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Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

Considering the strategic marketing in a company, should pay attention to such an important component, as its strategic marketing planning.
Underlying long-term strategy is the basis for the development of a long-term plan for the airline. This plan because of the uncertainty of the impact of many market factors are usually not painted in detail.
The planning activity of the airline is exercised on the basis of the forecast of the market development in the long, medium and short cuts. Long-term prediction of an identified set of options allows for the possible development of the situation of the market choose the best for airlines because of its industrial and technical opportunities and the availability of resources.
Strategic marketing plan of JSC "Aeroflot" has several options that allow airlines to adapt to changing market conditions and to ensure sustainable movement towards your goals.
The final stage of strategic planning is to develop a control system — this includes the control of sales and profitability of the airline, as well as evaluating marketing effectiveness in key areas. marketing control system "Aeroflot" contains information about the results of the company correspond to the planned objectives and plans, and evaluates its position in the market of air transport at the moment.
SWOT matrix analysis
• retention of skilled engineering and management personnel;
• equipment (which is in proper working order) and technology;
• proven safe handling. Opportunities:
• improving the quality of services provided by new technologies;
• competitiveness by increasing the volume of services provided;
• expanding enterprises.
• lack of long-term planning;
• lack of interest of clients;
• the problem of technical equipment;
• the lack of analysis of information on consumers;
• lack of clear strategy;
• high staff turnover.
• the ruthlessness of competition;
• loss of staff due to the volatility in earnings;
• competitive market exclusion.

Analysis of marketing strategy of JSC "Aeroflot", identified its weaknesses. The most important ones:
• lack of long-term planning;
• inability to scale up.
Solving these problems will lead to:
• the uniform work, working with major clients;
• timely and strategic planning;
• provide technical, technological, development and personnel equipping, outfitting equipment etc.
• possibility to conclude contracts for the manufacturing of products with a variety of organizations.
The system of strategic marketing is the only visible solution to the problems of this company.
For the implementation of the marketing strategy, the company must undertake the following activities:
• market segmentation;
• selecting target segments of the market;
• positioning services in the market.
Day G.S. Marketing’s contribution to the strategy debate. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 20(4), 1992.
Doyle P. Marketing Management and Strategy. Hemel Hempstead: Prentice-Hall, 1994.
Greenley G.E. and Aaby N.E. Strategy Concepts and Marketing: A Synthesis. In M.J. Baker (ed) Perspectives on Marketing Management. London: Wiley, 1992.
Hammer M. and Champy J. Re-engineering the Corporation. New York: Harper-Collins, 1993.
Kerin R.A. Marketing’s contribution to the strategy debate revisited. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 20(4), 1992.
Kotler P. Marketing Management Analysis, Planning and Control. Hemel Hempstead: Prentice-Hall, 1996.
Lambin J.J. (1976), Advertising, Competition and Market Conduct in Oligopoly over Time, Amsterdam, North Holland Publishing Company. P. 23.
Lambin J.J. (1988), Synthese des etudes recentes sur l'efficacite economique de la publicite, Louvain-la-Neuve, CESAM, working paper; Lambin J.J. Naert P.A. and Bultez А. (1975), Optimal Marketing behavior in Oligopoly, European Economic Review, Vol. 6, p. 105-128.
Lyles M. A research agenda for strategic management in the 1990s. Journal of Management Studies 27 July, 1990.
Lynch J.E. Only connect: the role of marketing and strategic management in the modern organization. Journal of Marketing Management 10, 1994.
McKenna R. Marketing is everything. Harvard Business Review 69 January/February, 1991.
Morris M.H. and Pitt L.F. The contemporary use of strategy, strategic planning and planning tools by marketers: a cross-national comparison. European Journal of Marketing 27(9), 1992.
Morris M.H. and Pitt L.F. The organization of the future: the unit of marketing and strategy. Journal of Marketing Management 10, 1994.
Piercy N.F., Harris L.C., Peters L.D., Lane N. Marketing management, market strategy and strategic management: domain realignment and redefinition. Journal of Strategic Marketing 5, 1997.
Statement of the Philosophy of the Marketing Factulty, The Ohio State University, Colledge of Commerce and Administration (Columbus Ohio: 1964) P. 2.

Список литературы [ всего 15]

1.Day G.S. Marketing’s contribution to the strategy debate. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 20(4), 1992.
2.Doyle P. Marketing Management and Strategy. Hemel Hempstead: Prentice-Hall, 1994.
3.Greenley G.E. and Aaby N.E. Strategy Concepts and Marketing: A Synthesis. In M.J. Baker (ed) Perspectives on Marketing Management. London: Wiley, 1992.
4.Hammer M. and Champy J. Re-engineering the Corporation. New York: Harper-Collins, 1993.
5.Kerin R.A. Marketing’s contribution to the strategy debate revisited. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 20(4), 1992.
6.Kotler P. Marketing Management Analysis, Planning and Control. Hemel Hempstead: Prentice-Hall, 1996.
7.Lambin J.J. (1976), Advertising, Competition and Market Conduct in Oligopoly over Time, Amsterdam, North Holland Publishing Company. P. 23.
8.Lambin J.J. (1988), Synthese des etudes recentes sur l'efficacite economique de la publicite, Louvain-la-Neuve, CESAM, working paper; Lambin J.J. Naert P.A. and Bultez А. (1975), Optimal Marketing behavior in Oligopoly, European Economic Review, Vol. 6, p. 105-128.
9.Lyles M. A research agenda for strategic management in the 1990s. Journal of Management Studies 27 July, 1990.
10.Lynch J.E. Only connect: the role of marketing and strategic management in the modern organization. Journal of Marketing Management 10, 1994.
11.McKenna R. Marketing is everything. Harvard Business Review 69 January/February, 1991.
12.Morris M.H. and Pitt L.F. The contemporary use of strategy, strategic planning and planning tools by marketers: a cross-national comparison. European Journal of Marketing 27(9), 1992.
13.Morris M.H. and Pitt L.F. The organization of the future: the unit of marketing and strategy. Journal of Marketing Management 10, 1994.
14.Piercy N.F., Harris L.C., Peters L.D., Lane N. Marketing management, market strategy and strategic management: domain realignment and redefinition. Journal of Strategic Marketing 5, 1997.
15.Statement of the Philosophy of the Marketing Factulty, The Ohio State University, Colledge of Commerce and Administration (Columbus Ohio: 1964) P. 2.
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