
Свобода слова и свобода совести в России на примере дела

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Код 184058
Дата создания 2013
Страниц 10
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Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

The principle of separation of religious organizations from the State provides for non-interference of the State, its bodies and officials in the issues that define the attitude to religion, to the internal activities of religious associations, if this activity does not violate the country's laws. The Government should not finance the activities of religious organizations, as well as the promotion of other beliefs. In turn, religious groups may not interfere in the Affairs of the State, do not participate in the election of its Government and administration, the activities of political parties. But employees of these organizations are entitled to participate in political activities on an equal basis with all citizens.Religion plays a greater role in social and political life of modern Russia. In this multi-religious country like ours, the problems associated with religion, do not lose their urgency. The more important is to implement a balanced State policy in the field of religion, not to create the ground for sectarian conflicts.The right to freedom of conscience and freedom of worship is one of the most important individual rights of man and of the citizen in a democratic society. In modern Russia, this right is guaranteed by the Constitution of the RUSSIAN FEDERATION, 1993 (art. 28) and the Federal Act No. 125-FZ "on freedom of conscience and religious associations" of 26.09.1997. However, it should be noted that the public confessional politics is quite controversial. According to r. Lunkin, Director of the Institute of religion and law (Moscow), "... the Russian State is making great historical zigzag, has returned to former role Orthodox imperial power ". The reason of the withdrawal of a number of actions taken by the Government in the past few years.

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