
How to make staff happy

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Работа на английском языке. Сдана на отлично.
Описаны различные способы мотивации персонала. ...


В тексте работы описаны эффективные способы воздействия на персонал, на его отношение к работе.


Business success depends on the mood of the staff and on the comfortable working conditions. So, how to achieve success in working with the staff? This question interests many beginning businessmen. There are many methods to achieve it. So, how can you maintain a low staff turnover without blowing your budget?

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

However, employers should also try their best to discover these good jobs that the employees have done, so that there will be no good jobs done by employees that were not praised. Also, I think that you shouldn’t forget about providing a comfortable working environment. You can never get the best out of your staff members if you don’t make their working environment good for them. Apart from physical facilities, also provide non- physical facilities that will help make the working experience of your staff a memorable one. Show them love and respect. A comfortable working area - without it, employees will not become happy at their work, will not be motivated to work hard and become productive. Why? Because you don’t show that you care. Also, employees have the right to a free-hazardenvironment. If you’re not giving them well-ventilated and comfortable working areas, then you are depriving them of their right. It should be added that people’s lives don’t only revolve around work. Employees have their family life, love life, spiritual life and others. This should be considered by employers. Otherwise, your employees may leave you because of exhaustion or because now they want to spend more time with their families and on other hobbies. After you have shown your employees some kindness and generosity by giving them good benefits, you may also influence them. Having regular spiritual activities will glorify the spirits of your employees. You may also involve them in going to charities and teach them to show some love. If you want to keep your employees, then keep their spirits with you – with your pure spirit as a role model.

Список литературы

1. “Managers: Keep staff happy and make more money!” ; Patti Brotherton
Source : http://www.ired.com/buymyself/pbroth/000319.htm)
2. “50 Ways to make staff happy”| Dynamic Business
Source: http://www.dynamicbusiness.com.au/hr-and-staff/50-ways-to-make-staff-happy.html
3. “How to make your employees happy, motivated and productive?”
Source: http://businessaccent.com/2009/06/02/how-to-make-your-employees-happy-motivated-and-productive/
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