
Бизнес-план по открытию салона красоты в Москве премиум класса

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Chapter 1Theoretical bases of business planning
1. Planning as a basic management function
1.2Basic concepts and types of business plans
1.3Purpose of business plan
1.4. Business plans structure
1.5. Marketing strategy
Chapter 2: Industry Profile and Overview
Chapter 3: Recommended business plan
List of literature

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

On one end of the spectrum you have the traditional barber; on the other end you have the fashionable boutique salons. Somewhere in between there are independent hair stylists, franchise barbers and stylists, and beauty salons.
Competitor comparison
Existing competitors
Alexander Todchuck’s Beauty Parlor
.• Jacques Dessange
Misin Studio
Vash Stil (Your Style)
Wella Dolores
Potential competitors
The high risk of new competitors appearance as barriers to an exit on the market are law, a unique barrier is a high competition. Potential competitors can be both the domestic and western companies.
Web Plan Summary
Website will contain the full information on the company, services, and novelties. The information on skin care, hair and nails will be presented. In news section there will be accessible information on exhibitions, displays and tendencies.
1 «About salon».
This section is filled with the text telling about features and possibilities of salon. The text to be accompanied by photos illustrating it.
2. "Services".
The section is the two-level catalog of the services offered by salon. Names of services are deduced by references to the vertical panel of the menu which are in the left part of all pages of a site.
At the second level of the catalog descriptions of services accompanied by a picture take place. If service needs more detailed description, under the reference the visitor of a resource is more detailed passes to page with the detailed description of service which can be illustrated by pictures increasing in a separate window (five photos).
3. "Price-list".
The information on this section has the tabular form.
4. "Contacts".
Section "Contacts" - standard executed section of a site containing contact requisites of the company. The interface of the post module located here, allows the visitor of a site to send the message on hidden, for the purpose of counteraction to persuasive advertizing, the organization e-mail address is direct from a site. This module is necessary for maintenance of feedback with constant and potential clients.
The main objective of a website is to present to visitors the full information about salon, creation of positive image of the company.
Website Marketing Strategy
Internet marketing attracts more people to r website, increase customers, and enhance branding of company and services.
Website will have effective web design and development strategy.
Site will ranked at the top in major search engines, and practice good Search Optimization Techniques.
Website will dominate marketing niche with affiliate, reseller, and associate programs.
It will be built a responsive opt-in email list.
It will be published articles or get listed in news stories.
It will be create a blog and interact with visitors.
Development Requirements
Website will be created web-studio Miracle. Web-studio Miracle working out and modernize sites, Internet shops, online casino creation, optimization for search engines, advertizing on the Internet (promotion), creation of banners.
Strategy and Implementation Summary
SWOT Analysis
Professional staff: Well-trained employees with good hair cutting skills with a wide style repertoire, and customer-focused business practices
Excellent retail space
A wide range of services offered.
Ability professionally to conduct competitive struggle.
Presence of requirement for beauty salon and health services in the consumer market.
A high degree of service.
Presence of own technologies and standards.
Rather low expenses.
Effective advertizing.
As a new entrant to the market, Мademoiselle Salon brand equity that many of its competitors
have earned over years of service.
The struggle to appear continually on the edge in terms of fashion and style.
Large costs associated with a start-up company.
High prices
Recently created firm which does not have at present a significant amount of regular customers. A small amount of nonprofessionals in the organization is possible.
A steady growing market that is traditionally unaffected by the economic environment.
The ability to decrease marginal fixed costs as the customer base grows.
Increasing sales
Open new salon in other area.
6.1.4 Threats
Competition from already established chains.
A change in traffic patterns where Salon is located.
Other with the same level of ability will open the same services.
Occurrence on the market of the strong competitor.
Changes in tastes of consumers.
An adverse demographic situation.
Leaving the professional personnel.
Competitive Edge
Мademoiselle Salon wants to set itself apart from other beauty salons. Salon is offering all of the services that we are proposing, clients can get all kind pf services in one place.. Although the focus of Мademoiselle Salon is hair services, we do wish to offer our clients the convenience of these other services in one location.
There are a number of salons like ours, but the main feature is high quality of services and high level of professionalism. Salon intends to compete with "Day Spas."
Business atmosphere will be a relaxing one where clients can kick back and be pampered. Soft drinks will be offered to clients as they enter for service. Televisions will be located in the waiting and hair-drying area.
Desired image in the marketplace- positioning
Мademoiselle Salon is premium class salon offering qualitative hairdressing salons, cosmetology and SPA services..
Competitive strategy
Competitive strategy is to create a high quality beauty salon. To achieve it is necessary to analyze competitors to understand mistakes that they had made to avoid it in future.
Key success factors for business success
Keys to success include:
• Convenience.
• Customer attention.
Marketing Strategy
Advertising and promotion
Beauty salon promotions roughly three categories:
Price discount with the discount, this approach is usually reflected in the membership in the beauty salon, the number of beauty through the points system to implement the price discount.
Giving care and gifts. Such gifts and holiday promotions often linked, such as Christmas.
Promotion the theme, to open some beauty courses.
Data Capture. Building a mailing list. This will help to target campaigns more effectively. The collection of names is the hardest part, so give prospects a reason to provide name and address – contests, discounts, perhaps even a loyalty card. Working to keep r list current and accurate.
Using Technology. The technology simplifies work life but many companies are reluctant to adopt new forms of communication. Consider the impact of a site that shows photos of all his work, compared with a single price list or brochure. Similarly, appointment reminders by SMS text can be a worthwhile investment because it reduces no-shows and lost staff time.
Marketing objectives
achieve a market share of 10%;
Inform target audience about features and benefits of our product and its competitive advantage, leading to a 10 percent increase in sales in one year;
Return on investment of at least 15%.
Table: Advertising budget by media
Advertising Month 1 April Month 2 May Month 3 June Month 4 July Month 5 August Month 6 September Month 7 October Month 8 November Month 9 December Fliers distribution TV Advertising Internet
Advertising Start Date End Date Budget Manager Company Fliers distribution 01.04.2011 01.08.2011 15 000 rub. Advertising agency Akcent
TV Advertising
01.11.2011 30.04.2011
31.12.2011 20 000 rub.
25 000 rub.
25 000 rub.
Advertising center Brand media Total Ad Budget 05.01.2012-10.01.2012 70 000 rub. Website development 30 000 rub. Revolve Totals 100 000 rub.
Fliers distribution is planned within 5 months from the date of salon opening. It will be enough to inform potential clients about opening of new salon and offered services. This type of advertising is quite cheep.
TV advertizing is one of the most effective kinds of advertizing. Advertizing will be shown on the Moscow central channels and Moscow Region throughout a month 3 times a year in spring, in the summer and before New Year's holidays. Advantages: huge audience. Creeping line will be used as well.
Test market results
There are a plenty of beauty salons rendering similar services in the market. The main disadvantage is absence of the general concept of orientation to market novelties.
Personal selling efforts
The beauty salon keystone is benevolent and qualified personnel. Therefore the beauty salon personnel will consist of highly skilled experts. Training will be carried out and possibility of participation in various professional competitions and seminars will be given to personels.
The basis of motivational system will consist of a salary and percent from sales.
Types of costs
Fixed costs doesn’t change with the cost of output in the performance of a fixed amount of a certain period, such as beauty salons rent, equipment, furniture, staff wages, security at the end. Variable cost is the change in output with the beauty services the cost of change, such as beauty products, water and electricity, transportation, advertising, mailing costs, employee wages, and commission. Beauty of fixed costs in a larger proportion of the total cost; and variable costs in the small proportion of total costs, the cost of general beauty salon beauty products should only be 10% of the total cost.
Price elasticity of demand means the price changes due to changes in demand caused by the corresponding ratio, reflecting changes in demand sensitivity to price changes.
Target segment
The beauty salon is focused on top price category of clients. Clients want to receive high-quality services and excellent service.
Comparison against competitors’ prices
Services/Competitor’s prices Persona
Alexander Todchuck’s Beauty Parlor
Hair Care
From 2000 rub
From 1000 rub
From 3000 rub
From 1500 rub
Texture Services
From 1200 rub
From 1500 rub
From 2700 rub
From 1500 rub
Color Services
From 4600 rub
From 5000 rub
From 4500 rub
From 3000 rub
Waxing and hair removal services
From 2000 rub
From 3000 rub
From 2000 rub
From 2000 rub
Skeen care treatments
From 3000 rub
From 3500 rub
From 3700 rub
From 3000 rub
Specialty Facials (BioElements)
From 4500 rub
From 5000 rub
From 4800 rub
From 4000 rub
Specialty Facials (Guinot)
From 1500 rub
From 2000 rub
From 1800 rub
From 2000 rub
From 2800 rub From 3200 rub From 4400 rub From 3500 rub From 2000 rub Manicure
From 500 rub From 500 rub From 700 rub From 500 rub Discounts
1. Discounts to regular customers on a discount card. The given discount will operate under cumulative discount system. At visiting of salon by the client more than three times a minimum of 10000 rubles, it will be given out a beauty salon card at a discount 3 %, from 20000 rub - 5 %, from 30000 – 7 %, from 60000 – 10 %.
2. Discounts on birthday. Clients visited salon in one week prior to the birthday will receive a discount of 3 %.
3. Seasonal offers. In process of salon development special package discounts will be developed. For example, visiting of 3 procedures at the cosmetician a discount of 3 % will be offered.
4. Discounts for morning visiting of salon of 2 %.
Sales Forecast
Graph: Sales Monthly
First two months will be spent for attraction of clients, acquaintance of consumers with salon. Due to beginning of holiday the low profit level is expected in summer. Visiting of beauty salons at this time year traditionally decreases. From September on December gradual growth of profit which will reach peak in December.
Graph: Sales by Year
Sales Forecast for 3 years.
Staff Training
The beauty salon plans to carry out training of the personnel a minimum two times a year, also personnel will have an opportunity to participate in seminars and competitions.
Personal Clothing Line and Toys Production
Opening of own manufacture aren't supposed.
Open up one more shop
The beauty salon plans to develop own chain of beauty salons mainly in the central districts of the city.
Table: Milestones
Start date End date Budget Manager Staff Training 10.09.2011 10.11.2011 100 000 rub. specialist Open up Second Beauty Salon 01.09.2013 01.06.2014 500 000 rub. Owner Open up Beauty Salon 01.09.2014 01.08.2016 600 000 rub. Owner Total Budget 1 200 000 rub. Management Summary
Form of ownership
Мademoiselle is a Limited Liability Company (LLC) is a business structure allowed by state statute. LLCs are popular because, similar to a corporation, owners have limited personal liability for the debts and actions of the LLC. Other features of LLCs are more like a partnership, providing management flexibility and the benefit of pass-through taxation.
Owners of an LLC are called members. Since most states do not restrict ownership, members may include individuals, corporations, other LLCs and foreign entities. There is no maximum number of members. Most states also permit “single member” LLCs, those having only one owner.
Key managers and employees
Directors of limited companies have to observe a range of rules and duties. Failure to follow these can result in fines, personal liability for the company’s debts, and disqualification from acting as a director. The director solves all questions concerning the activity of a beauty salon, organize work of the enterprise and bears responsibility for its condition and activity. Director concludes contracts, hiring personnel, issues orders, obligatory to execution by all employee. The director bears within the powers full responsibility for enterprise activity, safety maintenance commodity-material assets, money resources and other property of the enterprise.
The director carries out the organization of accounting of the enterprise and control over economical use material, labor and financial resources, takes measures on timely supply of the enterprises by articles of food and logistics means. And also establishes for each materially responsible person a limit of the commodity rests; supervises over introduction of progressive forms of service; provides observance by employees of safety rules; sanitary requirements. Duties of the director include also consideration of complaints and offers, acceptance of measures on elimination of noted lacks; to provide improvement of professional skill of workers of a beauty salon.
Manager is responsible to ensure the smooth operation of the activities and maintenance of salon equipment in Spa and providing courteous, professional, efficient and flexible service at all times.
The primary goal of the manager consists in benevolent reception of visitors, and, to organize in such way so that visitors felt comfortably, without needing what.
In the morning, coming to work, the manager should check up a technical condition of trading premises: a hall, a lobby, a toilet room, paying attention to quality of the spent cleaning, on presence and serviceability of furniture, the equipment, illumination etc.
Manager accepts necessary corrective measures or malfunctions. After survey of all premises the manager gets acquainted with the records preliminary accepted by orders for services, does the corresponding analysis and makes orders to each of employees. The manager makes schedules of an exit of the personnel for work, keeps account working hours of employees, provides timely and correct preparation of a hall for the salon opening, necessary presence of the price-list.
Only after the above-stated orders the manager starts performance of the primary goal – meetings of clients. Within the whole day he should keep in the memory a lot of the important information, and first of all number of empty seats.
The manager also takes part in work according to quality of work, conducts a log-book.
Cashier is responsible for transaction of money. Manage faster transaction, when there is a rush at the counter during discount shopping seasons, answer queries regarding the client's questions, cash in the checks for the customers.
Senior hair dresser is cutting and coloring hair with exceptional customer service.
Cosmetician provide general information to customers on beauty products, Advise on beauty products suited to customers' coloring and skin type, Apply make-up on customers.
Hairdresser duties:
hairstyle performance, head skin shaving, Imposing of compresses and a facial massage;
wave and hair dressing realization by chemical and electric way;
performance of evening and wedding hairdresses;
coloring of hair in various colors and shades, considering features of a skin and structure of hair (through a hat or a foil);
necessity to keep clean the workplace, used tools.
Master of manicure duties:
manicure (classical, French, it is thin. Manicure)
escalating of nails by acryle or gel, restoration of nails
treatment and restoration and design of nails
a pedicure hardware
necessity to keep clean the workplace, used tools.
Cosmetician duties:
• wax depilation
• bikini-design
• piercing, piercing of ears
• registration and coloring of eyebrows and eyelashes
• escalating of eyelashes
• necessity to keep clean the workplace, used tools.
Personnel Plan
Personnel department policy
Personnel is the basic value of the company, therefore the salon is interested in constant improvement of professional skill, training of employees.
Working conditions and guaranties
The company gives comfortable working conditions:
Flexible schedule
The free uniform
Paid holiday
Health care insurance
Wages policy
The salary contains fixed salary and bonus. The salary is paid 2 times per month on 15th (20%) and 30th (80%) each month.
Table: Wages of the employees
Employees Salary Income tax
(included) Director 70 000 rub 13% Manager 50 000 rub. 13% Casher 20 000 rub. 13% Cosmetician 25 000 rub. 13% Senior hair dresser 25 000 rub. 13% Salon spa assistant 15 000 rub. 13% Location and Layout
Demographic analysis of location vs. target customer profile
The salon is situated in the central part of a city, near to the metro station that will provide high passableness.
Traffic count
Highways and metro stations are close located.
Lease / Rental rates
The rent rate in the central areas is very high.
Lease rates vary from: 180 000 – 800 000 rubles.
Wage rates
Salary of beauty industry workers vary depending on qualification and a salon site.
Salary vary
10 000 to 20 000 rub. per month for spa assistant
20 000 to 40 000 rub. per month for security, receptionists
20 000 to 35 000 for cosmetologist
Size requirements
The salon will utilize 50 square meters
Ergonomic issues
Graph: Layout plan
Financial Plan
Start-up funding
Initial Capital 3 000 000 rub.
Table: Start-up funding
Investor 2000 000 Bank credit 1000 000 Chart: Start-up funding
Important assumptions
Revenues will grow at an annual rate of 15%, increasing 20% in November and December due to a historical jump in revenues at this time of year. Estimates for sales revenue and growth are intentionally low, while anticipated expenses are exaggerated to the high side to illustrate a worst case scenario.
Break-even Analysis
The break-even analysis shows that beauty salon has a good balance of fixed costs and sufficient sales strength to remain healthy. This calculation is focused on service sales, and excludes costs related to product sales.
Table: Break-even analysis
Break-even Analysis     Monthly Unit Break-even 550 Monthly Revenue Break-even 670000     Assumptions: Average Per-Unit Revenue 541000 Average Per-Unit Variable Cost 10800 Estimated Monthly Fixed Cost 1 222 350 Graph: Break-even analysis
Projected Profit and Loss
Table: Profit and Loss
Graph: Profit Monthly
Graph: Profit Yearly
Projected Cash Flow
Table: Cash Flow
Projected Balance Sheet
Table: Balance Sheet
Business Ratios
Table: Ratio
Loan and Investment Proposal
It is necessary extra funds to open the salon. The basic conditions are:
Purpose. Development of business, buying of equipment
Period. For 5 years,
Maximum sum. Is 8 000 000 of rubles.
Interest rate. Is 17 %.
Amount requested
The loan from the bank will be equal to 2 000 000 rub .
Purpose and uses of funds
Money is planning to be spent on decoration, equipment, alarm system, fire system.
Repayment or “cash out” schedule
Period (year) Credit Percent Credit + percents Loan 1 month. (1) 20786.85 30000.00 50786.85 1979213.15 2 month. (1) 21098.65 29688.20 50786.85 1958114.50 3 month. (1) 21415.13 29371.72 50786.85 1936699.37 4 month. (1) 21736.36 29050.49 50786.85 1914963.01 5 month. (1) 22062.40 28724.45 50786.85 1892900.61 6 month. (1) 22393.34 28393.51 50786.85 1870507.27 7 month. (1) 22729.24 28057.61 50786.85 1847778.03 8 month. (1) 23070.18 27716.67 50786.85 1824707.85 9 month. (1) 23416.23 27370.62 50786.85 1801291.62 10 month. (1) 23767.48 27019.37 50786.85 1777524.14 11 month. (1) 24123.99 26662.86 50786.85 1753400.15 12 month. (1) 24485.85 26301.00 50786.85 1728914.30 13 month. (2) 24853.14 25933.71 50786.85 1704061.16 14 month. (2) 25225.93 25560.92 50786.85 1678835.23 15 month. (2) 25604.32 25182.53 50786.85 1653230.91 16 month. (2) 25988.39 24798.46 50786.85 1627242.52 17 month. (2) 26378.21 24408.64 50786.85 1600864.31 18 month. (2) 26773.89 24012.96 50786.85 1574090.42 19 month. (2) 27175.49 23611.36 50786.85 1546914.93 20 month. (2) 27583.13 23203.72 50786.85 1519331.80 21 month. (2) 27996.87 22789.98 50786.85 1491334.93 22 month. (2) 28416.83 22370.02 50786.85 1462918.10 23 month. (2) 28843.08 21943.77 50786.85 1434075.02 24 month. (2) 29275.72 21511.13 50786.85 1404799.30 25 month. (3) 29714.86 21071.99 50786.85 1375084.44 26 month. (3) 30160.58 20626.27 50786.85 1344923.86 27 month. (3) 30612.99 20173.86 50786.85 1314310.87 28 month. (3) 31072.19 19714.66 50786.85 1283238.68 29 month. (3) 31538.27 19248.58 50786.85 1251700.41 30 month. (3) 32011.34 18775.51 50786.85 1219689.07 31 month. (3) 32491.51 18295.34 50786.85 1187197.56 32 month. (3) 32978.89 17807.96 50786.85 1154218.67 33 month. (3) 33473.57 17313.28 50786.85 1120745.10 34 month. (3) 33975.67 16811.18 50786.85 1086769.43 35 month. (3) 34485.31 16301.54 50786.85 1052284.12 36 month. (3) 35002.59 15784.26 50786.85 1017281.53 37 month. (4) 35527.63 15259.22 50786.85 981753.90 38 month. (4) 36060.54 14726.31 50786.85 945693.36 39 month. (4) 36601.45 14185.40 50786.85 909091.91 40 month. (4) 37150.47 13636.38 50786.85 871941.44 41 month. (4) 37707.73 13079.12 50786.85 834233.71 42 month. (4) 38273.34 12513.51 50786.85 795960.37 43 month. (4) 38847.44 11939.41 50786.85 757112.93 44 month. (4) 39430.16 11356.69 50786.85 717682.77 45 month. (4) 40021.61 10765.24 50786.85 677661.16 46 month. (4) 40621.93 10164.92 50786.85 637039.23 47 month. (4) 41231.26 9555.59 50786.85 595807.97 48 month. (4) 41849.73 8937.12 50786.85 553958.24 49 month. (5) 42477.48 8309.37 50786.85 511480.76 50 month. (5) 43114.64 7672.21 50786.85 468366.12 51 month. (5) 43761.36 7025.49 50786.85 424604.76 52 month. (5) 44417.78 6369.07 50786.85 380186.98 53 month. (5) 45084.05 5702.80 50786.85 335102.93 54 month. (5) 45760.31 5026.54 50786.85 289342.62 55 month. (5) 46446.71 4340.14 50786.85 242895.91 56 month. (5) 47143.41 3643.44 50786.85 195752.50 57 month. (5) 47850.56 2936.29 50786.85 147901.94 58 month. (5) 48568.32 2218.53 50786.85 99333.62 59 month. (5) 49296.85 1490.00 50786.85 50036.77 60 month. (5) 50036.77 750.55 50787.32 0 Total: 2000000.00 1047211.47 3047211.47

Depending on the purpose of the Business Plan an appropriate conclusion should be developed. This could be:
a final summary of the objectives and key strengths of the business along with a clear statement of the direction of the enterprise
an acceptance or rejection of the new business idea/opportunity
a clear statement outlining the benefits of investing in the business to a potential financier.
A great value has planning in any organization (new or existing) as planning helps the organization to build accurate strategy of company development.
Purpose of Planning
A long-term management tool
Decisions can be made in the future that best fit with the aim of the business.
Investigate and evaluate new business opportunities
Present a case for finance
Present a clear picture of the business and its potential.
Many of the areas covered in a business plan are common to all three of the above purposes. The amount and type of information will, however, vary with the purpose of the plan.
Business the plan of premium beauty salon opening in Moscow is presented in this paper. All aspects of activity of new created enterprise are described here. Despite a high competition the given project stands to win.
List of literature
Dorofeev V.D. Unitized business plan structure // http://www.elitarium.ru/2010/09/06/struktura_biznes_plana.html
Growth of the Massage Industry and Beauty Industry// http://www.spabeautyed.com/career-center/spa-beauty-growth
Paul Fifield Marketing strategy: the difference between marketing and markets
Planning Function of Management// http://www.managementstudyguide.com/planning_function.htm
Planning is basic of all managerial functions//Management, 2009
Planning- Management principles http://hubpages.com/hub/PLANNING---Management-principles
Podshivalenko V.M. Investment.- M.: Finance and crediting
Russian beauty industry overview// http://www.cosmo-expo.com/6/0.php?show_art=1125
Russian beauty salon industry in facts and figures// http://www.cosmo-expo.com/6/0.php?show_art=1124
Russian professional cosmetics market in facts and figures// http://www.cosmo-expo.com/6/0.php?show_art=1123
Tim Berry The Different Types of Business Plans//http://articles.bplans.com/writing-a-business-plan/the-different-types-of-business-plans/48
Planning is basic of all managerial functions//Management, 2009
Planning- Management principles http://hubpages.com/hub/PLANNING---Management-principles
Planning Function of Managementhttp://www.managementstudyguide.com/planning_function.htm
Podshivalenko V.M. Investment.- M.: Finance and crediting,
Tim Berry The Different Types of Business Plans//http://articles.bplans.com/writing-a-business-plan/the-different-types-of-business-plans/48
Dorofeev V.D. Unitized business plan structure // http://www.elitarium.ru/2010/09/06/struktura_biznes_plana.html
Paul Fifield Marketing strategy: the difference between marketing and markets
Russian beauty industry overview// http://www.cosmo-expo.com/6/0.php?show_art=1125
Russian beauty industry overview// http://www.cosmo-expo.com/6/0.php?show_art=1125
Growth of the Massage Industry and Beauty Industry// http://www.spabeautyed.com/career-center/spa-beauty-growth
Russian professional cosmetics market in facts and figures// http://www.cosmo-expo.com/6/0.php?show_art=1123
Russian beauty salon industry in facts and figures// http://www.cosmo-expo.com/6/0.php?show_art=1124
Russian beauty salon industry in facts and figures// http://www.cosmo-expo.com/6/0.php?show_art=1124

Список литературы [ всего 11]

1.Dorofeev V.D. Unitized business plan structure // http://www.elitarium.ru/2010/09/06/struktura_biznes_plana.html
2.Growth of the Massage Industry and Beauty Industry// http://www.spabeautyed.com/career-center/spa-beauty-growth
3.Paul Fifield Marketing strategy: the difference between marketing and markets
4.Planning Function of Management// http://www.managementstudyguide.com/planning_function.htm
5.Planning is basic of all managerial functions//Management, 2009
6.Planning- Management principles http://hubpages.com/hub/PLANNING---Management-principles
7.Podshivalenko V.M. Investment.- M.: Finance and crediting
8.Russian beauty industry overview// http://www.cosmo-expo.com/6/0.php?show_art=1125
9.Russian beauty salon industry in facts and figures// http://www.cosmo-expo.com/6/0.php?show_art=1124
10.Russian professional cosmetics market in facts and figures// http://www.cosmo-expo.com/6/0.php?show_art=1123
11.Tim Berry The Different Types of Business Plans//http://articles.bplans.com/writing-a-business-plan/the-different-types-of-business-plans/48
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