
вентиляционное оборудование фирмы LHG KANALFLAKT AB

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Дата создания 08 июля 2013
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Table of contents

1.About company…….……………………………….….3

2.The book..…………………………............................5

3.The argument………………………………………….6


5.The list of used literature……………..………..........14


вентиляционное оборудование фирмы LHG KANALFLAKT AB

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

•    Bringing in outdoor air
•    Conditioning, mixing the outdoor air with some amount of indoor air
•    Distributing this mixed air throughout the area
•    Exhausting some amount of the indoor air outside
The quality of indoor air may fall when one or more of these processes are faulty or inadequate. For e.g., carbon dioxide (a gas produced during breathing), may accumulate in a room if sufficient portion of outdoor air is not brought into and distributed throughout the closed space. Carbon dioxide acts as a surrogate for indoor pollutants, which may cause the room occupants to feel drowsy.
LHG Kanalflakt company provides a wide range of solutions for this problem. It is one of the first companys that started fans production and definitely one of the most important and respectable in the industry. For many years of its existence LHG Kanalflakt AB was doing its best to keep up with it reputation, to develop and improve its technology and to stay as much ecology-friendly as it is only possible. In the wide range of fans and ventilation accessories manufactured by LHG Kanalflakt AB contains space saving and service friendly ventilation solutions which are quickly and easily installed. All fans have external rotor motors of highest quality that can be speed regulated.
The fan series RS and RSI have impellers with backward curved blades with high efficiency. The swing-out function of the motor and impeller makes the cleaning of the fan casing and impeller easy.
LHG Kanalflakt has an extensive roof fan program for both industrial and household ventilation. Roof fan Octagon, architectural design, low overall height, upwards blowing, coated black, galvanized steel metal in accordance with environmental class M. Air flow is 2700- 11000m3/h. Tilting mechanism is easy for cleaning and service.
The more detailed description of the major fan types manufactured by LHG Kanalflakt AB is listed below together with the description of their major series.
Circular duct fans are powered by external rotor motors fitted with ball bearings. They are compact and easy to install, reliable and maintenance free. Built-in thermal contacts provide complete motor protection. Type KVK and KVKE are manufactured with insulated casing. Circular fans by Kanalflakt are speed controllable from 100 to 0 % and can be installed in any position.
Below are some types of circular dust fans manufactured by LHG Kanalflact AA:
K-type К 100-315 have a casing of galvanized steel, the are wired to a terminal box. The impeller has backward curved blades.
KV is suitable for exhaust ventilation directly on the wall (ceiling) . All sizes are as for K-type.
KD uses the mixed impeller where the air is drawn in an angle этого 45° to the motor shaft. This means a high degree of efficiency and very silent running. The impeller and the casing is of galvanized steel.
K-type DC снабжены has an electronic commutated motor to be supplied with 12 or 24 volt direct current. It can be used anywhere, when there is a request for direct current. Fan casing is painted blue and has a fixing console.
KVK sizes from 125-400 is principally an insulated fan box aimed at installation in circular ducting, where there is a need for high sound suppression. The box is insulated with 50 mm rockwool secured by a perforated steel sheet. It is powered by a double inlet centrifugal fan with a forward curve impeller. The motor and impeller are mounted on the bracket which can be easily removed for servicing. The motor is an external rotor motor with ball bearings sealed for life and connected to a terminal box.
KVKE представляют is a series of fans from 125-250 mm which has a single blower mounted on a door for easy inspection and cleaning. Th eimpeller has backward curved blades which ensures high capacity. The motors have built in thermal protection contacts.
There are various sound data diagrams, comparing the sound power level of this model types.
All these fans can be installed at any angle, type KVK 400 must be installed whith the opening upwards or downwards.
All these fans are speed controllable from 100% to 0% through decrase of voltage. This is achieved by using a stepless thrystor or a 5-step transformer.
After the explanation of techinal varieties there is a practical recommendation for every fan type.
Rectangular dust fans обеспечиваютсяare powered by external rotor motors fitted with ball bearings. They are reliable and maintenance-free. The complete motor protection is guaranteed by built-in thermal contacts. Speed is controllable from 100% to 0%. Type RSI is equipped with insulating casing while type RS and RSI have “swing-out door”. They are compact and can be easily installed in any position.
KE/KT The KE/KT-series have a built-in thermal contact which prevents the motor from overheating. Casing of galvanized steel. The KE-fans are electrically connected to a terminal box in the casing. KT-fans are connected directly on to the motor.
RS The RS in-line rectangular duct fans can be installed in any position. The casing is made of galvanized steel.The RS-fans have a built-in thermal contact which prevents the motor from overheating.
RSI can be installed in any position. They are fire and sound protected with 50 mm rockwool pads secured by perforated steel. Casing of powder coated galvanized steel.
Centrifugal fans are powered by high quality external rotor motors fitted with ball bearings and have built-in thermal contacts for best security. They are quiet running and speed controllable from 100% to 0%. These fans are reliable and maintenance free, compact and easy to install (in any position). Type CKS is a “swing-out” model.
CE/CT centrifugal type utility fan acoustically engineered in compact space saving design with maximum efficiency and vibration free performance. The forward curved blades provide an even air flow distribution without the use of baffled or other air direction equipment, in either exhaust application.
CKS: the backward curved blades provide an high capacity. CKS-fans have a swing-out door where the motor and impeller are fastened, which make it easy to clean. Casing and fan wheel are made of galvanized steel. The CKS-fans are centrifugal type utility fans acoustically engineered in a compact space saving design to provide maximum efficiency and vibration free performance.
All the fans can be installed in any position. It is essential, however, to check that the drain in the motor is properly situated when the installation is outdoors or similar. The impeller always runs clockwise looking into the air intake. The rotation is also marked with an arrow stick .If the fan moves in counter clockwise direction the motor might be damaged. All motors have thermal contacts for protection, this is especially important when fan is speed controlled.
Roof fans are powered by high quality external rotor motor fitted with ball bearings. It is reliable and maintenance free, compact and easy to install and easy to clean using tilt or clamp mechanism. Built-in thermal contact provide best security and speed is 100% controllable.
TFER 125-315 circular roof fans with casing made of galvanized steel, powder painted black. They are fitted with cable and plug and easy to install with clamps to a frame.

Список литературы

The list of used literature
1.LHG KANALFLAKT AB catalog, 1995
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