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Источников 16
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Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

Has developed an entire system of target implementation focused on potential Russian buyers, who became every Russian citizen, who visited the shop floor a large retail chain, even accidentally, - view or bask in the cold season. And there, in the room, everything was done to make this a casual visitor certainly bought something, that is - from the buyer has become a purchaser.
It may seem strange and even illogical, however, electronic trading platforms quickly figured out how this can be maximizing the potential benefits, and began to use the principles of aggressive marketing is a hundred times more effective than the real sector of major retailers.
And that helped them - who do you think? - Modern electronic technology. In large supermarkets and hypermarkets have long and sometimes exhausting to walk around the room to pick out exactly the product which the buyer thought in advance before coming to the store.
And even more - many marketplaces real sector specially designed so that even the casual visitor walked on them as long as possible - so they are his "spin." Purpose: perhaps "grab" something else "on the road".
Making payment to the Russian "maybe", the big players are big retailers in more loss than profit, because not all buyers like such a disposition. Many customers do not like that for sections with milk and bread have to wade through the section with cheap wine and beer, perfume sets or sets cottagers or gardener. That's right, in that order laid out in a classic supermarket goods.
Especially do not like buyers - men. Especially - those customers-men who come into the store to buy just one screwdriver. Or just a hammer. Or just one wrench.
In this category of online shoppers quickly find the trading floor, and there is only one buys a product, you need to him, thereby bypassing the plurality of shelves with nonsense imposed in the trading rooms of the real sector of large retailers to sell.
And as long as it will remain so, so and in such manner as the real sector of retail will continue to lose their customers, migrating en masse from the real sector in the sector of electronic sales. While these processes have not acquired a mass character, the real sector can not ignore them, but only as long as its profit, and behind her, and the profitability of the entire trading process will rapidly fall catastrophically . And, if no action is taken in the real sector of retail Russia now and then may be too late, too late to answer the question : " What should we do ?.."
1.Sidorov , DV Retailers . Secrets of efficiency and common mistakes when working with them / DV Sidorov - M. Top , 2007 .
2.Sorokina , TA Encyclopedia marketing / TA Sorokin - Moscow, 2008
3. Radaev VV Organizational structure and competitive strategies in the Russian retail / VV . Radaev ZV Kotelnikov - M. Top , 2008 .
4. Rogov Franchise - effective form of cooperation / Rogov / / Economy and Life - 2008 .
5.Danilovsky FV In overseas trading networks / FV Danilov / / Russian house - № 10, 2003 .
6. Khromova E. Retailing in Russia: results of the crisis and the new trends / E. Khromova / / Financial Analyst - August 2010 .
7. Ivanova EA Features create sustainable competitive advantages retailers in the market power of the consumer / EA Ivanova / / Scientific Bulletin UAGS - June , 2011 .
8. Largest Russian retail trade networks / Trade News - October , 2011 .
9. Spirin M. A key success factor in retail / M. Spirin / / Trading Technology Tito - № 11, 2006 .
10. Largest networks of food retail / business quarter (Nizhny Novgorod ) - № 14, 2011 .
11. Veretelnikova O. The new trade law : perspectives and expectations / O. Veretelnikova / / Review of prices - № 5 (520) , 2011 .
Electronic resources:
12.Optovaya and retail trade [electronic resource] . - Elektron.st . - Mode of access to art. - <http://www.everise.com/sectors/wholesale-and-retail-trade/
13. Current state trade organization [electronic resource] . - Electron. Art. - Mode of access to art. - http://nbene.narod.ru/comm/fcomm3.htm
14.Metro Cash & Carry Russia [ electronic resource]. - Elektron.st . - Mode of access to art. - http://www.metro-cc.ru/servlet/PB/menu/1072048/index.html
15. Trade News [electronic resource] . - Elektron.st . - Mode of access to art. - http://www.megamagnat.ru/news_t/205.html
16. Food retail market in Nizhny Novgorod [electronic resource] . - Elektron.st . - Mode of access to art. - <http://www.logvanov.r52.ru/?itid=95.html

Список литературы [ всего 16]

1.Sidorov , DV Retailers . Secrets of efficiency and common mistakes when working with them / DV Sidorov - M. Top , 2007 .
2.Sorokina , TA Encyclopedia marketing / TA Sorokin - Moscow, 2008
3. Radaev VV Organizational structure and competitive strategies in the Russian retail / VV . Radaev ZV Kotelnikov - M. Top , 2008 .
4. Rogov Franchise - effective form of cooperation / Rogov / / Economy and Life - 2008 .
5.Danilovsky FV In overseas trading networks / FV Danilov / / Russian house - № 10, 2003 .
6. Khromova E. Retailing in Russia: results of the crisis and the new trends / E. Khromova / / Financial Analyst - August 2010 .
7. Ivanova EA Features create sustainable competitive advantages retailers in the market power of the consumer / EA Ivanova / / Scientific Bulletin UAGS - June , 2011 .
8. Largest Russian retail trade networks / Trade News - October , 2011 .
9. Spirin M. A key success factor in retail / M. Spirin / / Trading Technology Tito - № 11, 2006 .
10. Largest networks of food retail / business quarter (Nizhny Novgorod ) - № 14, 2011 .
11. Veretelnikova O. The new trade law : perspectives and expectations / O. Veretelnikova / / Review of prices - № 5 (520) , 2011 .
Electronic resources:
12.Optovaya and retail trade [electronic resource] . - Elektron.st . - Mode of access to art. - <http://www.everise.com/sectors/wholesale-and-retail-trade/
13. Current state trade organization [electronic resource] . - Electron. Art. - Mode of access to art. - http://nbene.narod.ru/comm/fcomm3.htm
14.Metro Cash & Carry Russia [ electronic resource]. - Elektron.st . - Mode of access to art. - http://www.metro-cc.ru/servlet/PB/menu/1072048/index.html
15. Trade News [electronic resource] . - Elektron.st . - Mode of access to art. - http://www.megamagnat.ru/news_t/205.html
16. Food retail market in Nizhny Novgorod [electronic resource] . - Elektron.st . - Mode of access to art. - <http://www.logvanov.r52.ru/?itid=95.html
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