
Английский язык, как средство интерактивной коммуникации (на АНГЛ. языке)

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1. The origin of English
2. English – the international language
3. English – the language of the Internet
4. How to study a foreign language efficiently

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

Of course, the majority of mankind cannot use the Internet nowadays or in the near future, since they live in countries which lack the necessary economical and technological infrastructure. But the Internet causes polarization in developed countries, too: people are divided into Internet users and Internet illiterates, and as the use of the Internet grows and often replaces traditional methods of communication, the illiterates may find themselves in an awkward position.
In general, it is easy to learn to use Internet services. The worst problems of Internet illiteracy are, in addition to lack of economical resources of course, wrong attitudes. Older people are usually not accustomed to live in a world of continuous and rapid change, and they may not realize the importance of the Internet or the easiness of learning to use it.
But although Internet services themselves are, generally speaking, easy to learn and use, you will find yourself isolated on the Internet if you are not familiar with English. This means that knowledge or lack of knowledge of English is one of the most severe factors that cause polarization. Learning to use a new Internet service or user interface May take a few hours, a few days, or even weeks, but it takes years to learn a language so that you can use it in a fluent and self-confident manner. Of course, when you know some English, you can learn more just by using it on the Internet, but at least currently the general tendency among Internet users is to discourage people in their problems with the English language. Incorrect English Causes A few Flames Much More Probably Than Encouragement And Friendly Advice.
In different countries and cultures, English has different positions. There are countries where English is the native language of the majority, there are countries where English is a widely known second language, and there are countries where English has no special position. These differences add to the above-mentioned polarization. Specifically, it is difficult for people in previous colonies of other countries than Great Britain (e.g. France, Spain, the Netherlands) to adapt to the necessity of learning English. Locally, it May be necessary to learn the language of the previous colonial power since it is often an Official language and the common language of educated people; globally, English is necessary for living on the Internet. and the more languages you have to learn well, the less time and energy you will have for learning other things.
There is no conceivable way in which any authority could define an Official language for the Internet. The Internet As a whole Is Not Controlled By Anyone Or Anything, and this could only change if, by miracle, all countries made an agreement on it or if the entire world were taken to the control of one government.
Thus, if the question "whether or not English should be made the universal language of the internet" is interpreted as concerning the Official status of English, the answer is simply that English, or any other language, cannot be made the Official universal language. It is fruitless to ask whether an impossible thing should be made.
Having examined the material we can draw the following conclusions:
English also is the most widely spoken Germanic language;
as a result of these historical developments English is the official language in many countries formerly under British or American rule, such as Pakistan, Ghana, India, Nigeria, South Africa, Kenya, Uganda, and the Philippines;
English language exist in various dialects and forms;
the position of a universal language has always been gained as a by-product of some sort of imperialism: a nation has conquered a large area and more or less assimilated it into its own culture, including language, thus forming an empire;
knowledge of English is required in many fields, professions, and occupations, education ministries throughout the world mandate the teaching of English to, at least, a basic level;
English is the language of education, trade, business and the language of the Internet.
1.  A short history of the origins and development of the English language: www.englishclub.com
2. Leech G., Svartvik J. A Communicative Grammar of English. — M. – 1983.
3. Visser F.Th. An Historical Syntax of the English Language. - P.1. — Leiden. - 1984. - P.2. — Leiden. - 1984. - P.3. — Leiden. – 1978.
4. Yule G. The Study of Language. An Introduction. — Cambridge. – 1985.

Список литературы [ всего 10]

1.Резник И. В., Резник Р. В., Сорокина Т. С., Сорокина Т. А. A History of the English Language = История английского языка. серия: "Английский язык", Изд.: Флинта. – 2003.
2.A short history of the origins and development of the English language: www.englishclub.com
3.Leech G., Svartvik J.A. Communicative Grammar of English. — M. – 1983.
4.Maslova I.A. Cultural Linguistics. - Мoscow: "Academia", 2001.
5.Maslova V.A. Introduction Into Cultural Linguistics. - Moscow: Nasledie, 1997.
6.Teliya V.N. Russian Phraseology. Semantic, Pragmatic, and Linguocultural Aspects. - Мoscow: Languages of Russian Culture, 1996.
7.Tolstoy N.I. Ethnolinguistics in the Field of Humanities. // Russkaya Slovesnost. - Мoscow: Academia, 1997.
8.Visser F.Th. An Historical Syntax of the English Language. - P.1. — Leiden. - 1984. - P.2. — Leiden. - 1984. - P.3. — Leiden. – 1978.
9.Yerasov B.S. Social Culturelogy. - Moscow: Aspect-Press, 1997.
10.Yule G. The Study of Language. An Introduction. — Cambridge. – 1985.
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