
Modern literature for children

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Дата создания 08 апреля 2013
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1. Insights into English Children's Literature
2. Literature in the Children’s Life
3. Children’s Literature of the XX-s
4. Joanne Kathleen Rowling and her books about Harry Potter
Список литературы


Modern literature for children

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

Meanwhile, there exists nonfiction literature for children, these are books about different sciences, arts, biographies. Furthermore, children are fond of picture books full of bright and colorful illustration which create the background of the stories. Picture books for children comprise different types of books of alphabet and storybooks. Alphabet books were supplied with prayers. The earliest form of children’s literature was oral one. Adults composed different myths and legends to explain all the nature phenomena. Later on appeared tales and ballads-songs about the deeds of heroes.Besides, there are many other themes in the series, such as corruption and prejudice.The main publishing houses that printed her books were Bloomsbury in the United Kingdom and Scholastic Press in the UnitedStates of America. Since then her books have been published worldwide. Moreover, a great commercial success of the books is revealed via film-version by Warner Bros. Pictures.Joanne Rowling is considered to be among the most translated authors in the history. However, the translated version is being able to be published only after the books have been already released in English because of the stealing problems concerning intellectual property and piracy – copycats products – especially in non-English speaking countries.The books also aroused controversies in the literary and publishing worlds. In 1997 to 1998 Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone won almost all the UK awards judged by children, but none of the children's book awards judged by adults,[126] and Sandra Beckett suggested the reason was intellectual snobbery towards books that were popular among children.

Список литературы

Список литературы
1. M. Hecker, T. Volosova, A. Doroshevich “English Literature” Moscow “Prosveshchenye” 1975
2. The Brief Encyclopaedia of English Literature “Alterexpress” 1998
3. G. Kirvatis, A. Surnaite “English Literature” Siesa publishing house “Kaunas” 1971
4. I. Arnold, N. Diakonova “Three Centuries of English Prise” Leningrad “Prosveshchenie” 1967
5. Copmleted by Yu. Golitsinsky “Great Britain” “KARO” St. Petersbourg 2000
6. The World Book Encyclopaedia (Volume 6) World Book Inc. 1994
7. Compton’s Encyclopaedia (Volume 7) Edition Compton’s Encyclopaedia 1991
8. http://www.barnesandnoble.com/writers/
9. Nikolajeva, Maria (editor) (1995). Aspects and Issues in the History of Children's Literature. Greenwood.
10. Cullinan, Bernice E. (2003). The Continuum Encyclopedia of Children's Literature. Continuum International.
11. Ghaeni, Zohreh. "Asurik Tree: The Oldest Children’s Story in Persian History". International Board on Books for Young People. Retrieved 27 July 2012
12. "To Instruct and Delight A History of Children’s Literature". Randon History. Retrieved July 16, 2012.
13. Shavit, Zohar (2009). Poetics of Children's Literature. University of Georgia Press.
14. McMunn, Meradith Tilbury; William Robert McMunn (1972). "Children's Literature in the Middle Ages". Children's Literature 1: 21. Retrieved 17 July 2012.
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