
Evidence of adopting a .total reward. approach to reward management.

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Код 140835
Дата создания 2011
Страниц 2
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The motivation of the top management directly depends on results of company performance.Individual approach to each employee.The company employee is informed on company’s plans and prospects. To each employee the personal purposesare established that promote achievement ofplanned indicators.McDonald’s Total Rewards philosophy seeks to:Provide employees with a greater choice of rewards that are most valued by them;Differentiate rewards to individuals, based on their contributions;Encourage and recognize experimentation, entrepreneurship and innovation; andReward employee contributions for achieving strong financial and non-financial results.Company implements the Total Rewards philosophy by employing broad-based programs that are designed to align employee interests and create a common vision of success. McDonald’s uses forward thinking Human Resources (HR) strategy that allows the company to remain attractive to workers.Within the limits of the approach total rewards last year the company sent by mail the information letter where plans and the company purposes the next year were describedto all employees. Thus employees feel a part of the general system.The Total Reward concept is used in many ways - for strategy development, employee engagement, communications and benefit development.
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