
Choose two crayon colors that describe you as a person and explain why

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Код 182845
Дата создания 2014
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Actually, blue is a cold color of the basic palette, but it can also stand for being strong and steadfast. In many cultures blue is believed to take bad spirits away. I would love to have the ability to free people from their troubles and bad spirits, to bring them peace and sobriety. Anyway, I think, blue and green are the two crayon colors which describe me as a person. My choice was specifically concentrated on the colors of the basic palette, because using them one can get any color you want. So, there are cases when looking at the roots is the best decision and this one is no exception.Apart from being two basic colors of the palette, these colors do not stand very far from each other. There is a bunch of colors one can find between them, which as well could describe me as a person. I am flexible. I could be any of the shades of these two chosen colors if it comes to life. That does not mean I have many roles and play them due to circumstances. This means that apart from changing the shade of the colors, I am still the color I have chosen to be. I find it a very useful trait, especially at work. Sometimes being sincere and open does not function that well;life and foremost business can hit you hard. It all comes down to the ability to bounce it off, or to be ready to be one of the shades of your color.So, basically,I think I have put all the chips on the table. I would saythe task, which seemed so hard at the beginning, turned out to be a great opportunity of looking in the mirror at myself.I hope that this experience was as objective as possible, at least I tried to do it that way. Finishing, I would say I have a good self-esteem, which sometimes makes it difficult to purely objectively look at my weaknesses. What I know for sure is that I will ever strive to be a better person than I was yesterday. For me, it is the way the life should go. Keeping on, I must say, that the person I was couple of years ago is not here anymore, and in couple of years there would be no one like the one who wrote this.And, probably, couple of years ago, I would not be able to name these exact two colors, and eventually it does not matter that much. We all grow and develop and change our colors. Sometimes sunny yellow turns into burning red or melancholic grey, or balanced brown into unsure purple, or sometimes, we find our color and stick to it for the rest of our days. After all, it is good to sit down and think of how long the road is, that we take, and how important it is not to wander off the course. As a matter of fact, who cares what color the sails are, if you are heading the right direction?

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