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Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

First cause analyses by type of supplier and non-conformance lead to continuous improvement in design and processes. Overall about six thousand non-conformance reports were raised on Terminal 5 and the aggregate cost of non-conformance was only 0.6 per cent of the budget. Analysis of the data showed that 70 per cent of the total cost accounted for just 150 reports. Such culture resulted in speedy and effective resolution of all issues.As mentioned above the key performance indicators and key measures were formed in compliance with the T5 Agreementand complexity of the project, which involved rail, road and air infrastructures.As shown in Figure 5 the key balancing principles of the four aspects (financial, customer, internal processes, and learning and growth) of Balanced Scorecard have been incorporated into the T5 KPIs. In Kaplan and Norton’s Balanced Scorecard the enabling or leading indicators are provided by learning and growth. In the T5 Balanced Scorecard, the enabling indicators are “Benchmarks Agreed” and “Verifications Planned & Work Supervised”. As regards the lagging or results indicators, “Handover Agreed & Work Complete” in T5 relates to the customer aspect of Kaplan and Norton, while the T5 KPIs “Inspected & Protected” and “Compliance Assured” relate to the internal process aspect of Kaplan and Norton.On a closer analysis, not all the key measures as a group in each of T5 KPIs conform to specific aspect of Kaplan and Norton Balanced Scorecard as shown in Figure 5. For example “Total Estimated Cost of NCRs”, which is a key measure of the KPI “Compliance Assured”, also relates to the financial aspect. The matching of T5 metrics is more appropriate at the level of key measures as shown in Table 6.Table 6 T5 key measures in the aspects of the Balanced ScorecardKaplan and Nortons Balanced Scorecard aspectsT5 Balanced Scorecard examples of key measuresFinancialSamples/benchmarks agreed. Total estimated cost of NCRsCustomerHandovers accepted RFT. Outstanding work items closed. O&M manuals accepted. Maintenance work plans accepted Internal processesInspections meeting benchmarks &quality standards. Checks showing that work is protectedLearning and growthTeam certificates of compliance issued inspection & test plans agreed. Supervisors RFT-trainedFinancial“To succeed financially, how should we appear to our shareholders?”CUSTOMER“To achieve our vision how should we appear to our customers?”VISION AND STRATEGYINTERNAL BUSINESS PROCESS“To satisfy our shareholders and customers, what business process must we excel at?”LEARNING AND GROWTH“To achieve our vision, how will we sustain our ability to change and improve”Figure 5 Aspects of the Balanced ScorecardIt is obvious from the above mentioned that the fundamental principles of the Balanced Scorecard have been successfully adopted and processed to the performance management systems of T5 in view of specific requirements of this complex major project. The best practices of project performance management arising from this include:encouraging suppliers partnership and active involvement of contractors in monitoring and improving project quality and compliance with standards;providing indicators and measures in three main areas, such as enablers, monitoring progress and showing results along the project life-cycle right up to the handover and completion of work;the metrics and processes are validated and then fixed finally by extensive discussions with stakeholders followed by documentation, communication campaign and training workshops; constant reporting supported by the estimation of cost of improvement projects based on root cause analysis is a strong point of the process and opens the opportunities for Six Sigma and innovation.The application of the T5 Balanced Scorecard over a few years has also focused on areas of further refinement. They include:incorporation of Six Sigma training and methodology in the project quality strategy and link them with related measures;exploration and extension of a Balanced Scorecard approach and metrics to the design phase (including conceptual and preliminary engineering) of a major project; alignment of the key performance indicators and measures to a formal self-assessment of EFQM (European Foundation of Quality Management) type excellence process.In Kaplan and Norton’s Balanced Scorecard the leading indicators are learning and growth. In the T5 Balanced Scorecard the leading indicators are “Benchmarks Agreed” and “Verifications Planned & Work Supervised”.This project is an important initial step in providing support towards measuring, improving quality standards in major projects. Initial research work indicates that in spite of formal quality plans supported by PRINCE 2 and ISO 9000 many projects managed to deal with many issues but failed to deliver expected quality criteria. The performance management system of the T5 project, having learned from other major projects, has established a “best practice” of the application of a Balanced Scorecard approach in major projects by involving major stakeholders and contractors. The metrics of the T5 Balanced Scorecard have been designed to reflect specific requirements of the project as well as showing results leading to continuous improvement. The experience of the project team indicates that operations related data have been most effective in identifying the cost of poor quality, improvement of design and processes by analyzing root causes by task or supplier and also to attract the attention of the project board. There are variations of performance metrics depending on variable quality requirements and expectations of stakeholders and therefore among many learning points two major points emerging from the T5 Balanced Scorecard appear:Metrics can be customized for major projects, showing the value of customizing measures within the framework of Kaplan and Norton’s Balanced Scorecard; Suppliers should be empowered to take part in monitoring and improvement process using their performance data.
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