
Достоинства и недостатки магнитного поля

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Код 100917
Дата создания 2016
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Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

Winding coils connected in series and so that in passing through them in which the measured current generates a magnetic flux directed toward one another.If the meter is in an external magnetic field, it strengthens the magnetic field from one coil and the other decreases. Therefore, the increase of torque of one coil is offset in the same decrease in the second torque. It mitigated the impact of the external uniform magnetic field. If the external magnetic field is not uniform, then there is only partial compensation.The question is quite reasonable. Energy problems of mankind it does not solve. High power is not available to it. As the power unit to the vehicle it can be used is limited. Large variable field scattering close to it the way in many areas of its possible use.What remains? Generally, one region - low power engine and power generator. Maybe, in the range up to 10kW.But, basically, from a fraction of a watt, up to 100W. Within these limits, the real power it represents no danger and difficulty of assembly, disassembly and repair can be overcome. The relatively great weight, as compared with other engines makes it competitive advantage. But it does not diminish its dignity. Of these, the main thing - the lack of energy or fuel.Magnetic efficiency of the engine in any case would be relatively low. Apparently, no more than 30%. It does not make it better or worse than other types of engines. There is a field of the magnet, has its use, and there is preventive maintenance and repair.This engine and the source of energy is certainly needed. Especially now that we really need to present its possibilities, advantages and disadvantages.This engine and the source of energy is certainly needed. Especially now that we really need to present its possibilities, advantages and disadvantages.

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