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Second, if such mutual race on expansion of production can easily exceed the amount of solvent demand, and then the products will not find a market. Finally, thirdly, aggressive policy of price reduction is dangerous because it can create the image of "low-cost consumer goods, which would alienate some customers and lower demand. All these risks are particularly sensitive for small and medium-sized businesses. Therefore, aggressive policy is used in practice only large enterprises to displace or subordination of smaller competitors.
The difference between the compensation demand top and formed by the lower bound is the cost range for price fixing. It is brought to the fore a new factor is the attitude and behaviour of the competitors. Organizations need to know the prices and the quality of the products of its competitors. Information about prices and goods of competitors is the starting point for your own pricing. If the product is similar to the goods of the competitor, the Organization will have to assign a price close to the price of a competitor. Otherwise, the company may lose the market.
Knowing the demand, prices and competitors ' own costs, the organization is ready for the choice of the price of the goods. The Organization should choose this method of pricing that best takes into account all of these restrictions.
Based on the analysis of all types of price strategies of the insurance company will install exactly which apply in OJSC IC ROSNO and what price (tariff) policy adheres to the company.
JSC IC «ROSNO» is one of the largest companies in the domestic insurance market and occupies a leading position. Over the years the company has gone to the purpose of gaining trust customers, and at the moment we can confidently say that IC ROSNO deserved recognition and trust of customers, authority, respect for partners ' competitors.
Therefore, for most customers higher priority condition in making decisions on insurance is not a price level, quality of service and prestige of the company. On the face of the strategy of "signal" prices.
So, JSC IC «ROSNO» is the flexible pricing policy of building insurance rates mainly targeting certain so-called target segments.
Target segment – one or more segments selected for marketing activity of enterprise.
Predominantly more acceptable tariffs are granted to legal persons, but there are also certain segments of natural persons.
For example, in the case of insurance of vehicles, targeted segments are:
legal entities having more than 100 VEHICLE car park;
legal entities with more than 20 VEHICLE fleet operated by regular drivers of the company (not rented out, are not used as taxi);
individuals, with experience of driving from 10 years and 45 years of age.
In the case of voluntary medical insurance target segments are:
legal persons, numbering more than 100 people residing in Moscow;
legal persons, numbering more than 1000 people;
individuals under the age of 60 years.
Tariff rate can also be changed with the extension. In that case, the tariff will be determined through the application of the special conversion rate:
Add, in the case of large loss-making company or physical person;
down, in case of break even company or physical person;
unchanged (at insignificant damages).
For individuals rates may be reduced, if, for example, a manager of a major customer or partner with an insurance company. But this is an exception.
The economic crisis JSC IC ROSNO, unlike many other insurance companies, did not use the so-called strategy of dumping.
Dumping-the pricing of insurance products or services below competitors ' prices.
This is because the company's major clients, despite the unstable situation, prefer a reliable partner, good coverage, stable conditions and confidence in getting the insurance payout than the services of so-called "investments" companies or companies that are in a crisis of unstable feel in the market and are often bankrupt.
However, the company has developed an anti-crisis program, which allowed to retain existing, and attract new clients (both legal entities and individuals).
For example, in April 2009, the company launched a new product, accessible by many motor insurance policyholders – to individuals, in order to attract more customers. Under this insurance you can insure a car at low rates, but with application of unconditional deductible at a rate of 2% of the vehicle value (size of unconditional deductible determines the amount, minus the payment of insurance money), but not less 25000 rubles. Here we can confidently say that the applied price strategy "market penetration", based on the use of economies of scale.
Also in JSC IC «ROSNO» there are many strategies for product pricing. They are applied when the company has a set of similar, related or substitutable goods.
For example, insurance OSAGO (obligatory insurance of civil liability of vehicle owners) that the liability limits are relatively small (less than 400 000 rubles, but the average is 120 000 rubles), to improve protection insurance OJSC IC «ROSNO» proposes to increase the insured amounts under third party liability and purchase the policy of voluntary insurance of civil liability. Its price is 30 USD. It employs a strategy of «set». Insurance OSAGO service is complemented by the possibility of expanding liability amount up to one million rubles.
Thus, for each insurance product applies certain kinds of price strategies. And they all depend on certain conditions, characteristics of the object of insurance, insurance statistics, etc.
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