
Внедрение электронного здравоохранения в маленькие города - г. Звенигород.

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Код 335820
Дата создания 07 июля 2013
Страниц 65
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Part 1. The current state and problems of Public Health Service system in Russia
Part 2. The level of e-Public Health Service in Russia
Part 3. The role of e-Public Health Service in solving the Public Health Service problems in Russia
Part 4. E-Public Health Service in Zvenigorod: the assessment of current state and problems of development
Part 5. Perspectives of implementation of e-Public Health Service in Russia: economic analysis
List of references


Внедрение электронного здравоохранения в маленькие города - г. Звенигород.

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

The practical importance and novelty of work is that it shows recent trends in development of strategy of e-Health in Russian Federation. This system is absolutely new for this country and the process of its implementing faces serious problems.
In research have been used the official statistics of Federal agency of state statistics of Russian Federation as well as figures of Zvenigorod medical institutions. The current state of E-Public Health Service in Zvenigorod was assessed on the base of questionnaire of medical employees. It is also articles in periodicals, Internet portals – official sites of scientific editions and state institutions (Ministry of Public Health of Russian Federation) were used.

The explosive developments in information and communication technologies (ICT) in the last decade allow for new kinds of healthcare scenarios. In the light of future demographic and economical developments, the current concepts of healthcare provision will have to move more and more from patient care and disease management towards prophylactic services for healthy citizens. The concept of health insurance, which currently mainly guarantees the treatment of illness and diseases, will increasingly have to focus on programmes to stay healthy. Consequently, a new type of industry (besides the already existing pharmaceutical industry and the industry for medical imaging devices, currently being the two largest industrial sectors in healthcare) will evolve in the healthcare domain that will serve the market with eHealth and Telemedicine products and services for improved diagnosis and therapy for patients, but will increasingly expand its product variety into the domain of health preservation for the general citizens.
In their current strategic planning for the next years, healthcare authorities at a European level have already set concrete deadlines up to the year 2008 for a range of concerted measures for improved healthcare by implementation of various ICT-based concepts. These include:
Roadmaps for wide implementation of eHealth and Telemedicine systems and services
(including reimbursement and liability issues)
Deployment of health information networks using broadband infrastructures and GRID technologies;
Promotion of open standards and open source solutions, interoperability of Electronic Health Records; introduction of Europe-wide patient identifiers;
Promotion and adoption of the use of the electronic health insurance card;
Provision of accredited online continuous education and training in eHealth for health professionals;

Список литературы

List of references

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