
the main factors that drive ecommerce usage development in developing countries

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Код 191052
Дата создания 2015
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Источников 9
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1. Introduction 3
1.1 Purpose and research question 3
1.2 Background 4
1.3 Outline 4
2. Literature Review 5
3. Theoretical bases of the organization of electronic commerce 7
4. Electronic commerce in Georgia 15
5. Research methodology 18
6. Data collection on the organization of electronic commerce in Georgia 28
7. Analysis of data of research 36
7.1 Verification of data 36
7.2 Testing of a hypothesis 41
8. Results of research 65
9. References 70

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

In other words, the correlation coefficient is statistically – significant.As can be seen, the relationship x1 y and with the proviso that x3 enters model decreased. It can be concluded that the introduction into the regression equation x1 is impractical.Tightness connection moderate.Determine the significance of the correlation coefficient ryx2 /x1 .To calculate the observed values of the t-statistics for the formula: Since texp <tkrit, then the hypothesis of the equality 0 correlation coefficient. In other words, the correlation coefficient is statistically - not significant.As can be seen, the relationship y and x2, provided that x1 enters model decreased. It can be concluded that the introduction into the regression equation x2 is impractical.Tightness connection moderateDetermine the significance of the correlation coefficient ryx2 / x3.To calculate the observed values of t-statistics using the formula:Since texp <tkrit, then the hypothesis of the equality 0 correlation coefficient. In other words, the correlation coefficient is statistically - not significant.As can be seen, the relationship y and x2, provided that x3 enters model decreased. It can be concluded that the introduction into the regression equation x2 is impractical.Tightness connection is low.Determine the significance of the correlation coefficient ryx3 / x1.To calculate the observed values of t-statistics using the formula:Since texp <tkrit, then the hypothesis of the equality 0 correlation coefficient. In other words, the correlation coefficient is statistically - not significant.As can be seen, and x3 y bond with the proviso that x1 enters model decreased. It can be concluded that the introduction into the regression equation x3 is impractical.Tightness connection moderateDetermine the significance of the correlation coefficient ryx3 / x2.To calculate the observed values of t-statistics using the formula:Since texp <tkrit, then the hypothesis of the equality 0 correlation coefficient. In other words, the correlation coefficient is statistically - not significant.As can be seen, and x3 y bond provided that x2 enters model decreased. It can be concluded that the introduction into the regression equation x3 is impractical.Tightness connection moderateDetermine the significance of the correlation coefficient ryx2 / y.To calculate the observed values of t-statistics using the formula:Since texp <tkrit, then the hypothesis of the equality 0 correlation coefficient. In other words, the correlation coefficient is statistically - not significant.As can be seen, the relationship y and x2, provided that y enters model decreased. It can be concluded that the introduction into the regression equation x2 is impractical.The tightness of the strongDetermine the significance of the correlation coefficient ryx2 / x3.To calculate the observed values of t-statistics using the formula:Since texp <tcrit, then the hypothesis of the equality 0 correlation coefficient. In other words, the correlation coefficient is statistically - not significantAs can be seen, the relationship y and x2, provided that x3 enters model decreased. It can be concluded that the introduction into the regression equation x2 is impractical.Tightness connection is low. The relationship between the factors of the weak.Determine the significance of the correlation coefficient ryx3 / y.To calculate the observed values of t-statistics using the formula:Since texp <tcrit, then the hypothesis of the equality 0 correlation coefficient. In other words, the correlation coefficient is statistically - not significantAs can be seen, and x3 y bond with the proviso that y enters model decreased. It can be concluded that the introduction into the regression equation x3 is impractical.Tightness connection moderateDetermine the significance of the correlation coefficient ryx3 / x2.To calculate the observed values of t-statistics using the formula:Since texp <tcrit, then the hypothesis of the equality 0 correlation coefficient. In other words, the correlation coefficient is statistically - not significantAs can be seen, and x3 y bond provided that x2 enters model decreased. It can be concluded that the introduction into the regression equation x3 is impractical.Tightness connection is low. The relationship between the factors of the weak.Determine the significance of the correlation coefficient ryx3 / y.To calculate the observed values of t-statistics using the formula:Since texp <tcrit, then the hypothesis of the equality 0 correlation coefficient. In other words, the correlation coefficient is statistically - not significantAs can be seen, and x3 y bond with the proviso that y enters model decreased. It can be concluded that the introduction into the regression equation x3 is impractical.Tightness connection is low. The relationship between the factors of the weak.Determine the significance of the correlation coefficient ryx3 / x1.To calculate the observed values of t-statistics using the formula:Since texp <tcrit, then the hypothesis of the equality 0 correlation coefficient. In other words, the correlation coefficient is statistically - not significantAs can be seen, and x3 y bond with the proviso that x1 enters model decreased. It can be concluded that the introduction into the regression equation x3 is impractical.Analysis of the parameters of the regression equation. We turn to the statistical analysis of the regression equation: the importance of checking the equations and factors, the study of absolute and relative error of approximationFor unbiased estimates of the variance calculation, do the following:Unbiased error ε = Y - Y (x) = Y - X * s (absolute error of approximation)YY(x)ε = Y - Y(x)ε2(Y-Yср)2|ε : Y|4342.930.07030.00494152.1110.001632928.5940.4060.1652.7780.0142929.632-0.6320.42.7780.02183534.8870.1130.012818.7780.003242525.305-0.3050.093232.1110.01222322.6520.3480.12158.7780.015100.797267.3330.068We calculate the average approximation error:Estimation of the variance is: se2 = (Y - X*Y(X))T(Y - X*Y(X)) = 0.8An unbiased estimate of the variance is: Estimation of the standard deviation (standard error for the estimation Y):Dispersions of the model parameters determined by the ratio S2i = Kii, are elements that lie on the main diagonalIndicators closeness of the connection factors with the result.If factorial signs are different in nature and (or) have different units of measure, the regression coefficients bj at different factors are not comparable. So regression equation supplement comparable figures crowding factor due to the result of allowing the factors to rank the strength of influence on the result.These indicators include the closeness of the connection: private elasticities, β-coefficients, partial correlation coefficients.Multiple correlation coefficient (index of multiple correlation).Tightness of the joint influence of factors on the result of the index assesses the multiple correlation.In contrast to the pair correlation coefficient, which may be negative, it takes values ​​from 0 to 1.Therefore, R can not be used to interpret the communication direction. The denser the actual values ​​yi positioned relative regression line, the less the residual dispersion and hence more valueRy(x1,...,xm). Thus, when the value of R close to 1, the regression equation best describes the evidence and factors strongly influence the result. When the value of R close to 0 bad regression equation describes the evidence and factors have little impact on the outcome.Multiple correlation coefficient can be determined through a matrix of pair correlation coefficients:whereΔr - determinant of pairwise correlation coefficients;Δr11 - determinant of the correlation between the factors. MultiplecorrelationcoefficientThe relationship between sign of Y and Xifactors with the strongest .The coefficient of determination.R2= 0.9992 = 0.997Testing hypotheses about the coefficients of the regression equation (check relevant parameters of multiple regression equations).Number v = n - m - 1 is called the number of degrees of freedom. It is believed that when evaluating multiple linear regression to ensure statistical reliability is required that the number of cases, at least 3 times higher than the number of estimated parameters.t-statisticsTtabl (n-m-1;α/2) = (2;0.05) = 2.92We find the standard error of the regression coefficient b0: The statistical significance of the regression coefficient b0 is not confirmed.We find the standard error of the regression coefficient b1: The statistical significance of the regression coefficient b1 is confirmed. We find the standard error of the regression coefficient b2: The statistical significance of the regression coefficient b2 is not confirmed. We find the standard error of the regression coefficient b3: The statistical significance of the regression coefficient b3 is not confirmed. The confidence interval for the coefficients of the regression equation.We define the confidence intervals of regression coefficients that with 90% of reliability will be as follows: (bi - tiSbi; bi + tiSbi)b0: (3.52 - 2.92 • 2.75 ; 3.52 + 2.92 • 2.75) = (-4.52;11.56)b1: (0.98 - 2.92 • 0.0802 ; 0.98 + 2.92 • 0.0802) = (0.75;1.21)b2: (-0.0759 - 2.92 • 0.0767 ; -0.0759 + 2.92 • 0.0767) = (-0.3;0.15)b3: (0.00731 - 2.92 • 0.0303 ; 0.00731 + 2.92 • 0.0303) = (-0.0812;0.0958)Checking the overall quality of the multiple regression equation. Valuing the multiple regression equation is done by testing the hypothesis that the vanishing of the coefficient of determination calculated according to the population: R2 or b1=b2=...=bm=0 (the hypothesis of the insignificance of the regression equation calculated according to the population).To test it using Fisher's F-test.At the same time calculates the actual (observed) value of F-test through the coefficient of determination R2, calculated according to a specific follow-up.According to Fischer-distribution tables Snedokkora are critical F-test (f c). To do this, set the significance level α (usually it is taken equal to 0.05) and two degrees of freedom k1 = m and k2= n-m-1.F-statistic.Fisher criterion.The closer this coefficient is to unity, the more the regression equation explains the behavior of Y.A more objective assessment is adjusted coefficient of determination:Adding new model explanatory variables is carried out as long as the adjusted coefficient of determination increases.Test hypotheses about the general significance - a hypothesis about the simultaneous vanishing of all the coefficients of the explanatory variables in the regression:H0: R2 = 0; β1 = β2 = ... = βm = 0.H1: R2 ≠ 0.Test this hypothesis by using the F-statistic distribution Fisher (right check).If F < Fkp = Fα ; n-m-1, there is no reason to reject the hypothesisH0. Tabulated values for degrees of freedom k1 = 3 и k2 = n-m-1 = 6 - 3 - 1 = 2, Fkp(3;2) = 0 adoption H0denial H0, adoption H190%10%0229.22As the actual value F> Fcr, the coefficient of determination and statistically significant regression equation is statistically reliable.Hypotheses H1 and H2 is proved.To check the reliability of the proposed study by Cronbach's alpha will produce 6% of mechanical sample of the population.We get the following result (table 10)Table 10 - The data for the calculation of Cronbach's alpha factorTotal1111111111101111111101910111111108111011011071111100010601101111006111100100051111100000501011000014100101000031110000000310010000002Total1099986554368Var0,138890,18750,18750,18750,22220,250,24310,24310,22220,18752,06944k10var5,722222222SumVar2,069444444alpha0,709277238Calculations show values of Cronbach's alpha coefficient is 0.709. So we can conclude there is sufficient consistency and reliability of the questions of the questionnaire survey.For definition of degree of coherence between signs we will define correlation dependence. This method allows to measure influence of independent variables (trust, usefulness) on a dependent variable (intention to use).Table 11 – Correlation matrix USEFULNESTRUSTINTENTION TO USEUSEFULNES1TRUST-0,263232591INTENTION TO USE-0,0505946280,6177235541Scope e of economic activity includes several areas: electronic banking (SWIFT, online banking, online trading, e-banking systems - RB). e-commerce (government, business and the population), international services (acquiring. VISA, LiqPay, PayPal). Gender refers to e-commerce technology and fulfillment of commercial operations of industrial processes with electronic data interchange. An important aspect of innovation in modern conditions is the integration of electronic payment systems with the systems of remote banking, the use of their occurrence in the business processes of the bank. The rapid development of Internet banking in Georgia in the process of formation of the information society due to a number of factors that remain poorly understood. In light of the issues raised need to be further developed theoretical and methodological approaches in determining the competitiveness of the banking system.Competitive Bank is a credit institution, the management of which has a clear understanding of its strategic goals, vision for the future, the organization with competent personnel and an effective mechanism to adapt to dynamic market conditions and changing customer preferences. The competitiveness of the commercial banks in modern conditions determined by its relevance to the needs of clients and high-growth customer base. Competitiveness is most often measured quantitatively, for example, indicators such as the amount of market share, price / quality banking products and services, the size of rates on loans and deposits. In addition, the following factors have a significant impact on the efficiency and competitiveness of the bank's capital adequacy, reliability rating and reputation of the bank.Studies have shown, it is appropriate to establish a system of measures aimed at improving the competitiveness of the commercial bank with the rapid expansion of applied innovations, which would include:Further expanding the range of retail banking product innovation and attractive conditions but him;Efforts to create conditions for the training of actual and potential clients the basics of e-commerce, online banking and online trading;assistance implementation of the measures of state support in enhancing computer, inancial literacy and quality class of bank users, including the opening of agencies to create online business. support electronic and other activities; Willingness to participate in support of measures to eliminate the computer and financial literacy of the population, based on the spreading of public education programs; Harmonization of the bank's development strategy with the strategic objectives of clients, stakeholders, using the SWOT-analysis based on the data of sociological surveys.The main trend in the world market of high-tech banking services: the gradual shift from the online banking service towards using such accountsintelligent communications devices, such as mobile phone or personal communicator.The main factors affecting the development of mobile banking:Active development of modern mobile technologies.The broad geography of mobile penetration.Growth of the population's needs in quality of remote banking services.Large banks have for several years been actively developing services in the field of mobile banking.The modern range of services includes the following:Transfer of funds between customer accounts, as well as to the accounts of other clients, including conversion.Transfer of funds to repay the loan.Payments to providers of mass services, payment of utility services.Full information support.Possibility of self-locking and unlocking the credit card.The ability to carry out operations on the stock market in real time.Special services targeted to specific customer groups: the operation in stock markets and for different social groups.Based on the analysis, we can suggest a few ways to increase the efficiency of banking services. These include:Services for enterprises, the further development of e-commerce and mobile banking, invest privatebanking, investment consulting and industry cobrand products.Introduction of modern sales system, and a system to improve customer service.Modernization and improvement of the Bank's information technology.The conservative attitude of banks to credit risk management, which determines the appropriate approach to selection customers for loans.Development of the sales network with access to other countries.Improvement of remote maintenance (updating a web-site of the bank that provides the ability toRemote transactions).Support customer feedback through CRM-system.Development of the direction PrivateBanking: the allocation of a special category of wealthy clients, with high incomes andfree funds and offer them a separate set of banking services.For check of H3 we will consider performance of the main conditions of efficiency of functioning of electronic commerce of TBC bank:Exterritoriality and continuity of work of system. For realization of this condition the bank provides services of mobile bank. The client is given opportunity of management of means regardless of a place of its stay and time of day. (figure8).Fig. 8. Mobile banking of TBC BankGeneral availability. The accessors used by clients have to be acceptable at the price and are widespread. This condition is realized in TBC Bank through functioning of a support service (figure 9).Fig. 9. Online access to TBC Bank support servicePlurality of channels of access. In system possibility of use of different channels has to be provided in any combination.Service interactivity. The client of bank is given opportunity of carrying out operations in the self-service mode, but thus there is a possibility of a choice between carrying out operations in the interactive mode and through the operator.Results of researchValue of research for practiceIn recent years, e-commerce, which originated in the early decades of the global Internet, is growing rapidly. It is distributed throughout and offers a wider assortment of goods and services. E-commerce is becoming an instrument of integration of individuals, businesses, industries and states into a single community within which cooperation partners efficiently and cost-effectively implemented by means of information and telecommunication technologies.As noted above, ecommerce in Georgia did not yet sufficiently widespread. Currently, Georgia is behind the developed countries in the development and use of infrastructure elements of e-commerce.In the course of this study were examined the basic model of development and implementation of e-commerce. Analysis of the industry in Georgia has shown that the most developed area in which e-commerce is used banking. On the basis of the conclusions of the analysis of activity was one of the largest banks in Georgia - TBC Bank. We studied the main financial indicators, the direction of its activities in the field of e-commerce, dynamic performance over the last 5 years. This analysis revealed the purposeful activity of the bank in relation to the development of e-commerce, particularly in the implementation of remote services, including:Internet banking - rendering services on the basis of a banking system of payments on the Internet;mobile banking - rendering services on the basis of mobile technologies;external services - booths, ATMs, ATM;telephone banking - rendering services on the basis of a banking system voice and SMS messages.For a comprehensive assessment of the bank's activities in the development of e-commerce survey was conducted among the clients of TBC TBC. The survey involved 200 people aged 18-65 years. The survey questions were formulated so as to identify the level of customer confidence to remote banking services, their intention to begin or continue to use remote banking services. At the end of the survey was carried out summary and grouping the data for visual access to the information received.To test the hypotheses of work and identify the nature of the relationship between such signs as "useful", "Security", "The average age of the customer" and "intent to use" remote services TBC Bank ", it was decided to use the tools of regression analysis. In addition, the questionnaire was investigated reliability using Cronbach's alpha coefficient.To perform regression analysis were used the following indicators:Assessment of the regression equation;Matrix paired correlation coefficients R;Thepartialcorrelationcoefficient;Analysis of the parameters of the regression equation;Indicators closeness of the connection factors with the result;Multiple correlation coefficient (index of multiple correlation);Testing hypotheses about the coefficients of the regression equation (check relevant parameters of multiple regression equations);Checking the overall quality of the multiple regression equation.The result of the calculations following data were obtained:The regression equation has the formY = 3.52 + 0.98X1-0.0759X2 + 0.00731X3The significance of the coefficients of the regression equation is as follows:The statistical significance of the regression coefficient b0 is not confirmed.The statistical significance of the regression coefficient b1 is confirmed;The statistical significance of the regression coefficient b2 is not confirmed.The statistical significance of the regression coefficient b3 is not confirmed.As the actual value F > Fcr, the coefficient of determination and statistically significant regression equation is statistically reliable.Values of Cronbach's alpha coefficient is 0.709. Can conclude there is sufficient consistency and reliability of the questions of the questionnaire survey.The provision of information services has great potential and prospects due to the ability to attract audiences from around the world. At the same time control bodies and authorities believe that by doing so, reduces their impact on society and the complicated legal and regulatory activities. According to experts, the introduction of new methods of commerce also cause certain warnings that directly or indirectly relate to payment systems. Central banks around the world concerned about the problems born of the introduction of new electronic payment systems. These problems belong to not only the probability of loss of profits from interest on account balances, which receive some of them at the moment, but the possibility of infringement of monetary stability as a result of the uncontrolled adoption of electronic equivalents of local currencies. The increase in the total money supply in circulation could lead to inflation. Displacing cash newest systems master the latest mechanism of mass payments, which remains under the control of central banks - cash market. Commercial banks are afraid of weakening its position in the financial services industry, as other institutions will be able to engage in activities equivalent to traditional banking services.Considerable debate will cause a problem of privacy. This problem is related to issues of anonymity and privacy protection. Many are worried about the possibility of violation of consumer rights due to the fact that each individual purchase, including the smaller ones, which are now paying cash, can be tracked. According to the proponents of this view, the collection and possession of information about the private life is unacceptable and may be a source of abuse. A tax and law enforcement agencies are concerned about the opposite problem - electronic payments will be to carry out anonymously at any distance, which will create the ideal conditions for tax evasion, "laundering" money and other criminal activities.Prospects of results of researchE-commerce market in Georgia for many years will be actively developed. There are several major reasons hampering the expected rapid expansion of the industry, the removal of which would lead to a significant increase in e-commerce market. First of all, the growth prospects associated with the following factors:Improving the quality of Internet connection.The full development of e-commerce often hinders the quality of communication, which in some parts is missing or of poor quality, which can not provide a good Internet connection.Increased Internet audience. Lack of good communication does not allow potential customers to use the Internet in everyday life.Improving the quality of services provided. Remote maintenance should ensure that the need of the consumer, not only in quantity but also in quality of services provided for the continuation of cooperation.Securing e-commerce. The most common concerns of people in the use of remote banking services linked to fears of fraud and insecurity of data transmission channels. Ensuring the safety of the services provided should be the main way to attract potential customers.Expanding the range of e-commerce services provided by the bank. The development of technologies leads to the emergence of new forms of e-commerce. Number of remote services provided, as well as their geography will allow a competitive environment to ensure the availability of clients-users of Internet banking services. For the introduction of new forms and technologies need to be analyzed regularly from the following perspectives: The capacity of the market: the number of potential customers.The number of competitors and the quality of their services. Is it possible to keep the leading position.and what share of the market may expect.What is the cost of promotion of new servicesThis analysis will allow to optimize the bank's activities for the development of e-commerce services.ReferencesDzholiya G., 2010. Economic aspects of modern electronic commerce. Тbilisi. GabisoniyaZ.,2012Legal regulation of electronic commerce. Тbilisi. ShatirishviliJ., 2011 Internet banking and systems modern myrovykh bank tekhnologia. ТbilisiGvindzhiliyaM., 2010 Application information technologies in service and tourism. ТbilisiMdinaradzeK., 2012 Organization of electronic commerce and prospect developments. Тbilisihttp://ir.tbcbank.gewww.imf.orghttp://www.geostat.gehttp://www.doingbusiness.org

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8.2 Prospects of results of research
E-commerce market in Georgia for many years will be actively developed. There are several major reasons hampering the expected rapid expansion of the industry, the removal of which would lead to a significant increase in e-commerce market. First of all, the growth prospects associated with the following factors:
1. Improving the quality of Internet connection. The full development of e-commerce often hinders the quality of communication, which in some parts is missing or of poor quality, which can not provide a good Internet connection.
2. Increased Internet audience. Lack of good communication does not allow potential customers to use the Internet in everyday life.
3. Improving the quality of services provided. Remote maintenance should ensure that the need of the consumer, not only in quantity but also in quality of services provided for the continuation of cooperation.
4. Securing e-commerce. The most common concerns of people in the use of remote banking services linked to fears of fraud and insecurity of data transmission channels. Ensuring the safety of the services provided should be the main way to attract potential customers.
5. Expanding the range of e-commerce services provided by the bank. The development of technologies leads to the emergence of new forms of e-commerce. Number of remote services provided, as well as their geography will allow a competitive environment to ensure the availability of clients-users of Internet banking services. For the introduction of new forms and technologies need to be analyzed regularly from the following perspectives:
 The capacity of the market: the number of potential customers.
 The number of competitors and the quality of their services. Is it possible to keep the leading position. and what share of the market may expect.
 What is the cost of promotion of new services
 This analysis will allow to optimize the bank's activities for the development of e-commerce services.

9. References
1. Dzholiya G., 2010. Economic aspects of modern electronic commerce. Тbilisi.
2. Gabisoniya Z., 2012 Legal regulation of electronic commerce. Тbilisi.
3. Shatirishvili J., 2011 Internet banking and systems modern myrovykh bank tekhnologia. Тbilisi
4. Gvindzhiliya M., 2010 Application information technologies in service and tourism. Тbilisi
5. Mdinaradze K., 2012 Organization of electronic commerce and prospect developments. Тbilisi
6. http://ir.tbcbank.ge
7. www.imf.org
8. http://www.geostat.ge
9. http://www.doingbusiness.org
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