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Thus, there is a possibility to get profit, without paying any taxes, so, rich shareholders already did not have to persuade politicians to cancelled taxes on a capital increment. Investment banks offer each certain person absolutely confidential individual opening for evasion from a tax on a capital increment. In recent years collecting the mentioned taxes in the USA practically came to naught, and the main reason belongs to a swap with common stocks.Swaps with securities are a unique answer to a question why the American corporations didn't pay taxes on a capital increment. «Swaps in peso» allowed the Mexican banks to increase scales of the investment, avoiding these expenses and bypassing regulating rules. Banks loved swaps as unlike any other form of a loan they weren't reflected in balance and, thus, didn't fall under reserve requirements and regulating norms. In other words, for balance sheets «swaps in peso» appeared invisible.Today studying of derivatives is faced with a problem that: only a few sellers of derivatives own intimate secrets of how actually these securities are used and, certainly such elite has no reason to open invaluable secrets.Globalization of the financial markets is irreversible and isn't limited to sector of derivatives. Even Morgan Stanley carried on negotiations on merge to some European banks for use of advantages of transfer of business activity to London and continental Europe.However, the majority of people involved in the market consider: derivatives serve noble purposes, allowing carrying out hedging or speculation more effectively. The minority is declined to opposite views, being sure that derivatives bear hidden destructive potential which is impossible to imagine.Every day there are more and more exotic derivatives: «options for mutual funds», «futures for real estate», «derivative of weather» (the participants of the market playing on climate changes and their tendencies) are appeared.The commission on securities and the exchanges, apparently, realized a situation and offered the measures directed on stimulation of publication information on transactions with derivatives in general and interfaced risk. However new rules all the same leave to the company’s leeway, sufficient to avoid distribution of particular information.
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