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Chapter 1. TOPSHOP Inc. and its system of strategic marketing to reach the goals
1.1.Organizational and economic characteristics of the company……………………….4
1.2. Strategic marketing in TOPSHOP Inc…………………………...7
1.3. Application of the system of strategic marketing at TOPSHOP Inc.……………………………………....13
Literature used in the essay……………………………………………...…18

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

Its original database-information on operational level challenges comparison with the level of the initial phase and the planned level. Based on the correlation of this information will be current course correction. Strategic controlling marketing should manage the firm's potential, ensuring its future. Significant differences between desired performance level can lead to a change of strategy, and even review the common goals of the firm.
Development of marketing strategy of enterprise TOPSHOP Inc. should build as follows:
1. the definition of financial and marketing goals of the company:
2. desired volume of sales;
3. speed of traffic;
4. weight and rate of return;
5. the amount of market share;
6. the desired price level;
7. the breadth of advertising and other specific marketing goals, for a certain period of time (long, medium, short).
4. assessing the potential of TOPSHOP Inc.:
Organization, including the establishment of new structures and the reorganization of old;
market resistance level forecast for your actions.
3. selection of key issues in relation to selected segments of the market and the needs of potential customers.
4. formulation of the basic solutions to selected key and adequate solutions to other marketing problems "at TOPSHOP Inc. ", "decision tree".
5. formation of a team of experts, which should be included executives, industry experts and marketers, to assess the significance and complexity of using resource capabilities (ranking) and gave forecasts impact of each of the options strategy (the goals) and projected magnitude of effort required for the implementation of each alternative.
6. comparison of values obtained by choosing the most effective;
7. control of strategic choices for consistency with other marketing strategies and tactical actions in different market segments, on other types of products.
Planning marketing activities at the enterprise TOPSHOP Inc.:
1. An annual marketing plan for TOPSHOP Inc. (although the strategy must be drawn up for a longer period), with a breakdown of neighbourhoods and the definition of basic directions of traffic on the longer term.
2. development of a plan for the following structure:
preamble (summary);
the Mission of the enterprise;
the Outlook for production, supply and demand from consumers, competitors and intermediaries;
TOPSHOP Inc. capabilities;
financial and marketing goals and objectives;
marketing strategy;
marketing budget;
controls the current situation, assess the implementation and updating of the plan.
One of the indirect functions of marketing service is the Organization of promotional activities at TOPSHOP Inc.
Advertising in conjunction with means of sales promotion and trade elements of propaganda is a powerful marketing tool for non-price competition. If a commercial company's efforts are aimed at improving the product and its adaptation to the characteristics of the demand, the advert performs the reverse task – to adapt to consumer demand has already repeatedly.
Advertising is not simply to inform potential users about the properties and qualities of goods and services is a customer feedback they have received messages that affect decisions on purchases, stimulating consumer demand.
Purpose of advertising must be installed exactly and if possible expressed quantitatively, so that the degree of achievement to be if not an exact measurement, evaluation.
The enterprise was analyzed. We gave organizational and economic characteristics of the company (the identification of the main purpose of the plant, props and activities); studied on the conditions of management, internal and external environment of enterprises (analysis of customers, competitors, suppliers, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats is the SWOT-analysis); studied potential of the enterprise (personnel, finance, resource endowments, etc.).
We also studied marketing, which includes analysis of the production programme, the marketing, sales effectiveness, organizational and economic analysis of main channels, as well as the study of marketing, informational and promotional activities.
In the third section, the work was carried out to develop recommendations and activities to address the problems identified in the company. Among the main problems of the company are:
the absence of a permanent market;
the impossibility of long-term planning;
the inability to scale up activities
the following solutions are offered on the basis of a system of targeted strategic marketing:
market segmentation;
selection of target market segments;
positioning of goods on the market.
Of course, for enterprises with already established and well-organized work of system management, it would be difficult to change immediately the structure, however, the head must understand the importance of reorganization for the enterprise.
Planning marketing activities at the enterprise TOPSHOP Inc.:
1. An annual marketing plan for TOPSHOP Inc. (although the strategy must be drawn up for a longer period), with a breakdown of neighbourhoods and the definition of basic directions of traffic on the longer term.
2. development of a plan for the following structure:
preamble (summary);
the Mission of the enterprise;
the Outlook for production, supply and demand from consumers, competitors and intermediaries;
TOPSHOP Inc. capabilities;
financial and marketing goals and objectives;
marketing strategy;
marketing budget;
controls the current situation, assess the implementation and updating of the plan.
One of the indirect functions of marketing service is the Organization of promotional activities at TOPSHOP Inc.
Any enterprise must develop and expand activities to maximize profit, meeting the needs of creditworthy, especially under the present conditions of a rigid competition. Thus, for the future development of the plant in the first strategic planning, develop markets, i.e. the use of targeted marketing strategies. Most of the enterprises need to identify their place not only in the marketplace, but also in each of the target segments, to identify the most promising products and determining positions in the market as a commodity, and the enterprise itself. It is these problems and helps solve strategic marketing. Use the approaches should help the company determine that it generally should be placed on the market in order to achieve strategic objectives. As a result of the strategic analysis for each potential market segment business should be clearly identified the main instruments of influence on target segments in the form of product, price, distribution and communication policy of the company to a successful promotion.

Literature used in the essay
Aaker, David Strategic Market Management 2008
Baker, Michael The Strategic Marketing Plan Audit 2008
Hausman Marketing Letter Definition of Marketing Series
http://www.marketingthatworks.tv/marketing-explained-in-short-easy-words/definition-of-marketing-series-marketing-strategy.html MarketingThatWorks.TV Marketing Strategy
Marketing basics Marketing strategy based on market needs, targets and goals
Marketing basics Marketing strategy based on market needs, targets and goals
Aaker, David Strategic Market Management 2008
Hausman Marketing Letter Definition of Marketing Series
http://www.marketingthatworks.tv/marketing-explained-in-short-easy-words/definition-of-marketing-series-marketing-strategy.html MarketingThatWorks.TV Marketing Strategy
Baker, Michael The Strategic Marketing Plan Audit 2008

Список литературы [ всего 5]

1.Aaker, David Strategic Market Management 2008
2.Baker, Michael The Strategic Marketing Plan Audit 2008
3.Hausman Marketing Letter Definition of Marketing Series
4.http://www.marketingthatworks.tv/marketing-explained-in-short-easy-words/definition-of-marketing-series-marketing-strategy.html MarketingThatWorks.TV Marketing Strategy
5.Marketing basics Marketing strategy based on market needs, targets and goals
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