
Описание семантических различий немецких существительных die Stärke die Kraft

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Дата создания 2013
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Dank demTrainieren, der Boxer erhöhteder Kraft des Schlages, und jetztkannerschonnach 10 Minutennichtdurch Kraft sonderndurchTechniksiegen. –Due to training, the boxer has increased his impact force, in consequence of which he can win in 10 minutes not with the help of force, but due to fighting techniques.Boxer’s impact force is increased because of training, that is, a man alone affects his own fitness.However, in the situation when an external factor influencing the increase / decrease of force is not observed, the noun die Stärke is used, compareMitderNähezumEpizentrumsteigt die Stärke des Erdbebens.- Near the epicenter the earthquake intensity increases. Information about the increase in strength is introduced with the help of verb steigen. The quakestrength grows by itself, without the influence of any factor beyond.ZumAbendlässt das Gewitter an Stärkenach. - By the evening storm has subsided.The verb lassen brings information about the weakening of storm. In this case, the factor, influencing the reduction in the storm strength, is absent.Now we shall describe the following feature within the meaning of studied words, which is associated with the category of "quantity." One kind of semantic feature of force gradation is the ability to measure it. Thus, in some cases, specific data on the magnitude of force are provided, for example, in physics, force is measured in Newtons. Noun die Krafthasa dimensional sign in its meaning. These are signs of measuring the width, length, thickness, weight, volume, etc.Noun die Stärke can be used in situations where the "force" cannot be used.Die Stärke des Erdbebens war 4. - The quake strength was 4 points.In this example, the strength of the earthquake is stated that apparently will not be used.Let us dwell on the description of the words die Windkraft and die Windstärke. Despite the apparent similarity in the value these lexical units have differences in their semantics. Noun die Windkraft is a physical term for the kinetic energy used for conversion into electricity in windy mills. In zweiDisziplinenist Deutschland Dauerweltmeister: beim Export und beiderNutzungderWindkraft.-Germany is a leader in two directions: on exports and on the use of wind power (wind energy).Noun die Windstärke also is a physical term, but is used in the language of meteorologists to estimate the wind speed on the Beaufort scale.DraußenherrschtWindstärkesieben-The wind outside is 7 points.Based on the foregoing, we conclude that the sign of the potential use of force is present in the semantics of the noun die Kraft, and is not observed in the semantics of the noun die Stärke.Sowiththe support of the universal sign of "quantity" we can identify more specific subsigns relevant to the description of synonymous words, especially nouns meaning "force.Subsignof “ forcegradation “, i.e., its increase / decrease is common for lexical units die Kraft and die Stärke. Also the isolated subsignof availability of external factor affecting the force increase / decrease was distinguished. This subsign is distinctive to lexical units under research. Noun die Kraftis used to describe situations in which there is a certain influencing factor, whereas the noun die Stärke describes the context in which this factor is absent.
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