
Личность как объект социологического исследования - копия

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Код 231758
Дата создания 22 июня 2016
Страниц 22
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Введение 3
Глава 1. Понятие личности в социологии. 4
1.1 Социальный статус
1.2. Разновидности социальных статусов
1.3 Предписанные статусы
1.4 Достигаемые статусы
1.5 Другие статусы
Глава 2. Социальные роли. 13
2.1 Особенности исследования личности в социологии.
2.2 Основные положения ролевой теории личности
2.3 Ролевая теория Т. Парсонса
2.4 Особенности интеракционистской концепций
2.5 Особенности ролевой теории личности в «феменологической» Социологии
Заключение 20
Список литературы 22


Изучение социального поведения личности требует построения концепции личности, которая, в свою очередь, требует выбора структуры личности - совокупности и определенного взаимодействия различных элементов. Рассматривая личность как совокупность биологической, психологической и социальной структур, нельзя не отметить, что для социологии значимой в научном смысле является социальная структура личности.
Социальная структура личности включает совокупность объективных и субъективных свойств индивида, возникающих и функционирующих в процессе его деятельности, под влиянием тех социальных групп, в которые входит индивид. Следовательно, важным для характеристики социальной структуры личности является анализ форм ее деятельности, взаимодействия личности с другими индивидами и социальными группами, п оложения, которое занимает индивид в тех социальных группах, в которые он входит. Как справедливо указывает Т. Парсонс «Личность в ее конкретной роли, а не тотальный индивид, является членом коллектива, и даже социетального сообщества. К примеру, я являюсь членом определенных интернациональных коллективов, которые не являются частями американского социетального общества. Плюральный характер ролей, усвояемых личностью, является главным постулатом социологической теории и должен постоянно иметься в виду. По мере эволюции общества ролевой плюрализм становится скорее более, чем менее, важным, но он характеризует любое общество»
Для анализа степени включения индивида в различные группы, а также положений, которые он занимает в каждой из них, используются понятия социального статуса и социальной роли.

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

Horizontal Integration occurs across the marketing mix and across business functions – for example, production, finance, distribution and communications should work together and be conscious that their decisions and actions send messages to customers. While different departments such as sales, direct mail and advertising can help each other through Data Integration. This requires a marketing information system, which collects and shares relevant data across different departments. Horizontal Integration occurs across the marketing mix and across business functions – for example, production, finance, distribution and communications should work together and be conscious that their decisions and actions send messages to customers. While different departments such as sales, direct mail and advertising can help each other through Data Integration. This requires a marketing information system, which collects and shares relevant data across different departments. Horizontal Integration occurs across the marketing mix and across business functions – for example, production, finance, distribution and communications should work together and be conscious that their decisions and actions send messages to customers. While different departments such as sales, direct mail and advertising can help each other through Data Integration. This requires a marketing information system, which collects and shares relevant data across different departments. Horizontal Integration occurs across the marketing mix and across business functions – for example, production, finance, distribution and communications should work together and be conscious that their decisions and actions send messages to customers. While different departments such as sales, direct mail and advertising can help each other through Data Integration. This requires a marketing information system, which collects and shares relevant data across different departments. Horizontal Integration occurs across the marketing mix and across business functions – for example, production, finance, distribution and communications should work together and be conscious that their decisions and actions send messages to customers. While different departments such as sales, direct mail and advertising can help each other through Data Integration. This requires a marketing information system, which collects and shares relevant data across different departments. Horizontal Integration occurs across the marketing mix and across business functions – for example, production, finance, distribution and communications should work together and be conscious that their decisions and actions send messages to customers. While different departments such as sales, direct mail and advertising can help each other through Data Integration. This requires a marketing information system, which collects and shares relevant data across different departments. Horizontal Integration occurs across the marketing mix and across business functions – for example, production, finance, distribution and communications should work together and be conscious that their decisions and actions send messages to customers. While different departments such as sales, direct mail and advertising can help each other through Data Integration. This requires a marketing information system, which collects and shares relevant data across different departments. Horizontal Integration occurs across the marketing mix and across business functions – for example, production, finance, distribution and communications should work together and be conscious that their decisions and actions send messages to customers. While different departments such as sales, direct mail and advertising can help each other through Data Integration. This requires a marketing information system, which collects and shares relevant data across different departments. Horizontal Integration occurs across the marketing mix and across business functions – for example, production, finance, distribution and communications should work together and be conscious that their decisions and actions send messages to customers. While different departments such as sales, direct mail and advertising can help each other through Data Integration. This requires a marketing information system, which collects and shares relevant data across different departments. Horizontal Integration occurs across the marketing mix and across business functions – for example, production, finance, distribution and communications should work together and be conscious that their decisions and actions send messages to customers. While different departments such as sales, direct mail and advertising can help each other through Data Integration. This requires a marketing information system, which collects and shares relevant data across different departments. Horizontal Integration occurs across the marketing mix and across business functions – for example, production, finance, distribution and communications should work together and be conscious that their decisions and actions send messages to customers. While different departments such as sales, direct mail and advertising can help each other through Data Integration. This requires a marketing information system, which collects and shares relevant data across different departments. Horizontal Integration occurs across the marketing mix and across business functions – for example, production, finance, distribution and communications should work together and be conscious that their decisions and actions send messages to customers. While different departments such as sales, direct mail and advertising can help each other through Data Integration. This requires a marketing information system, which collects and shares relevant data across different departments. Horizontal Integration occurs across the marketing mix and across business functions – for example, production, finance, distribution and communications should work together and be conscious that their decisions and actions send messages to customers. While different departments such as sales, direct mail and advertising can help each other through Data Integration. This requires a marketing information system, which collects and shares relevant data across different departments. Horizontal Integration occurs across the marketing mix and across business functions – for example, production, finance, distribution and communications should work together and be conscious that their decisions and actions send messages to customers. While different departments such as sales, direct mail and advertising can help each other through Data Integration. This requires a marketing information system, which collects and shares relevant data across different departments. Horizontal Integration occurs across the marketing mix and across business functions – for example, production, finance, distribution and communications should work together and be conscious that their decisions and actions send messages to customers. While different departments such as sales, direct mail and advertising can help each other through Data Integration. This requires a marketing information system, which collects and shares relevant data across different departments. Horizontal Integration occurs across the marketing mix and across business functions – for example, production, finance, distribution and communications should work together and be conscious that their decisions and actions send messages to customers. While different departments such as sales, direct mail and advertising can help each other through Data Integration. This requires a marketing information system, which collects and shares relevant data across different departments. Horizontal Integration occurs across the marketing mix and across business functions – for example, production, finance, distribution and communications should work together and be conscious that their decisions and actions send messages to customers. While different departments such as sales, direct mail and advertising can help each other through Data Integration. This requires a marketing information system, which collects and shares relevant data across different departments. Horizontal Integration occurs across the marketing mix and across business functions – for example, production, finance, distribution and communications should work together and be conscious that their decisions and actions send messages to customers. While different departments such as sales, direct mail and advertising can help each other through Data Integration. This requires a marketing information system, which collects and shares relevant data across different departments. Horizontal Integration occurs across the marketing mix and across business functions – for example, production, finance, distribution and communications should work together and be conscious that their decisions and actions send messages to customers. While different departments such as sales, direct mail and advertising can help each other through Data Integration. This requires a marketing information system, which collects and shares relevant data across different departments. Horizontal Integration occurs across the marketing mix and across business functions – for example, production, finance, distribution and communications should work together and be conscious that their decisions and actions send messages to customers. While different departments such as sales, direct mail and advertising can help each other through Data Integration. This requires a marketing information system, which collects and shares relevant data across different departments. Horizontal Integration occurs across the marketing mix and across business functions – for example, production, finance, distribution and communications should work together and be conscious that their decisions and actions send messages to customers. While different departments such as sales, direct mail and advertising can help each other through Data Integration. This requires a marketing information system, which collects and shares relevant data across different departments. Horizontal Integration occurs across the marketing mix and across business functions – for example, production, finance, distribution and communications should work together and be conscious that their decisions and actions send messages to customers. While different departments such as sales, direct mail and advertising can help each other through Data Integration. This requires a marketing information system, which collects and shares relevant data across different departments. Horizontal Integration occurs across the marketing mix and across business functions – for example, production, finance, distribution and communications should work together and be conscious that their decisions and actions send messages to customers. While different departments such as sales, direct mail and advertising can help each other through Data Integration. This requires a marketing information system, which collects and shares relevant data across different departments. Horizontal Integration occurs across the marketing mix and across business functions – for example, production, finance, distribution and communications should work together and be conscious that their decisions and actions send messages to customers. While different departments such as sales, direct mail and advertising can help each other through Data Integration. This requires a marketing information system, which collects and shares relevant data across different departments. Horizontal Integration occurs across the marketing mix and across business functions – for example, production, finance, distribution and communications should work together and be conscious that their decisions and actions send messages to customers. While different departments such as sales, direct mail and advertising can help each other through Data Integration. This requires a marketing information system, which collects and shares relevant data across different departments. Horizontal Integration occurs across the marketing mix and across business functions – for example, production, finance, distribution and communications should work together and be conscious that their decisions and actions send messages to customers. While different departments such as sales, direct mail and advertising can help each other through Data Integration. This requires a marketing information system, which collects and shares relevant data across different departments. Horizontal Integration occurs across the marketing mix and across business functions – for example, production, finance, distribution and communications should work together and be conscious that their decisions and actions send messages to customers. While different departments such as sales, direct mail and advertising can help each other through Data Integration. This requires a marketing information system, which collects and shares relevant data across different departments. Horizontal Integration occurs across the marketing mix and across business functions – for example, production, finance, distribution and communications should work together and be conscious that their decisions and actions send messages to customers. While different departments such as sales, direct mail and advertising can help each other through Data Integration. This requires a marketing information system, which collects and shares relevant data across different departments. Horizontal Integration occurs across the marketing mix and across business functions – for example, production, finance, distribution and communications should work together and be conscious that their decisions and actions send messages to customers. While different departments such as sales, direct mail and advertising can help each other through Data Integration. This requires a marketing information system, which collects and shares relevant data across different departments. Horizontal Integration occurs across the marketing mix and across business functions – for example, production, finance, distribution and communications should work together and be conscious that their decisions and actions send messages to customers. While different departments such as sales, direct mail and advertising can help each other through Data Integration. This requires a marketing information system, which collects and shares relevant data across different departments. Horizontal Integration occurs across the marketing mix and across business functions – for example, production, finance, distribution and communications should work together and be conscious that their decisions and actions send messages to customers. While different departments such as sales, direct mail and advertising can help each other through Data Integration. This requires a marketing information system, which collects and shares relevant data across different departments. Horizontal Integration occurs across the marketing mix and across business functions – for example, production, finance, distribution and communications should work together and be conscious that their decisions and actions send messages to customers. While different departments such as sales, direct mail and advertising can help each other through Data Integration. This requires a marketing information system, which collects and shares relevant data across different departments. Horizontal Integration occurs across the marketing mix and across business functions – for example, production, finance, distribution and communications should work together and be conscious that their decisions and actions send messages to customers. While different departments such as sales, direct mail and advertising can help each other through Data Integration. This requires a marketing information system, which collects and shares relevant data across different departments. Horizontal Integration occurs across the marketing mix and across business functions – for example, production, finance, distribution and communications should work together and be conscious that their decisions and actions send messages to customers. While different departments such as sales, direct mail and advertising can help each other through Data Integration. This requires a marketing information system, which collects and shares relevant data across different departments. Horizontal Integration occurs across the marketing mix and across business functions – for example, production, finance, distribution and communications should work together and be conscious that their decisions and actions send messages to customers. While different departments such as sales, direct mail and advertising can help each other through Data Integration. This requires a marketing information system, which collects and shares relevant data across different departments. Horizontal Integration occurs across the marketing mix and across business functions – for example, production, finance, distribution and communications should work together and be conscious that their decisions and actions send messages to customers. While different departments such as sales, direct mail and advertising can help each other through Data Integration. This requires a marketing information system, which collects and shares relevant data across different departments. Horizontal Integration occurs across the marketing mix and across business functions – for example, production, finance, distribution and communications should work together and be conscious that their decisions and actions send messages to customers. While different departments such as sales, direct mail and advertising can help each other through Data Integration. This requires a marketing information system, which collects and shares relevant data across different departments. Horizontal Integration occurs across the marketing mix and across business functions – for example, production, finance, distribution and communications should work together and be conscious that their decisions and actions send messages to customers. While different departments such as sales, direct mail and advertising can help each other through Data Integration. This requires a marketing information system, which collects and shares relevant data across different departments. Horizontal Integration occurs across the marketing mix and across business functions – for example, production, finance, distribution and communications should work together and be conscious that their decisions and actions send messages to customers. While different departments such as sales, direct mail and advertising can help each other through Data Integration. This requires a marketing information system, which collects and shares relevant data across different departments. Horizontal Integration occurs across the marketing mix and across business functions – for example, production, finance, distribution and communications should work together and be conscious that their decisions and actions send messages to customers. While different departments such as sales, direct mail and advertising can help each other through Data Integration. This requires a marketing information system, which collects and shares relevant data across different departments. Horizontal Integration occurs across the marketing mix and across business functions – for example, production, finance, distribution and communications should work together and be conscious that their decisions and actions send messages to customers. While different departments such as sales, direct mail and advertising can help each other through Data Integration. This requires a marketing information system, which collects and shares relevant data across different departments.

Список литературы

1. Добреньков В. И., Кравченко А.И. Социология. М.: Инфра-М, 2014. - 623 с.
2. Дюркгейм Э. Социология. Ее предмет, метод, предназначение / Пер. с фр., составление, послесловие и примечания А. Б. Гофмана.— М.: Канон, 2010.— 352 с.
3. Кон И.С. Социология личности. М.: Политиздат, 2012. - 383 с.
4. Кравченко А.И. Социология: учебное пособие для студентов высших учебных заведений. Екатеринбург: Деловая книга, 2012.
5. Парсонс Т. О структуре социального действия. — М.: Академический Проект, 2010. — 880 с.
6. Социология в России / Под ред. В.А. Ядова. -2-е изд., перераб. и дополн. - М.: Издательство Института социологии РАН, 2011. - 722с.
7. Волков Ю. Г. , Мостовая И. В. Социология: Учебник для высших учебных заведений. – М., 2011.- 426 с.
8. Кравченко А. И. Основы социологии: Учебное пособиедля студентов.- Екатеринбург: Деловая книга, 2014. – 384 с.
9. Парсонс Т. Человек в современном мире. – М.: Наука, 2014. – 374 с.
10. Социология: Учебное пособие /Под ред. В. И. Игнатьева, М. В. Ромма. – Новосибирск:Изд-во НГТУ, 2010. – 236 с.
11. Социология: Учебное пособие \ М. В. Удальцова, Т. В. Попкова и др. – Новосибирск: НГАЭиУ, 2011.- 382 с.
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