
Компания Clorox CO.Corporate Social Responsibility of Business

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Код 165961
Дата создания 2012
Страниц 10
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1 About the Clorox Company
2 Company and shareholders
3 CRS performance
3.1 Compliance
3.2 Financial performance
3.3 Ethic principles
3.4 Philanthrony
4 Clorox and society
4.1 Relation to People
4.2 Relation to Environment
4.3 Clorox’s Marketplace
5 What criteria did CR magazine use to put company on top 100

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

Activity of Clorox is directed on decrease in ecological risks. Basic provisions of Clorox concerning protection of environment:Reduce GHG, energy, water and solid waste in manufacturing and distribution footprints.Embed eco criteria in core business processes.Drive environmental sustainability throughoutthe workplaceClorox is carrying about the impact products have on theenvironment. Company sells more than 1 billion productsannually, so Clorox see the greatest opportunity to reduce environmentalfootprint lies.The Clorox Corporation launched the Green Works line in 2008. Their intention was take the natural cleaning supplies movement mainstream. Before Clorox got behind the movement, many segments of the population who might have been interested in natural cleaning supplies were unable to buy them because they didn't live near a store that carried such products. In fact, less than one percent of the total cleaning products market was comprised of natural cleaning products.In early 2010, Clorox committed to making sustainabilityimprovements to 25 percent of product portfolioby 2013, either by reducing materials or by movingto more sustainable materials in products and/orpackaging. So the basic highlightsof accomplishments are:Energy-use reductionGreenhouse gas emissions reductionWater-use reductionWaste-to-landfill reduction.Fig. 3 - Eco goals4.3 Clorox’s MarketplaceClorox is working on expanding its presence to both Canada and Latin America.United States itself account for 80.4% of sales. International (19.7% of revenue, 17.3% of operating income): The International segment includes all products sold outside of the US and Canada. A wide range of products from the North America segments and a few additional items such as brooms, candles, air fresheners, fabric refreshers and insecticides are offered under various brands internationally. Sales of liquid bleach continue to drive revenue in the international segment, generating 26% of net sales in 2011. By leveraging its brand andcapitalizing on its retail muscle, the company became a major player in green products.Fig. 4 - Sales by segments and categoryNearly 90 percent of Clorox Company brands hold the No. 1 or No. 2 market share positions in their categories.Main competitors are:Colgate-Palmolive$Procter & Gamble$S.C. Johnson.The company is also exploring opportunities to grow its presence internationally. Outside of North America, 90% of sales are in four core categories: laundry, home care, bags and wraps and auto care products. The company is focused on Americas, Australia and New Zealand first, where it has a strong competitive advantage.Clorox is also looking at how to more fully capitalize on major global trends toward health and wellness, convenience, environmental sustainability and a more multicultural marketplace.5 What criteria did CR magazine use to put company on top100CR magazine estimated the following company’s activity to analyze social responsibility of company: employee relations, attitude to environment, financial indicators, governance, human rights defense, philanthropy.In each area analyze certain type of questions. As for environment if the company disclose its total use ofcarbon offsets and the percentage of total indirect GHG emissions , enterprise level climate change policy . To estimate human rights defense there were questions about working condition, human rights policy and demographic disclosure by gender, race, ethnicity, age, sex and so on. Financial Performance analysis was based on following indicator: GAAP income, paid dividends, positive current ratio, return, cash flow.
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