
Levels of language stady

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Дата создания 2015
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Источников 6
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Introduction 3
1. The levels of the European system 4
2. The levels of education 7
Conclusion 12
List of references 13

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

Including these processes communicants leads to the further development and modifications of these competencies.
Competencies are the sum of knowledge, skills and personal qualities that allow us to perform various actions.
General jurisdiction is not a language, they provide all activities, including communicative.
Communicative language competence allow operation using linguistic resources.
Context - a range of events and situational factors, against which communicative actions are carried out.
Speech activity - it is the practical application of communicative competence in a particular field of communication in the process of perception and / or generation of oral and written texts aimed at the implementation of a specific communicative tasks.
Kinds of communicative activity is aimed at the communicative competence in the process of semantic processing / creation (perception or generation) of one or more texts in order to solve communication problems of communication in a particular field of activity.
Text - this is a connected sequence of oral and / or written statements (discourse) generated and understanding which occurs in a particular area of ​​communication and is aimed at solving a particular problem.
The scope of dialogue understand a wide range of social life in which the social interaction. With regard to language learning here are distinguished educational, professional, social and personal spheres.
Strategy - a person chooses a course of action to address the problem.     Task - this purposeful action required to produce a particular result (solution to the problem, the fulfillment of obligations or achievement of the goal).
The concept of multilingualism is crucial in the approach of the Council of Europe to the problem of learning languages. Multilingualism arises with the expansion in the cultural aspect of the language of human experience from the language used in the family, to the mastery of the languages ​​of other peoples (learned in school, college or directly into the linguistic environment). Man "does not keep" those languages ​​apart from each other, and generates communicative competence on the basis of all knowledge and all the linguistic experience, where the languages ​​are interconnected and interact. In accordance with the situation of the individual to freely enjoy any part of this competence to ensure successful communication with a particular interlocutor. For example, partners can move freely from one language or dialect to another, demonstrating the ability of each to express a thought in one language and to understand the other. A person can use the knowledge of several languages ​​in order to understand the text, written or oral, in a language which he previously did not know, recognizing words with similar sounds and spelling in several languages, a "new form".
From this perspective, the goal of language education is changing. Now a perfect (at native speaker) mastering one or two, or even three languages, taken separately, is not the goal. The aim is the development of the linguistic repertoire, where there is room for all linguistic skills. Recent changes in the language program of the Council of Europe aimed at developing a tool with which language teachers will contribute to the development of a multilingual person. In particular, the European Language Portfolio is a document that can be recorded and formally recognized as the most diverse experience of language learning and intercultural communication. List of references
Gvishiani, NB Modern English. Lexicology: A textbook for undergraduate / NB Gvishiani. - M .: Yurayt, 2013. - 273 p.
Koryakovtseva NF Modern methods of self-organization Work foreign language learners: A Handbook for Teachers. - M .: ARKTI, 2002. – 176 p.
Lerner IJ Didactic principles of teaching methods. - M .: Pedagogy, 1981. - 186 p.
Malyuga, EN English for Professional Communication (Advertising): Textbook / EN Malyuga. - M .: Flint, Science, 2013. - 336 p.
Matveev, SA English. All the necessary conversational topics: For beginners who do not speak English / SA Matveev. - M .: AST, Astrel, CGT, 2012. - 127 p.
Passow EI Based on communicative methods of teaching foreign communication. - M .: Eng. lang., 1989. - 276 p.
Koryakovtseva NF Modern methods of self-organization Work foreign language learners: A Handbook for Teachers. - M .: ARKTI, 2002. – 176 p.
Matveev, SA English. All the necessary conversational topics: For beginners who do not speak English / SA Matveev. - M .: AST, Astrel, CGT, 2012. - 127 p.
Malyuga, EN English for Professional Communication (Advertising): Textbook / EN Malyuga. - M .: Flint, Science, 2013. - 336 p.
Passow EI Based on communicative methods of teaching foreign communication. - M .: Eng. lang., 1989. - 276 p.
Gvishiani, NB Modern English. Lexicology: A textbook for undergraduate / NB Gvishiani. - M .: Yurayt, 2013. - 273 p.
Lerner IJ Didactic principles of teaching methods. - M .: Pedagogy, 1981. - 186 p.

Список литературы [ всего 6]

List of references
1. Gvishiani, NB Modern English. Lexicology: A textbook for undergraduate / NB Gvishiani. - M .: Yurayt, 2013. - 273 p.
2. Koryakovtseva NF Modern methods of self-organization Work foreign language learners: A Handbook for Teachers. - M .: ARKTI, 2002. – 176 p.
3. Lerner IJ Didactic principles of teaching methods. - M .: Pedagogy, 1981. - 186 p.
4. Malyuga, EN English for Professional Communication (Advertising): Textbook / EN Malyuga. - M .: Flint, Science, 2013. - 336 p.
5. Matveev, SA English. All the necessary conversational topics: For beginners who do not speak English / SA Matveev. - M .: AST, Astrel, CGT, 2012. - 127 p.
6. Passow EI Based on communicative methods of teaching foreign communication. - M .: Eng. lang., 1989. - 276 p.
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