
Компрессия в газетной публикации ( на примерах статей редактора)

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Код 353814
Дата создания 06 июля 2013
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Part I. Syntactical expressive means and stylistic devices
Expressive possibilities of English syntax
The specific features of the newspaper style
The specific features of the editorial article
The methods of semantic compression
Part II. Compression in the newspapers’ texts
Semeotic and communicative ways of informational compression in the text
Types of compression in the editorials
Classical editorials
“Today’s Webgrab”
Articles’ summarizing
Expressive means based on compression used in the newspaper’s text
The sources of language material


Компрессия в газетной публикации ( на примерах статей редактора)

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

2) definition of distinctive features of the basic types of compression in modern English newspaper texts;
3) review stylistic features of modern editorial texts;
4) stylistic analysis of the use of different types of compression in the editorial texts.
Current importance of the work conditions on the modern theoretical and practical antropocentrical and pragmatical approach to the language material and its realization in the speech units. According to this approach we can define how the language personality of the editor materializes in the newspapers’ texts and how he uses language devices in order to concentrate readers’ attention on the places, where he want to do it.
The language material was taken from the editorial articles, posted on the web-sites of the most popular British and American newspapers and magazines of different types: from official newspaper, such as “Guardian” to the tabloids (for example, “Mirror”).
Structure of the work. Work consists of 4 parts: Introductions, the theoretical Part I, the research Part II and the Conclusions, and also еhe sources of language material and the bibliographic list. In introduction the reasons of a choice of a theme of research are proved, its object and a subject are defined, put the purpose and problems of research, its urgency is revealed. In the theoretical Part I the basic concepts are defined, interpretation is given to the scientific terms used in work. In the Part II results of the spent research work are analyzed. In the Conclusion the basic conclusions made during work are given.
The studying of the linguistic literature allowed us to characterize the most important for the topic of our work concepts of “lexical compression” and “informational reduction” of the initial text. They are used in order to describe the process of compression of summarization. S.I. Gidin uses successful new-coined term condensate («конденсат») that substitutes all Russian inexact correspondent terms. We have defined the informational compression as following – “a compression of expression aspect with simultaneous preservation of denotative aspect.”
On the whole the informational compression result in the “laconization” in the text, the level of this process is connected with the speech situation. Lakonization in this case is not the reducing text because of the throwing out some information, but the compression with the preservation of the whole informational level of the text. Consequently, informational compression is the one of the ways of increasing the informational level of the verbal means of expression (speech units). This method can be described as following: to secure the construction of such text, in which the necessary sense will be maximally expressed simultaneously with the minimal level of the speech units’ expense.

Список литературы

1.Arnold I.V. Stylistics of modern English language. L. 1973.
2.Arnold I.V. The English Word. М., 1986.
3.Galperin I.R. Stylistics. M., 1971.
4.Kusmin S.S. Russian-English dictionary for the translators. M., 2001.
5.Mani Inderjeet. Automatic Summarization // Natural Language Processing (Ed. R.Mitkov). Vol. 3. Philadelphia / Amsterdam, 2001. 286 p.
6.Muller V.K. English-Russian dictionary. 20 edition, М., 1985.
7. Shaykevich A.Y. Introduction in linguistics. М., 1995.
8.Skrebnev Y.M. Fundamentals of English Stylistics. M., 2000.
9.Валгина Н.С. Теория текста // http://www.hi-edu.ru/e-books/xbook029/01/index.html?part-025.htm
10.Винокур Г.О. О языке художественной литературы. М., 1991.
11.Гиндин С.И. Методы автоматического фрагментирования текста, опирающиеся на характеристики внутреннего состава фрагментов // Семиотика и информатика. Вып. 9. М., 1977. С. 35-82.
12.Гиндин С.И. Смыслосохраняющее сжатие текста, его значение для машинного перевода и место среди других разновидностей автоматической обработки текста // Международный семинар по машинному переводу. Тезисы докладов. М., 1983. С. 65-67.
13.Леонтьева Н.Н. Автоматическое понимание текста: системы, модели, ресурсы. М., 2006. 300 с.
14.Леонтьева Н.Н. О методах смысловой компрессии текста // http://conf.infosoc.ru/2007/thes/part4/Leontieva.pdf.
15.Солганик Г.Я. Синтаксическая стилистика. М., 1973.
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