
To what extent do the concepts that we use shape the conclusions that we reach?

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Дата создания 2015
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Источников 6
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Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

" It should be borne in mind that even the most reliable tests which proved the validity do not give accurate data.It is useful to distinguish conceptual schemes and factual knowledgein order not to confuse the objective world with the colors that we painted it, they are different. Secondly, we are confronted to verbal information emanating from other people everywhere. And it cannot be distinguished from authentic information because a lie can pretend to be a fact like a chameleon. Therefore, it is necessary to distinguish the actual verbal information and the conclusion.The famous mathematician, physicist and philosopher Henri Poincare said, "To doubt everything or to believe everything are two equally convenient solutions; both dispense with the necessity of reflection." As can be seen from the statement, there is a third approach: before you believe the information or reject it, you might think. Concepts, interpretation of the experience, its understanding, the rationale and conclusions formed in our consciousness is a kind of reflection or projection. It is obvious that this projection may not fully conform to what is within the consciousness of perception through senses and what is beyond perceptions and feelings. The projection is formed on purpose; it cannot reflect the entire being as a whole. Hence, there can be a plenty of projections. Our mindconstantly undergoes changes and evolution. Thus, the projection of being undergoes changes and evolution as well. References/Bibliography:Heidegger, M. (2002). The Essence of Truth. Trans. Ted Sadler. New York: Continuum.Nyhan, B., et.al. Effective Messages in Vaccine Promotion: A Randomized Trial, Pediatrics, Published online March 3, 2014 - http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/early/2014/02/25/peds.2013-2365(Date accessed 25/10/2015)Plato. Rouse, W.H.D., ed. The Republic Book VII. Penguin Group Inc. pp. 365–401.Poincare, H. (1952) Preface, Dover abridged edition, p. xxiiRorschach, H. (1927). Rorschach Test – Psychodiagnostic Plates. Hogrefe.Steinfeld, G.J. (1967) Concepts of set and availability and their relation to the reorganization of ambiguous pictorial stimuli. Psychological Review, 74, 505-522.

Список литературы [ всего 6]

1. Heidegger, M. (2002). The Essence of Truth. Trans. Ted Sadler. New York: Continuum.
2. Nyhan, B., et.al. Effective Messages in Vaccine Promotion: A Randomized Trial, Pediatrics, Published online March 3, 2014 - http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/early/2014/02/25/peds.2013-2365 (Date accessed 25/10/2015)
3. Plato. Rouse, W.H.D., ed. The Republic Book VII. Penguin Group Inc. pp. 365–401.
4. Poincare, H. (1952) Preface, Dover abridged edition, p. xxii
5. Rorschach, H. (1927). Rorschach Test – Psychodiagnostic Plates. Hogrefe.
6. Steinfeld, G.J. (1967) Concepts of set and availability and their relation to the reorganization of ambiguous pictorial stimuli. Psychological Review, 74, 505-522.
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