
Вода "Шишкин Лес". Будущее развитие компании.

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Код 119542
Дата создания 2011
Страниц 21
Источников 14
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1. History Overview
2. Production Line
3. Distribution of the product
4. SWOT analysis
5. Customer Relationship Management in “Shishkin Les”
6. Corporate Social Responsibility
7. Value Chain Analysis in “Shishkin Les”
8. Sales in Russia
9. Segmentation

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

Porter calls this series of value chains the value system, shown conceptually below:
Picture 3
8. Sales in Russia
Water sales grow in packing with a sport cover: on its share it is necessary about 4 % in natural expression and 10 % - in cost (for the first half of the year 2010).
The small gain of a share (on 0,7 % in natural expression, in comparison with the similar period of 2009) is swept up in production segment in PET-PACKINGS to 1 liter and in PET by volume more than 3 liters (on 0,9 percent point in natural expression).
Water buy in usual food shop - 37 % interrogated. On the second place on popularity - a booth or tent - 29,3 %. A little more than 8,4 % of respondents buy water in large supermarkets and 8,2 more % - in the wholesale markets. These shops are popular at the people shopping once a week in shops, having the diversified assortment, including mineral water. About 4,7 % of respondents buy water from a tray in the street, but, considering the seasonal factor, it is possible to assume that the given kind of a shop is popular only during the hot summer period, therefore it doesn't render especial influence on structure of sales. 4,4 more % of respondents prefer to buy mineral and table water in supermarkets.
On a share of five regions 37 % of manufacture of bottled water are necessary. Into number of the largest enter: Karachaevo-Circassia, Stavropol Territory, Novosibirsk, Moscow and Lipetsk areas.
9. Segmentation
20 % belong to large Russian manufacturers – such, as "Narzan" (ТМ "Narzan"), Open Company «Shishkin wood Holding» (Moscow Region, ТМ «Shishkin wood»), Joint-Stock Company "Visma" (Cherkessk, ТМ "Arhyz"), Open Company " Merkury" (Cherkessk, ТМ "Merkury") and another. In the regional markets большей at consumers local manufacturers and brands use popularity. On a share of the small companies with local regional brands it is necessary an order of 45 % of the Russian market.
Picture 4
According to the research spent to 19 Russia largest cities from January till July, 2010, mineral water occupies the greatest share of the market bottled waters – 57,7 % from total amount of sales in natural expression. A share of a segment of table mineral water the first half of the year 2010 from 23,1 % to 23,5 %. Picture 5
According to experts of the market of soft drinks, packing occupies the greatest share in total amount of sales - 97,6 %. On production share in glass 2,4 % are necessary. The small gain of a share – on 0,8 % - is swept up in production segment in PET-PACKINGS by volume on 0,33 and 0,5 liters, and also volume of 5 liters. In the Central Russia and in the Northwest leaders of sales are marks «Shishkin wood» and "Arhyz", and in Southern district leading positions belong to mark "Merkury". Marks of small local players – for example, Nizhniy Novgorod "Sarov" – are popular only in regions where they spread.
It is necessary to notice that the small companies with local regional brands now are in most difficult situation as they don't have no financial power. According to participants of the market, growth of a debt receivable because of delays of payments retailer at the died market of bank credits can paralyse their business, already now local brands are washed away from networks.
They have taken care of all categories of consumers. For convenient use in house conditions water in capacities on 5 liters is issued. Such bottle is convenient for storing and not hard to lift. For at whom houses are established coolers, large bottles in volume of 19 l are offered. And for a cooler in volume of 11,5 l, in a condition to change specially developed large bottle even the woman if nearby there is no strong man. Of 1 l and 0,4 l it is convenient to take bottles with itself in road. For fans of sparkling water too there will be a desirable drink. Sparkling water "Shishkin Les" isn't mineral and to taste very much reminds favourite by much since the childhood aerated water from automatic machines «on 1st copeck». Bottles will be ideally suited for sportsmen with a cover sports-lok.
Separate and especially steadfast attention is now given to baby food problems. For them special children's water «Fantastic wood» has been developed and let out. It is pleasant on taste, is safe, and is optimum adapted for baby food.
Our organism – such difficult mechanism that it makes sense to use any possibility for the organization of its trouble-free work. Especially, if it is such simple thing, as a choice of the product most qualitative and useful to health.
Buying bottled water "Shishkin Les", you buy the guaranteed quality of a product which is provided by modern technologies of water preparation and water purification, rigid industrial and sanitary control.
Production of the given firm is popular in Moscow and the Moscow area.
The firm successfully works in the market bottled waters.
The main plus - quality, a variety of volumes, work flexible hours, a wide spectrum of services.

Carol Kerr, Kristin Anderson Customer relationship management, 2010, 362p.
Clara Shih, DestinationCRM.com (2009) Sales and Social Media: No One’s social (Yet), 425p.
David Mercer Marketing, 2001, 305p.
DestinationCRM.com (2009) Who Owns the Social Customer? 356p.
Gary Armstrong,Michael Harker,Philip Kotler,Ross Brennan Marketing: An Introduction, 2009, 389p.
Jon Groucutt,Peter Leadley,Patrick Forsyth Marketing: essential principles, new realities, 2009, 540p.
Karl Moore,Niketh Pareek Marketing: the basics, 2010, 425p.
Lior Arussy (2005). "Understanding the Fatal Mistakes". Passionate and Profitable. John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 258p.
MBA http://www.netmba.com/strategy/value-chain/ 28.12.2010.
MBA http://www.quickmba.com/strategy/swot/ , 28.12.2010.
TechTarget (2009) Strategy Checklist: Planning for CRM and Customer Service Success, 365p.

Список литературы [ всего 14]

4.Carol Kerr, Kristin Anderson Customer relationship management, 2010, 362p.
5.Clara Shih, DestinationCRM.com (2009) Sales and Social Media: No One’s social (Yet), 425p.
6. David Mercer Marketing, 2001, 305p.
7.DestinationCRM.com (2009) Who Owns the Social Customer? 356p.
8. Gary Armstrong,Michael Harker,Philip Kotler,Ross Brennan Marketing: An Introduction, 2009, 389p.
9. Jon Groucutt,Peter Leadley,Patrick Forsyth Marketing: essential principles, new realities, 2009, 540p.
10.Karl Moore,Niketh Pareek Marketing: the basics, 2010, 425p.
11.Lior Arussy (2005). "Understanding the Fatal Mistakes". Passionate and Profitable. John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 258p.
12.MBA http://www.netmba.com/strategy/value-chain/ 28.12.2010.
13.MBA http://www.quickmba.com/strategy/swot/ , 28.12.2010.
14.TechTarget (2009) Strategy Checklist: Planning for CRM and Customer Service Success, 365p.
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