
Corporate Code of Conduct

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Код 186828
Дата создания 2014
Страниц 13
Источников 14
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Introduction 3
1 Moral principles and compliance within The Linde Group 4
2 Making ethical decisions 8
3 Hotline integrity Linde Group 10
Conclusion 13
List of references 14

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

By fax + 49.89.35757-1003.
The above-mentioned ways of presenting issues help or communicant of the incident are not exhaustive. Employees can ask the question, get help or report the incident by any other suitable method. Once a question is presented, it will be entered in a special confidential database, it will be assigned an identification number, and administrator of internal control will address this issue.
This will be done in accordance with the applicable procedures to ensure the position where all questions will be explored in good faith, will receive prompt decision, and questions will go a quick response. All questions will be handled by the administrator of internal control in accordance with data protection legislation. Linde will not tolerate any retaliation against a person who had raised any problems with honest intentions.
Linde Corporation is convinced that both sides are the best business relationships are based on openness and trust, promote development and prosperity of customers, suppliers and markets.
Property of Corporation Linde, both material and immaterial, is designed to help employees achieve business goals.
Linde is committed to create a safe workplace for all its employees and instill in them a sense of pride and enthusiasm to create an atmosphere that will make them feel that their efforts are appreciated and that they will face new challenges. Linde has always worked in good faith within the appropriate legal framework with unions, works councils and other bodies, employees collectively elected to represent them.
Linde shareholders rely on the fact that their investment will allow our corporations to maximize profits. Linde is constantly striving to care about the used resources and assets, it is open, accurate and transparent with respect to its operations, the results of its operations and reporting.
Linde will always seek to understand the needs of their customers, suppliers and other stakeholders. Linde will act honestly and in good faith, very active in participating in the competition, not going beyond the legal framework.
List of references
Atamanchuk GV Theory of Public Administration . Moscow, 2004 . – 415 p.
Blagoff YE Corporate social responsibility: evolution of the concept . - St. Petersburg. : St. Petersburg State University, 2010 . – 272 p.
Bogolyubov O. Goodwill Games. Business magazine. - 2006 . - № 2 . - P.19.
Gerchikova I. Business ethics and regulation of international commercial practices. M. Konsaltbankir 2012. - C.70.
Ivanov M., Shusterman D. "Organization as your tool: the Russian mentality and business practice", Moscow, Alpina, 2004.
Kibanov, AJ Business ethics: a textbook; ed. AY Kibanova; Moscow: INFRA-M, 2002.
Kunde J. Corporate religion. St. Petersburg: Stockholm School of Economics in St. Petersburg, 2009. - P.16.
Lavrynenko VA Psychology and ethics of business communication: a textbook for high schools. - 4th ed ., Rev. and add. - Moscow: UNITY 2009. - 386 p.
Petrunin YY Corporate social responsibility in modern Russia: problems of institutionalization / / Vestn. Mosk. Univ. Ser. 21. Control (state and society). Number 1. 2012. - P.61 -68.
Podoprigora MG Business ethics. Textbook. Taganrog: Tsure in 2012. – 116 p.
Tesakova N. Mission and corporate code. M.: RIP- Holding, 2009 . - P.114.
Voevodkin NY Social responsibility in corporate governance / / Journal «ARS ADMINISTRANDI» («The Art of Management"), 2011. - p. 53.
Zaretsky AD, Ivanov IE Corporate social responsibility: international and domestic practice: uch. pos. Edition 2 , ext. and rev. - Krasnodar: Education -South , 2013 . - 360.
Stefano DellaVigna & John List & Ulrike Malmendier, 2012. "Testing for altruism and social pressure in charitable giving," Natural Field Experiments 00137, The Field Experiments Website.
Podoprigora MG Business ethics. Textbook. Taganrog: Tsure in 2012. – 116 p.
Zaretsky AD, Ivanov IE Corporate social responsibility: international and domestic practice: uch. pos. Edition 2 , ext. and rev. - Krasnodar: Education -South , 2013 . - 360.
Blagoff YE Corporate social responsibility: evolution of the concept . - St. Petersburg. : St. Petersburg State University, 2010 . – 272 p.
Tesakova N. Mission and corporate code. M.: RIP- Holding, 2009 . - P.114.
Gerchikova I. Business ethics and regulation of international commercial practices. M. Konsaltbankir 2012. - C.70.
Kunde J. Corporate religion. St. Petersburg: Stockholm School of Economics in St. Petersburg, 2009. - P.16.
Ivanov M., Shusterman D. "Organization as your tool: the Russian mentality and business practice", Moscow, Alpina, 2004.
Bogolyubov O. Goodwill Games. Business magazine. - 2006 . - № 2 . - P.19.
Kibanov, AJ Business ethics: a textbook; ed. AY Kibanova; Moscow: INFRA-M, 2002.
Voevodkin NY Social responsibility in corporate governance / / Journal «ARS ADMINISTRANDI» («The Art of Management"), 2011. - p. 53.
Petrunin YY Corporate social responsibility in modern Russia: problems of institutionalization / / Vestn. Mosk. Univ. Ser. 21. Control (state and society). Number 1. 2012. - P.61 -68.
Lavrynenko VA Psychology and ethics of business communication: a textbook for high schools. - 4th ed ., Rev. and add. - Moscow: UNITY 2009. - 386 p.
Atamanchuk GV Theory of Public Administration . Moscow, 2004 . – 415 p.
Stefano DellaVigna & John List & Ulrike Malmendier, 2012. "Testing for altruism and social pressure in charitable giving," Natural Field Experiments 00137, The Field Experiments Website.

Список литературы [ всего 14]

List of references
1. Atamanchuk GV Theory of Public Administration . Moscow, 2004 . – 415 p.
2. Blagoff YE Corporate social responsibility: evolution of the concept . - St. Petersburg. : St. Petersburg State University, 2010 . – 272 p.
3. Bogolyubov O. Goodwill Games. Business magazine. - 2006 . - № 2 . - P.19.
4. Gerchikova I. Business ethics and regulation of international commercial practices. M. Konsaltbankir 2012. - C.70.
5. Ivanov M., Shusterman D. "Organization as your tool: the Russian mentality and business practice", Moscow, Alpina, 2004.
6. Kibanov, AJ Business ethics: a textbook; ed. AY Kibanova; Moscow: INFRA-M, 2002.
7. Kunde J. Corporate religion. St. Petersburg: Stockholm School of Economics in St. Petersburg, 2009. - P.16.
8. Lavrynenko VA Psychology and ethics of business communication: a textbook for high schools. - 4th ed ., Rev. and add. - Moscow: UNITY 2009. - 386 p.
9. Petrunin YY Corporate social responsibility in modern Russia: problems of institutionalization / / Vestn. Mosk. Univ. Ser. 21. Control (state and society). Number 1. 2012. - P.61 -68.
10. Podoprigora MG Business ethics. Textbook. Taganrog: Tsure in 2012. – 116 p.
11. Tesakova N. Mission and corporate code. M.: RIP- Holding, 2009 . - P.114.
12. Voevodkin NY Social responsibility in corporate governance / / Journal «ARS ADMINISTRANDI» («The Art of Management"), 2011. - p. 53.
13. Zaretsky AD, Ivanov IE Corporate social responsibility: international and domestic practice: uch. pos. Edition 2 , ext. and rev. - Krasnodar: Education -South , 2013 . - 360.
14. Stefano DellaVigna & John List & Ulrike Malmendier, 2012. "Testing for altruism and social pressure in charitable giving," Natural Field Experiments 00137, The Field Experiments Website.
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