершенствовать английский. ( indefinite, сказуемое)
3) I have come here to help you. Я пришел сюда помочь тебе. (indefinite, обстоятельство)
4) Some students of our Institute have been sent abroad to study English. Некоторые студенты нашего института были отправлены заграницу изучать английский. (indefinite, обстоятельство)
5) This is a good place to work in. Это хорошее место для работы. (indefinite, обстоятельство)
6) We knew the test to have been made. Мы знали, что тест сделан. ( Perfect Passive, обстоятельство)


Контрольная работа №4 ( 2 курс – 4 семестр)
Задания для самостоятельной работы (в письменной форме высылаются преподавателю для проверки)

1. Переведите следующие предложения и определите функцию и форму инфинитива:

1) To walk in bad weather is not pleasant. Разговаривать в плохую погоду не очень приятно. ( indefinite, подлежащее)
2) Our task is to master English. Наша задача – усовершенствовать английский. ( indefinite, сказуемое)
3) I have come here to help you. Я пришел сюда помочь тебе. (indefinite, обстоятельство)
4) Some students of our Institute have been sent abroad to study English. Некоторые студенты нашего института были отправлены заграницу изучать английский. (indefinite, обстоятельство)
5) This is a good place to work in. Это хорошее место для работы. (indefinite, обстоятель ство)
6) We knew the test to have been made. Мы знали, что тест сделан. ( Perfect Passive, обстоятельство)

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

4.3. The income statement … being called dividendsa) summarizes withdrawal of assets b) includes withdrawal of assets c) excludes the withdrawal of assets Отчет о прибылях и убытках суммирует вывод активов и называется дивидендами.4.4. The separate statement of retained earnings and stockholder's equity showsa) the company's management what has happened to their ownership in the company b) investors what has happened to their ownership in the company c) tax departments what has happened to the companyОтдельный отчет о нераспределенной прибыли и акционеров акций показывает инвесторам, что случилось с их собственностью в компании.4.5. Being prepared for the use of management, the financial statements contain … a) neither debit nor credit columns b) either debit or credit columnsc) neither revenues nor expenses columnsГотовая к использованию руководством, финансовая отчетность содержит ни дебетовые, ни кредитные колонки. ТестВопрос 751Choose the correct form of the verb in Passive.The UK … of four countriesA) is made up;B) consist ;C) has made up;D) is consist;E) was consist.Вопрос 752Choose the correct form of the verb in Passive.In the mourning English people have just a cup of coffee with a toast or something similar. This…a “continental breakfast”. A) is call ;B) is called;C) was called;D) are called;E) can called.Вопрос 753Choose the correct form of the verb in Passive.The British Isles…from the European continent by the North Sea, and the English Channel.A) are separated;B) is separated;C) are separate;D) is separate;E) can separate.Вопрос 754Choose the correct form of the verb in Passive.The UK … as a highly developed industrial country.A) is known;B) has known;C) known;D) is know;E) knew.Вопрос 755Choose the correct form of the verb in Passive.The UK …. by the elected government with the prime minister at the head A) is ruled;B) rules;C) is rule;D) ruled ;E) has ruled.Вопрос 756Choose the correct form of the verb in Passive. English kings and queens … in Westminster Abbey. A) have been crowned ;B) are crowned;C) had crown ;D) crowns;E) has crowned .Вопрос 757Choose the correct form of the verb in Passive.Washington … after the first president of the USA, George Washington.A) was named;B) is named;C) had been named;D) will be named;E) must be named.Вопрос 758Choose the correct form of the verb in Passive.New York … in the natural harbor of the mouth of the Hudson River.A) is located;B) located;C) was located;D) can locate;E) will be located;Вопрос 759;Choose the Russian equivalent :New-York is known for its restaurants.A) В Нью -Йорке очень много ресторанов;B) Нью -Йорк известен своими ресторанами;C) Все знают, что в Нью -Йорке очень много ресторанов;D) Я знаю хороший ресторан в Нью –Йорке;E) В Нью -Йорке нет хороших ресторанов.Вопрос 760Choose the correct form of the verb in Passive.Skyscrapers … to build in Washington. A) is not allowed ;B) are not allowed;C) has been not allowed ;D) had been not allowed;E) will be not allow .Вопрос 761Choose the English equivalent Ученикам объяснили правило.A) The pupils were explained the rule;B) The rule was explained to pupils;C) The rules was explained to pupils;D) The teacher explained the rule to the pupils;E) A pupils was explained to the rule.Вопрос 762Choose the correct form of the verb in Passive.Don’t come in! Students … examinedA) are been;B) are being;C) has being;D) will;E) can.Вопрос 763Choose the correct form of the verb in Passive.It was noisy. He .. not being listened toA) is;B) was;C) has;D) have;E) will.Вопрос 764Put the phrase in Active voice into Passive voice Everybody listened to him with great attention. A) Everybody was listened to him with great attention;B) He was listened to with great attention;C) Everybody has listen to him with great attention ;D) He listened to everybody with great attention;E) No one listened to him .Вопрос 765Choose the correct form of the verb in Passive.He … after in the hospital much betterA) will look;B) will be looked ;C) had looked;D) has looked;E) will be look. Вопрос 766Choose the correct form of the verb in Passive.Does he realize that he …at.A) was being laughed;B) is being laughed ;C) has being laugh;D) will be laugh;E) is being laugh.Вопрос 767Choose the correct form of the verb in Passive.When the fire brigade came, the building … destroyed by the fire already. A) has been;B) had been;C) is been ;D) will been;E) was been.Вопрос 768Choose the correct form of the verb in Passive.All the business letters … answered by noon.A) have been;B) will have been;C) had been;D) was been;E) is been.Вопрос 769Choose the Russian equivalent The papers will have been received by tomorrow.A) Мы получим бумаги к утру;B) К утру бумаги будут на столе;C) Бумаги будут получены к утру;D) Бумаги пропали утром;E) Бумаги были доставлены туром.Вопрос 770Choose the Russian equivalent The doctor has been sent for. A) Доктор сейчас подойдёт;B) Доктор только что выехал;C) За доктором уже послали;D) За доктором сейчас пошлют;E) Вам вызвать врача?Вопрос 771Choose the correct form of the verb in Passive.The successful performance of the young actress … much about.A) will talk ;B) must talk;C) will be talked;D) is talk;E) talk.Вопрос 772Choose the correct form of the verb in Passive.Where are the magazines …?A) are keep;B) keep;C) kept;D) has kept;E) will keep.Вопрос 773Choose the correct form of the verb in Passive.He didn’t know when the mail ….A) will be brought;B) were be brought;C) was brought;D) brought;E) be brought.Вопрос 775Choose the correct form of the verb in Passive.Yesterday I … to ring.A) were asked;B) asked;C) was asked ;D) asks;E) have asked.Вопрос 776Choose the correct form of the verb in Passive.Can’t you hear, we …spoken about now? A) have been;B) will;C) are being;D) has;E) be.Вопрос 777Choose the correct form of the verb in Passive.We … much interesting yesterday.A) are shown;B) have shown;C) were shown;D) shown;E) show.Вопрос 778Choose the correct form of the verb in Passive.The breakfast … just….by mother.A) have been cooked;B) is be cooked;C) has been cooked;D) has cooked;E) cooked.Вопрос 779Choose the correct form of the verb in Passive.She said that the picture … with a pen. A) is being drawn;B) have been drawn;C) had been drawn ;D) drawn;E) to draw.Вопрос 780Choose the correct form of the English verb in Passive.Этот фильм показывали по телевизору, когда я вернулся домойA) to show;B) shows;C) shown;D) was being shown;E) will be show.Вопрос 781Choose the correct form of the English verb in Passive.Новые фильмы показывают по телевизору каждый день.A) shown;B) will show;C) shows;D) are shown;E) was shown.Вопрос 782Choose the correct form of the English verb in Passive.Я уверен, что фильм покажут к Новому Году.A) shows;B) will show;C) shown;D) will have been shown;E) has shown.Вопрос 783Choose the correct form of the English verb in Passive.Сейчас здесь показывают новые фильмыA) was shown;B) shows;C) show;D) is being shown;E) had show.Вопрос 784Этот фильм был уже показан, когда я уже приехал сюда.A) shows;B) will show;C) be show;D) had been shown;E) to show.Вопрос 785Choose the correct form of the English verb in Passive. Много фильмов будет показано в следующем месяце.A) to show;B) to be shown;C) is show;D) will be shown;E) has show.Вопрос 786Choose the correct form of the English verb in Passive. Этот фильм показывали в этом году.A) have been shown;B) is show;C) was show;D) has been shown;E) shows.Вопрос 787Choose the correct form of the English verb in Passive. Этот фильм показывают уже пять месяцев.A) will show;B) will be shown;C) to show;D) has been shown;E) to be show.Вопрос 788Choose the correct form of the English verb in Passive. Мне не заплатили за работуA) paid;B) have paid;C) will pay;D) wasn’t paid ;E) to pay.Вопрос 789Choose the correct form of the English verb in Passive. Мою машину только что украли.A) have stolen;B) stolen ;C) was stolen;D) has been stolen; E) will be stolen.Вопрос 790Choose the correct form of the modal verb. One Englishman … beat three FrenchmenA) is to ;B) ought;C) need;D) may;E) can.Вопрос 791Choose the correct form of the modal verb. God … not be everywhere, therefore he created mothers.A) may ;B) might;C) must;D) need;E) could.Вопрос 792Choose the correct form of the modal verb. He who falls today, … rise tomorrow. A) can ;B) could;C) should;D) to be to;E) may.Вопрос 793Choose the correct form of the modal verb. … each day bring you closer to your better health.A) should;B) must;C) have to;D) can;E) may.Вопрос 794Choose the correct form of the modal verb. … not walk on the grass!A) can;B) could;C) might;D) need;E) must.Вопрос 795Choose the correct form of the modal verb. Do I … do this job for her? A) ought to;B) need;C) should;D) may;E) have to.Вопрос 796Choose the correct form of the modal verb. It was the first and the last ceremony I … seeA) to be to;B) will;C) shall;D) can;E) was to. Вопрос 797Choose the correct form of the modal verb. A gentleman … be honest in his actions.A) may;B) must;C) might;D) need;E) should. Вопрос 798Choose the correct form of the modal verb. Law makers … not be law breakers. A) can;B) could;C) must;D) need;E) should. Вопрос 799Choose the correct form of the modal verb. Kings … be Kings in all things.A) can;B) may;C) must;D) to be to;E) ought to.Вопрос 800Choose the correct form of the modal verb. A liar … have a good memory.A) ought to;B) can;C) may;D) might;E) need.Вопрос 801Choose the correct form of the modal verb. I … nobody to keep me occupied.A) need; B) will;C) can;D) could;E) should.Вопрос 802Choose the correct form of the modal verb in Passive.She … be phoned immediately.A) should;B) will;C) can;D) must;E) have to.Вопрос 803Choose the correct form of the modal verb. An interesting offer … be made to you.A) can;B) may;C) must;D) need;E) have to.Вопрос 804Choose the correct form of the modal verb. The documents … be send as quickly as possible. A) must;B) need;C) can;D) could;E) ought to.Вопрос 805Choose the correct form of the modal verb. Ecologist say that our planet … be taken care ofA) should;B) can;C) may;D) must;E) could.Вопрос 806Choose the correct form of the modal verb.Their kitchen is large, and it .. be used as a dining roomA) can;B) may;C) might;D) ought to;E) need.Вопрос 807Choose the correct form of the modal verb.The job …be found by her easily. A) can;B) may;C) might;D) should;E) need.Вопрос 808Choose the correct form of the modal verb.Questions … be asked already. A) may;B) need;C) can;D) could;E) must.Вопрос 809Choose the correct form of the modal verb.The boss wants Mr. Black. He .. be found.A) must;B) can;C) may;D) should;E) will.Вопрос 810Put the sentence in Active voice into Passive.Fog held up the trainsA) Fog is held up the trains;B) The trains were held up by the fog; C) Fog hold up the trains;D) Fog can held up the trains;E) Fog has held up the trains.Вопрос 811Put the sentence in Active voice into Passive.You are to live it here. Someone will call for later on. A) This was to be left here;B) This is to be left here;C) This has to be left here;D) This have to be left here;E) This will to be left here.Вопрос 812Put the sentence in Active voice into Passive. We called in the policeA) Police was called in;B) Police were called in;C) We have called in the police;D) We was called in the police;E) We has called in the police.Вопрос 813Put the sentence in Active voice into Passive.They didn’t look after the children properly.A) Children was not properly looked after; B) Children were not properly looked after; C) They didn’t looked after the children properly;D) They didn’t looks after the children properly;E) They don’t look after the children properly.Вопрос 814Put the sentence in Active voice into Passive. Everyone looked up to himA) He is looked up to by everyone ;B) He was looked up to by everyone; C) Everyone looks up to him;D) Everyone have looked up to him;E) Everyone has looked up to him.Вопрос 815Put the sentence in Active voice into Passive. All the ministers will see him at the airport.A) All the ministers see him at the airport;B) He will be seen off at the airport by all the ministers; C) All the ministers have see him at the airport;D) All the ministers could see him at the airport; E) He will seen off at the airport by all the ministers. Вопрос 816Put the sentence in Active voice into Passive. He hasn’t slept in his bed.A) The bed isn’t been slept in;B) The bed hasn’t been slept in;C) The bed haven’t been slept in;D) The bed wasn’t been slept in;E) The bed didn’t been slept in.Вопрос 817Put the sentence in Active voice into Passive. We can build on more roomsA) More rooms is be built on;B) More rooms can be built on;C) More rooms was be built on;D) More rooms can built on;E) More rooms can’t be built on.Вопрос 818Put the sentence in Active voice into Passive. They threw him out.A) They throw him out;B) He was thrown out;C) He is thrown out;D) They have threw him out;E) He were thrown out.Вопрос 819Put the sentence in Active voice into Passive. Her story didn’t take them in.A) They haven’t taken in by her story;B) They wasn’t taken in by her story;C) They weren’t taken in by her story;D) They didn’t taken in by her story;E) They aren’t taken in by her story.Вопрос 820Put the sentence in Active voice into Passive. They took down the notice.A) They take down the notice;B) They have took down the notice;C) Notice was taken down;D) They has took down the notice;E) They can took down the notice.Вопрос 821Put the sentence in Active voice into Passive. People must hang in their weaponsA) Weapons must handed in ;B) People must be hang in their weapons;C) Weapons must be handed in ;D) People must to hang in their weapons;E) People must handed in their weapons.Вопрос 822Put the sentence in Active voice into Passive. People often take him for his brother.A) He was often taken to his brother;B) He has often taken to his brother;C) He is often taken to his brother;D) He have often taken to his brother; E) He was often take to his brother;Вопрос 823Put the sentence in Active voice into Passive. The crowd shouted him down.A) He have shouted down;B) He has shouted down;C) He was shouted down;D) He was shout down;E) He is shouted down.Вопрос 824Choose the correct form of the verb.Things …. from the house. A) have stolen;B) are steal;C) were stolen;D) stolen;E) has been stolen.Вопрос 825His clothes ... usually very cheap, but he is actually well-off.A) are;B) is;C) was;D) were;E) to be.Вопрос 826We ... friends with Oleg in childhood.A) did;B) took;C) made;D) called;E) began. Вопрос 827The concert usually ... about 3 hours.A) begins;B) starts;C) lasts;D) finishes;E) continues.Вопрос 828Shame on you. Why you don’t ... classes.A) miss;B) go;C) attend;D) visit;E) show.Вопрос 829Choose the correct variant.A) I not usually have lunch at home;B) I usually have not lunch at home;C) I doesn’t usually have lunch at home;D) I usually have lunch at home;E) I haven’t have lunch at home.Вопрос 830Choose the correct variantA) Do his father drive a car very fast?B) Is his father drive a car very fast?C) Does his father drive a car very fast?D) Do his father drive a car very fast?E) Have his father drive a car very fast?Вопрос 831Choose the correct variantA) Do the shops close at 8 o’clock in the morning?B) Does the shops close at 8 o’clock in the morning?C) Do the shops closes at 8 o’clock in the morning?D) Are the shops close at 8 o’clock in the morning?E) Is the shops close at 8 o’clock in the morning?Вопрос 832Choose the correct variantA) You often play basketball?B) Do you often play basketball?C) Is you often play basketball?D) Are you often play basketball?E) You does often play basketball?Вопрос 833Choose the correct variantA) How you often play basketball?B) How do you often play basketball?C) How often do play basketball?D) How often do you play basketball?E) How play you often basketball?Вопрос 834Choose the correct variantA) She come home early;B) She not comes home early;C) She don’t come home early;D) She come home early;E) She doesn’t come home early.Вопрос 835Choose the correct variantA) Why doesn’t you come to the youth club?B) Why you not come to the youth club?C) Why not you come to the youth club?D) Why don’t you come to the youth club?E) Why isn’t come you to the youth club?Вопрос 836Choose the correct variantA) My brother never waits for us;B) My brother doesn’t never wait for us;C) My brother don’t ever wait for us;D) My brother does never wait for us;E) My brother never has wait for us.Вопрос 837Choose the correct variantA) We always go abroad for our holidays;B) Always we go abroad for our holidays;C) We go always abroad for our holidays;D) We go abroad always for our holidays;E) We are always go abroad for our holidays.Вопрос 838Choose the correct variantA) Does Sandra always get up early in the morning;B) Does Sandra get up early always in the morning;C) Does Sandra get up always in the morning early;D) Does Sandra get up always early in the morning;E) Do Sandra always get up early in the morning.Вопрос 839Choose the correct variantA) When next year do you start at the university?B) When at the university do you start next year?C) When do start you at the university next year?D) When do you start at the university next year?E) When next year do at the university you start?Вопрос 840Choose the correct variantA) We enjoy the theatre, but we don’t go very often there;B) We enjoy the theatre, but we don’t very often go there;C) We enjoy the theatre, but very often we don’t go there;D) We enjoy the theatre, but we aren’t go very often there;E) We enjoy the theatre, but we don’t go there very often.Вопрос 841Choose the correct variantA) How much does cost it for the return ticket?B) How much for the return ticket does it cost ?C) How much does it cost for the return ticket?D) How does much it cost for the return ticket?E) How much do cost it for the return ticket?Вопрос 842Choose the correct variantA) They don’t often phone my mother in London;B) They often don’t phone my mother in London;C) They don’t phone my mother in London often;D) They don’t often phoned my mother in London;E) They don’t phone my mother often in London.Вопрос 843Choose the correct variantA) The next train leaves in the morning at two fifteen;B) The next train leave in the morning at two fifteen;C) The next train leaved in the morning at two fifteen;D) The next train leaving in the morning at two fifteen; E) The next train are leaving in the morning at two fifteen.

Список литературы

Контрольная работа №4 ( 2 курс – 4 семестр)
Задания для самостоятельной работы (в письменной форме высылаются преподавателю для проверки)

1. Переведите следующие предложения и определите функцию и форму инфинитива:

1) To walk in bad weather is not pleasant. Разговаривать в плохую погоду не очень приятно. ( indefinite, подлежащее)
2) Our task is to master English. Наша задача – усовершенствовать английский. ( indefinite, сказуемое)
3) I have come here to help you. Я пришел сюда помочь тебе. (indefinite, обстоятельство)
4) Some students of our Institute have been sent abroad to study English. Некоторые студенты нашего института были отправлены заграницу изучать английский. (indefinite, обстоятельство)
5) This is a good place to work in. Это хорошее место для работы. (indefinite, обстоятельство)
6) We knew the test to have been made. Мы знали, что тест сделан. ( Perfect Passive, обстоятельство)
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* Категория работы носит оценочный характер в соответствии с качественными и количественными параметрами предоставляемого материала. Данный материал ни целиком, ни любая из его частей не является готовым научным трудом, выпускной квалификационной работой, научным докладом или иной работой, предусмотренной государственной системой научной аттестации или необходимой для прохождения промежуточной или итоговой аттестации. Данный материал представляет собой субъективный результат обработки, структурирования и форматирования собранной его автором информации и предназначен, прежде всего, для использования в качестве источника для самостоятельной подготовки работы указанной тематики.
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