
как я провела лето

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Дата создания 10 июня 2016
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как я провела лето ...


How I Spent my Summer

I had a wonderful summer holiday! I went to my granny. I was lucky with the weather. June was nice and warm, July was hot and August was mild with rain.
My granny is very old and I helped her around the house. In June I helped her to plant the flowers and water them. In June I also made a lot of friends. We went camping in the forest. It was unforgettable! We were five guys, took our tents and went to the forest. The place was really wonderful. The water in the river was warm enough to swim. When we came to our place we made a campfire and cooked the food. Then we went fishing. In the evening we sang the song at the campfire and told scary stories. It was my best day! But mosquitoes! I hate summer because of mosquitoes!
July was very busy. I was always in the garden and helped my granny. It was very hot and I had to water flowers and trees every day. The nights were very sultry and I suffered from the heat very much. Only in the evenings we could breathe the fresh air.


How I Spent my Summer

I had a wonderful summer holiday! I went to my granny. I was lucky with the weather. June was nice and warm, July was hot and August was mild with rain.
My granny is very old and I helped her around the house. In June I helped her to plant the flowers and water them. In June I also made a lot of friends. We went camping in the forest. It was unforgettable! We were five guys, took our tents and went to the forest. The place was really wonderful. The water in the river was warm enough to swim. When we came to our place we made a campfire and cooked the food. Then we went fishing. In the evening we sang the song at the campfire and told scary stories. It was my best day! But mosquitoes! I hate summer because of mosquitoes!
July was very busy. I was always in the g arden and helped my granny. It was very hot and I had to water flowers and trees every day. The nights were very sultry and I suffered from the heat very much. Only in the evenings we could breathe the fresh air.

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The place was really wonderful. The water in the river was warm enough to swim. When we came to our place we made a campfire and cooked the food. Then we went fishing. In the evening we sang the song at the campfire and told scary stories. It was my best day! But mosquitoes! I hate summer because of mosquitoes! July was very busy. I was always in the garden and helped my granny. It was very hot and I had to water flowers and trees every day. The nights were very sultry and I suffered from the heat very much.

Список литературы

How I Spent my Summer

I had a wonderful summer holiday! I went to my granny. I was lucky with the weather. June was nice and warm, July was hot and August was mild with rain.
My granny is very old and I helped her around the house. In June I helped her to plant the flowers and water them. In June I also made a lot of friends. We went camping in the forest. It was unforgettable! We were five guys, took our tents and went to the forest. The place was really wonderful. The water in the river was warm enough to swim. When we came to our place we made a campfire and cooked the food. Then we went fishing. In the evening we sang the song at the campfire and told scary stories. It was my best day! But mosquitoes! I hate summer because of mosquitoes!
July was very busy. I was always in the garden and helped my granny. It was very hot and I had to water flowers and trees every day. The nights were very sultry and I suffered from the heat very much. Only in the evenings we could breathe the fresh air.
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