
Male-female relationships.

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Дата создания 2006
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Источников 5
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Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

Foreign spouses are real human beings who are from foreign nations. Thus, they are not fantasies come true, and most of them are not thieves looking for money or green cards. Instead, they are real people who are looking for real marriage and real family in a place where there is real freedom, opportunity, and quality of life. To do that, they are willing and able to give up an entire previous life in order to take on a whole new life. Thus, they usually have the strength of pioneers, and they usually have the values of pioneers (even if they do not know that about themselves, and even if they look more like a fashion model or «the girl next door»).
The key to all of this, of course, is the key for any marriage: time. I am not an expert on marriage, but I can say this. Successful marriages seem to have three qualities: capability, compatibility and commitment. The couple must be capable: they must be mature enough and otherwise able to meet the responsibilities of marriage. The couple must be compatible: two people can love each other, but they might not be able to live with each other; a married couple must be able to live with each other in all ways. The couple must be committed: they must be determined to meet their vows, through love, no matter what occurs in life. However, these three qualities require time to detect and to cultivate. Thus, time spent with each other is critical for a potential couple. The couple must know each other as a couple, and build each other up as a couple, before they can decide if they should marry.
There is no single man who would not want to meet a woman who is beautiful, intelligent, educated, fit, stylish and sexy. The problem is there are not many girls possessing those qualities that are unattached and available. Besides, nobody would like to be an object of trade, though the most recent marriage contracts are good examples of pragmatism in love affairs.
Артановский С.Н. Историческое единство человечества и взаимное влияние культур. Философско-методологический анализ современных зарубежных концепций. – Л., 1967. – 196c.
Артольдов А.И. На пути к храму культуры. -М., 2000. – 234с.
Арутюнов С.Народы и культуры. Развитие и взаимодействие. – М., 1989. – 236c.
Маслова В.А. Лингвокультурология. -М., 2001. – 342c.
Banks M. Ethnicity: Antropological Constructions. -L., 1996. – 346p.
Banks M. Ethnicity: Antropological Constructions. -L., 1996. –С. 45.
Banks M. Ethnicity: Antropological Constructions. -L., 1996. – Р. 58.
Banks M. Ethnicity: Antropological Constructions. -L., 1996. – Р. 84.
Артановский С.Н. Историческое единство человечества и взаимное влияние культур. Философско-методологический анализ современных зарубежных концепций. – Л., 1967. –C. 86.
Арутюнов С.Народы и культуры. Развитие и взаимодействие. – М., 1989. –C. 105.

Список литературы [ всего 5]

Артановский С.Н. Историческое единство человечества и взаимное влияние культур. Философско-методологический анализ современных зарубежных концепций. – Л., 1967. – 196c.
Артольдов А.И. На пути к храму культуры. -М., 2000. – 234с.
Арутюнов С.Народы и культуры. Развитие и взаимодействие. – М., 1989. – 236c.
Маслова В.А. Лингвокультурология. -М., 2001. – 342c.
Banks M. Ethnicity: Antropological Constructions. -L., 1996. – 346p.
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