
Аналитическая справка на английском языке.

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Дата создания 08 апреля 2013
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1Company description
2 Country analysis
2.1 Economic environment of the country
2.2 Cultural environment
2.3 Political/legal environment
2.4 Consumer, competitors and marketing
2.5 Types of product that will be suitable
2.6 Components and market entry strategies
List of references


Аналитическая справка на английском языке.

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

3) retail trade in soft drinks.
On balance of the enterprise there are 5 fields of mineral waters and the Tambukansky field of medical mug, 210 wells of different function (operational, observant and reserve), a huge tank economy in capacity about 3000 m3, pump stations on pumping of mineral waters to consumers.1
Nowadays the level of internationalization of the company is low as company sells products only in the Russian Federation. The exit to a foreign market is the perspective direction of development of the company owing to highly demand for production of the company and possibility of realization of production at higher prices.
Due to the lack of practice on export of production to the companies it will be necessary to create the department which is engaged in export within department of sale. The main criteria of an assessment of a potential sales market are dynamics of change of product consumption, dynamics of consumption, the legislation, profitability of export.
2 Country analysis

Список литературы

List of references
1.Consumer spending in Spain//http://news-spain.euroresidentes.com/2008/06/consumer-spending-in-spain.html
3.KushnirI.V. World ecomomy.-M.: Finance and statistic, 2010
4.Life style of Spain// http://www.nationmaster.com
5.Trade in Spain//Expert, 2011.-№ 11
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