
An investigation into the Glaswegian public’s attitude towards immigration.

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Дата создания 2014
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Источников 15
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The purpose of the article is to test the impact of various factors proposed by scholars as possible explanations for why an individual would oppose immigration. This research assumes quantitative methodology. To achieve the goal the authors use the Northern Ireland component of the data provided by the European Social Survey in 2003. The findings of the research show that social exposure and cultural marginality are the two key explanationsin predicting public opinion about immigration. Nevertheless, it can be assumed that social exposure stands out as the most important predictor of attitudes. In conclusion, the authors suggest that immigration policy makers should pay their attention to these two factors of predicting public attitudes towards immigration. As for the economic self-interest, it can have from little to no effect. This finding corresponds to some previous research results made by Fetzer in 2000 (Fetzer, 2011:18).In the article the authors use general studies in immigration and apply them to the specific area of the Northern Ireland. According to the results of their research, the immigrant population in this country is rather small. However, it is increasing. It is also important to point out that “the vast majority are concentrated in self-employed businesses… and are thus not in direct competition with the non-immigrant population interms of their employment practices” (Hayes and Dowds, 2006:472). I suppose that it is relevant also to the current situation in Scotland (inclusive of Glasgow). Although this research had only the Northern Ireland as a sample source, the theoretical part and the set of methods used in it are essential for understanding in order to conduct a profound study on the topic of my own project. The Reference ListAndreescu, V. (2011).Attitudes toward Immigrants and Immigration Policy in United Kingdom.Journal of Identity and Migration Studies, 5 (2), 61—85.Arango, J. (2014). Contemporary Anxiety Toward Irregular Migration. In Anderson, B. and Keith, M. (Ed.), Migration: The COMPASS Antology (125—126).Oxford:the ESRC Centre of Migration, Policy and Society (COMPASS).Blinder, S. (2014).UK Public Opinion toward Immigration: Overall Attitudes and Level of Concern. 2nd Revision. Oxford: University of Oxford, COMPAS.Cangiano, A. (2014). Migration and Population Growth: Future Predictions and Contemporary Politics. In Anderson, B. and Keith, M. (Ed.), Migration: The COMPASS Anthology (147).Oxford:the ESRC Centre of Migration, Policy and Society (COMPASS).Castles, S. (2014). Migration Goals.In Anderson, B. and Keith, M. (Ed.), Migration: The COMPASS Anthology (70—71).Oxford:the ESRC Centre of Migration, Policy and Society (COMPASS).Citrin, J. (2014). Public Opinion about Immigration: The Role of Identities, Interests, and Information. British Journal of Political Science.Fetzer, J.S. (2011). The Evolution of Public Attitudes toward Immigration in Europe and the United States, 2000—2010. San Domenicodi Fiesole (FI): European University Institute.Hainmueller, J. and Hopkins, D.J. (2014). Public Attitudes Toward Immigration. Annual Review of Political Science, 17,225—249.Hayes, B.C. and Dowds, L. (2006).Social Contact, Cultural Marginality or Economic Self-Interest? Attitudes Towards Immigrants in Northern Ireland. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 32 (3), 445—476.Heath, A.F. and Tilley J.R. (2005).British National Identity and Attitudes towards Immigration.International Journal on Multicultural Societies (IJMS), 7 (2), 119—132.Kelbie, P. (2014). Immigrants to Scotland crucial in independence vote. Retrieved 31st October 2014 from: http://www.denverpost.com/nationworld/ci_26528838/undefined?source=infiniteMcNeil, R. (2014). Media and Migration.In Anderson, B. and Keith, M. (Ed.), Migration: The COMPASS Anthology (84—85).Oxford:the ESRC Centre of Migration, Policy and Society (COMPASS).Price, J. (2014). The Hostile Environment.In Anderson, B. and Keith, M. (Ed.), Migration: The COMPASS Anthology (193—194).Oxford:the ESRC Centre of Migration, Policy and Society (COMPASS).The World Post (2014).Immigrant Vote Crucial To Scotland Independence. Retrieved 1st November 2014 from: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/09/13/immigrant-vote-scotland-independence_n_5815108.htmlYoung, P. (2014). Politicians Still Behind the Curve on Immigration Debate. Retrieved 31st October 2014 from: http://www.natcen.ac.uk/blog/politicians-still-behind-the-curve-on-immigration-debate

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The Reference List
Andreescu, V. (2011). Attitudes toward Immigrants and Immigration Policy in United Kingdom. Journal of Identity and Migration Studies, 5 (2), 61—85.
Arango, J. (2014). Contemporary Anxiety Toward Irregular Migration. In Anderson, B. and Keith, M. (Ed.), Migration: The COMPASS Antology (125—126). Oxford: the ESRC Centre of Migration, Policy and Society (COMPASS).
Blinder, S. (2014). UK Public Opinion toward Immigration: Overall Attitudes and Level of Concern. 2nd Revision. Oxford: University of Oxford, COMPAS.
Cangiano, A. (2014). Migration and Population Growth: Future Predictions and Contemporary Politics. In Anderson, B. and Keith, M. (Ed.), Migration: The COMPASS Anthology (147). Oxford: the ESRC Centre of Migration, Policy and Society (COMPASS).
Castles, S. (2014). Migration Goals. In Anderson, B. and Keith, M. (Ed.), Migration: The COMPASS Anthology (70—71). Oxford: the ESRC Centre of Migration, Policy and Society (COMPASS).
Citrin, J. (2014). Public Opinion about Immigration: The Role of Identities, Interests, and Information. British Journal of Political Science.
Fetzer, J.S. (2011). The Evolution of Public Attitudes toward Immigration in Europe and the United States, 2000—2010. San Domenico di Fiesole (FI): European University Institute.
Hainmueller, J. and Hopkins, D.J. (2014). Public Attitudes Toward Immigration. Annual Review of Political Science, 17, 225—249.
Hayes, B.C. and Dowds, L. (2006). Social Contact, Cultural Marginality or Economic Self-Interest? Attitudes Towards Immigrants in Northern Ireland. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 32 (3), 445—476.
Heath, A.F. and Tilley J.R. (2005). British National Identity and Attitudes towards Immigration. International Journal on Multicultural Societies (IJMS), 7 (2), 119—132.
Kelbie, P. (2014). Immigrants to Scotland crucial in independence vote. Retrieved 31st October 2014 from: http://www.denverpost.com/nationworld/ci_26528838/undefined?source=infinite
McNeil, R. (2014). Media and Migration. In Anderson, B. and Keith, M. (Ed.), Migration: The COMPASS Anthology (84—85). Oxford: the ESRC Centre of Migration, Policy and Society (COMPASS).
Price, J. (2014). The Hostile Environment. In Anderson, B. and Keith, M. (Ed.), Migration: The COMPASS Anthology (193—194). Oxford: the ESRC Centre of Migration, Policy and Society (COMPASS).
The World Post (2014). Immigrant Vote Crucial To Scotland Independence. Retrieved 1st November 2014 from: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/09/13/immigrant-vote-scotland-independence_n_5815108.html
Young, P. (2014). Politicians Still Behind the Curve on Immigration Debate. Retrieved 31st October 2014 from: http://www.natcen.ac.uk/blog/politicians-still-behind-the-curve-on-immigration-debate
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