
Появление и развитие авиалиний на Урале

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Код 135469
Дата создания 2009
Страниц 4
Источников 2
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The appearance and development of Ural Airlines

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

It is not for the first year under the contract with the Ministry of Defense a program for provisioning of all military carriages is effective in the Ural Region.  A similar cooperation program is effective with the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Frontier Service of the RF. These facts became a significant argument for awarding a title of the winner in the national contest "Organization of high social effectiveness" to Ural Airlines in 2002. «Wings Loyalty Program» and «Program for Corporate Clients» have been developed and successfully implemented. Wings Travel Club and ‘'Europort" International Tour Operator render a complete package of services for arrangement of tourist and business trips within Russia and abroad.
 Wings Loyalty Program for passengers (FFP), which was considerably improved continues to operate successfully. For each flight on Ural Airlines' regular flights a passenger receives bonus rubles to his/her personal account at a rate of 10% of the airfare paid - the ticket cost without fuel charge.  With certain number of bonus rubles accumulated a passenger can perform a bonus flight. For the years of existence the program has been intensively developed and the number of participants in comparison with the year 2006 became two times as large. It results from an intensive promotion of the program and special offers and events carried out on a regular basis.
Ural Airlines successfully operates several programs oriented to the most common people:
The Airline is developing extensively its official website by making it not only information-intensive, but also more functional.
In February 2006 a project «Internet sales office was launched». Oriented by wishes of active visitors of the website, the Airline's specialists are improve continuously this service . Currently, approximately 15% of tickets are purchased via the Airline's Internet sales office.
At the end of the year 2008 the structure and design of the website was significantly modified. The decision on modifying the Airline's official website was taken after a marketing research carried out among the passengers in spring. All the passengers' responses on the website usability have been analyzed; wishes on design and interface have been taken into account. The new website differs by a modern and fresh design, more intelligible navigation.
Sponsorship and participation in charitable contributions is an integral part of the Airline's social policy. The Airline takes an active part in public, sporting, social and concert events as a sponsor. In addition to sponsorship projects, every year the Airline's management takes part in charitable programs. To assist those, who need help - it is not an empty word. In 2008 a considerable amount of money was transferred to religious structures, sports and social organizations, material assistance is provided to veterans and childhood organizations. A large portion of charitable contributions was addressed for the construction of God's mother and Caspersky Church for the Airline's employees and inhabitants of Koltsovo community.
List of literature
Ural Airlines// http://www.uralairlines.ru/en/313
Airline industry news// http://www.giancarlofalappa.com/business/Industry/airline_industry_news.php
1 Ural Airlines// http://www.uralairlines.ru/en/313
2 Ural Airlines// http://www.uralairlines.ru/en/313

Список литературы [ всего 2]

List of literature
1.Ural Airlines// http://www.uralairlines.ru/en/313
2.Airline industry news// http://www.giancarlofalappa.com/business/Industry/airline_industry_news.php
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