
Антидемпинговые меры Евросоюза относительно товаров,ввозимых из России.

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Anti-dumping Measures of European Union
Against Goods Imported from Russia

Dumping. Problem Overview
Situation in European Union
Situation with Russian Carbamide as an Example of Anti-Dumping Measures of the EU against Imported Goods
List of books and articles

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

After that, European companies made several attempts to reconsider and toughen the existing standards. It was until March, 1995, when the decision of European Council entered into force; it obliged foreign manufacturers to pay special anti-damping tariff which was equal to the difference between115 ecu per tonne of fertilizer and the customs tariff of carbamide.
As a result, in 1999 – 2000 Russian state delivery of carbamide into the EU was almost suspended. In 2001 Russian manufacturers tried to annul a decree within usual five-year review, but they didn’t succeed in their attempts.
In August, 2005 European manufacturers sent to the EU Commission a request not only to leave the existing measure in force but also to turn it to ad valorem tax (26% of the customs tariff). Against the background of the decrease of the profitability and the increase of the natural gas prices, this situation caused the consolidation of Russian manufacturers of carbamide, because total suspension of exporting raw materials would cause 350–400 million USD losses per year. Ministry of Economical Development of Russian Federation fully supported the initiative of Russian companies.
Anti-dumping investigation began officially in May, 2006. During that year Russian manufacturers (PLC “EuroChem”, PLC “Acron”, PLC“Minudobreniya”) cooperated with anti-dumping department of EU Council. They submitted the commission with materials in which presented economical, financial and account information on the current situation. These materials were to prove that European companies will not incur losses in case of decree abolition. Besides that, Russian party enlisted the support of European agricultural associations – the main customers of carbamide. Representatives of the EU Council spent several months in Russia visiting manufacturing firms of the three companies checking carefully the correspondence of the submitted data with the current situation.
Eventually, 20 out of 27 countries of EU voted for the revocation of the imposed tariff. On August 1, 2007 the decision of the EU Council became officially effective. According to it, the anti-dumping measures against imported Russian carbamide were abolished.
The most important thing about this revocation is that now there is a chance that the EU will refuse its protectionist policy towards foreign goods. Before that the EU despite the declaration of the principals of open and free trade has always used the effective anti-dumping measures against “unprofitable” goods.

List of books and articles
Dispute Settlement. World Trade Organization. 3.6 Anti-Dumping Measures, materials for the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. – New York and Geneva, 2003
Dumping (pricing policy) // Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dumping_(pricing_policy)
Eggert J., Observations on the EU Anti-Dumping Regulation FTA Position for the Expert Meeting. – Brussels, 2006.
Likhachev, Vassily. Russia and EU: Proficiency Essential. – http://eng.globalaffairs.ru/numbers/7/527.html
Stevenson, Cliff. Evaluation of EC Trade Defence Instruments. – Brussels / London, 2005.
Technical Information on Dumping. – http://www.wto.org/english/tratop_e/adp_e/adp_info_e.htm
Белов, А.П. Антидемпинговое регулирование в России и за рубежом // Право и экономика. 2000.
Шенаев, В. Н., Шмелев, Н. Н. Россия и Евросоюз – проблемы экономического партнерства. // Современная Европа. 2000.
The FTA is the association for European import and retail trade that specializes in foreign trade issues. It is
committed to achieving its goal of a true free trade environment. For almost 30 years it has supported its
members, consisting of national trade associations and companies from all over Europe, by providing expertise
and up-to-date information and by campaigning on their behalf against protectionist measures in the European
and international arena.

Список литературы [ всего 8]

List of books and articles
1.Dispute Settlement. World Trade Organization. 3.6 Anti-Dumping Measures, materials for the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. – New York and Geneva, 2003
2.Dumping (pricing policy) // Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dumping_(pricing_policy)
3.Eggert J., Observations on the EU Anti-Dumping Regulation FTA Position for the Expert Meeting. – Brussels, 2006.
4.Likhachev, Vassily. Russia and EU: Proficiency Essential. – http://eng.globalaffairs.ru/numbers/7/527.html
5.Stevenson, Cliff. Evaluation of EC Trade Defence Instruments. – Brussels / London, 2005.
6.Technical Information on Dumping. – http://www.wto.org/english/tratop_e/adp_e/adp_info_e.htm
7.Белов, А.П. Антидемпинговое регулирование в России и за рубежом // Право и экономика. 2000.
8.Шенаев, В. Н., Шмелев, Н. Н. Россия и Евросоюз – проблемы экономического партнерства. // Современная Европа. 2000.
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