
Contradiction Between Market Economy and Political Structures in China.

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Introduction 3
1. Economic and political structure of China 4
2. China market economy 13
3. Radical political economics in China 16
Conclusion 29
Literature 30

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

The granting of market-economy status to China is not automatic now or in 2016 or afterwards.
Against the law: Labor protests in China’s rustbelt and sunbelt. University of California Press. Li, Minqi. 2011.
An, T. and H. Wang (2012), “Research of China Housing Market Development and Real Estate Tax System Reform”, Jingji Yanjiu Cankao (Review of Economic Research), Vol. 26, № 43.
Arnold, J., B. Brys, C. Heady, Å. Johansson, C. Schwellnus and L. Vartia (2011), “Tax Policy for Economic Recovery and Growth”, Economic Journal, Vol. 121, Issue 550.
Bernard O’Connor. Market-economy status for China is not automatic, 27 November 2012: http://www.voxeu.org/article/china-market-economy.
Chang, Ha-Joon. 2011. State-owned enterprise reform. UNDESA National Development Strategies Policy notes: http://esa.un.org/techcoop/documents/PN_SOEReformNote.pdf.
China`s development: assessing the implications: http://cpds.apana.org.au/Teams/Articles/china_as_economic_engine.htm.
Competing economic paradigms in China. Working paper for the 3rd International Confederation of Associations for Pluralism in Economics (ICAPE).Gao, Liang. 2012.
Conway, P., T. Chalaux and R. Herd (2010), Reforming China’s Monetary Policy Framework to Meet. Domestic Objectives, OECD Economics Department Working Papers, № 768.
Fan, J.P.H., J. Huang, F. Oberholzer-Gee, T. Smith and M. Zhao (2011), “Diversification of Chinese Companies: An International Comparison”, Chinese Management Studies, Vol. 2, Issue 1.
Foreign Economic Policy-Making in China: http://www.idsa.in/system/files/strategicanalysis_ravi_0905.pdf.
Herd, R. 2010, “A Pause in the Growth of Inequality in China?”, OECD Economics Department Working Papers, № 748.
Kotz, D. Foreign capitals’ merger and acquisition in China and China’s economic security. 2011: http://www.globalview.cn/ReadNews.asp?NewsID=20647.
Song, Lei, and Xiaodong Sun. 2011. On the potential political economics meanings of the socialist market economy. Academic Research. The World Bank. 2012.
Symposium Report: The Market Economy in China: http://global.tokyofoundation.org/en/news/article/n08050701/view.
Tang, B.S., S. W. Wong and S. C. Liu (2010), “Institutions, Property Taxation and Local Government Finance in China”, Journal of Urban Studies, Vol. 17, № 4.
Teaching under China’s Market Economy: Five Case Studies: http://issuu.com/educationinternational/docs/study_on_china.
The view of this growth as miraculous arises from a macro-economic perspective. See Robert E. Lucas’ lecture, “Making a Miracle” in his collection Lectures on Economic Growth, Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 2012.
Xie, Fusheng, An Li, and Zhongjin Li. 2012. Guojinmintui: A new round of debate in China on state versus  private ownership? Science & Society. 76 (5), July.
Zhang, Chen, and Zhang Yu. 2012. Is the efficiency of state-owned enterprises low?”  Economist (2): 16-25.
Zhou, X. (2010), “Macro-Prudential Policy – An Asian Perspective”, Opening remarks of the Governor of the Peoples’ Bank of China at the High Level Seminar on “Macro-prudential policy: Asian perspective”, Shanghai, 18 October.
An, T. and H. Wang (2012), “Research of China Housing Market Development and Real Estate Tax System Reform”, Jingji Yanjiu Cankao (Review of Economic Research), Vol. 26, № 43.
Competing economic paradigms in China. Working paper for the 3rd International Confederation of Associations for Pluralism in Economics (ICAPE).Gao, Liang. 2012.
Chang, Ha-Joon. 2011. State-owned enterprise reform. UNDESA National Development Strategies Policy notes: http://esa.un.org/techcoop/documents/PN_SOEReformNote.pdf.
Zhou, X. (2010), “Macro-Prudential Policy – An Asian Perspective”, Opening remarks of the Governor of the Peoples’ Bank of China at the High Level Seminar on “Macro-prudential policy: Asian perspective”, Shanghai, 18 October.
Song, Lei, and Xiaodong Sun. 2011. On the potential political economics meanings of the socialist market economy. Academic Research. The World Bank. 2012.
Fan, J.P.H., J. Huang, F. Oberholzer-Gee, T. Smith and M. Zhao (2011), “Diversification of Chinese Companies: An International Comparison”, Chinese Management Studies, Vol. 2, Issue 1.
Symposium Report: The Market Economy in China: http://global.tokyofoundation.org/en/news/article/n08050701/view.
Teaching under China’s Market Economy: Five Case Studies: http://issuu.com/educationinternational/docs/study_on_china.
Song, Lei, and Xiaodong Sun. 2011. On the potential political economics meanings of the socialist market economy. Academic Research. The World Bank. 2012.
Symposium Report: The Market Economy in China: http://global.tokyofoundation.org/en/news/article/n08050701/view.
Tang, B.S., S. W. Wong and S. C. Liu (2010), “Institutions, Property Taxation and Local Government Finance in China”, Journal of Urban Studies, Vol. 17, № 4.
Symposium Report: The Market Economy in China: http://global.tokyofoundation.org/en/news/article/n08050701/view.
An, T. and H. Wang (2012), “Research of China Housing Market Development and Real Estate Tax System Reform”, Jingji Yanjiu Cankao (Review of Economic Research), Vol. 26, № 43.
Symposium Report: The Market Economy in China: http://global.tokyofoundation.org/en/news/article/n08050701/view.
An, T. and H. Wang (2012), “Research of China Housing Market Development and Real Estate Tax System Reform”, Jingji Yanjiu Cankao (Review of Economic Research), Vol. 26, № 43.
Arnold, J., B. Brys, C. Heady, Å. Johansson, C. Schwellnus and L. Vartia (2011), “Tax Policy for Economic Recovery and Growth”, Economic Journal, Vol. 121, Issue 550.
An, T. and H. Wang (2012), “Research of China Housing Market Development and Real Estate Tax System Reform”, Jingji Yanjiu Cankao (Review of Economic Research), Vol. 26, № 43.
Symposium Report: The Market Economy in China: http://global.tokyofoundation.org/en/news/article/n08050701/view.
An, T. and H. Wang (2012), “Research of China Housing Market Development and Real Estate Tax System Reform”, Jingji Yanjiu Cankao (Review of Economic Research), Vol. 26, № 43.
Symposium Report: The Market Economy in China: http://global.tokyofoundation.org/en/news/article/n08050701/view.
An, T. and H. Wang (2012), “Research of China Housing Market Development and Real Estate Tax System Reform”, Jingji Yanjiu Cankao (Review of Economic Research), Vol. 26, № 43.
Conway, P., T. Chalaux and R. Herd (2010), Reforming China’s Monetary Policy Framework to Meet. Domestic Objectives, OECD Economics Department Working Papers, № 768
Zhang, Chen, and Zhang Yu. 2012. Is the efficiency of state-owned enterprises low?” Economist (2): 16-25.
Conway, P., T. Chalaux and R. Herd (2010), Reforming China’s Monetary Policy Framework to Meet. Domestic Objectives, OECD Economics Department Working Papers, № 768.
An, T. and H. Wang (2012), “Research of China Housing Market Development and Real Estate Tax System Reform”, Jingji Yanjiu Cankao (Review of Economic Research), Vol. 26, № 43.
Zhang, Chen, and Zhang Yu. 2012. Is the efficiency of state-owned enterprises low?” Economist (2): 16-25.
Competing economic paradigms in China. Working paper for the 3rd International Confederation of Associations for Pluralism in Economics (ICAPE).Gao, Liang. 2012.
Conway, P., T. Chalaux and R. Herd (2010), Reforming China’s Monetary Policy Framework to Meet. Domestic Objectives, OECD Economics Department Working Papers, № 768.
Competing economic paradigms in China. Working paper for the 3rd International Confederation of Associations for Pluralism in Economics (ICAPE).Gao, Liang. 2012.
Herd, R. 2010, “A Pause in the Growth of Inequality in China?”, OECD Economics Department Working Papers, № 748.
Zhang, Chen, and Zhang Yu. 2012. Is the efficiency of state-owned enterprises low?” Economist (2): 16-25.
Competing economic paradigms in China. Working paper for the 3rd International Confederation of Associations for Pluralism in Economics (ICAPE).Gao, Liang. 2012.
China`s development: assessing the implications: http://cpds.apana.org.au/Teams/Articles/china_as_economic_engine.htm.
Herd, R. 2010, “A Pause in the Growth of Inequality in China?”, OECD Economics Department Working Papers, № 748.
China`s development: assessing the implications: http://cpds.apana.org.au/Teams/Articles/china_as_economic_engine.htm.
China`s development: assessing the implications: http://cpds.apana.org.au/Teams/Articles/china_as_economic_engine.htm.
Competing economic paradigms in China. Working paper for the 3rd International Confederation of Associations for Pluralism in Economics (ICAPE).Gao, Liang. 2012.
Herd, R. 2010, “A Pause in the Growth of Inequality in China?”, OECD Economics Department Working Papers, № 748.
China`s development: assessing the implications: http://cpds.apana.org.au/Teams/Articles/china_as_economic_engine.htm.
Teaching under China’s Market Economy: Five Case Studies: http://issuu.com/educationinternational/docs/study_on_china.
China`s development: assessing the implications: http://cpds.apana.org.au/Teams/Articles/china_as_economic_engine.htm.
Herd, R. 2010, “A Pause in the Growth of Inequality in China?”, OECD Economics Department Working Papers, № 748.
Herd, R. 2010, “A Pause in the Growth of Inequality in China?”, OECD Economics Department Working Papers, № 748.
China`s development: assessing the implications: http://cpds.apana.org.au/Teams/Articles/china_as_economic_engine.htm.
The view of this growth as miraculous arises from a macro-economic perspective. See Robert E. Lucas’ lecture, “Making a Miracle” in his collection Lectures on Economic Growth, Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 2012.
Symposium Report: The Market Economy in China: http://global.tokyofoundation.org/en/news/article/n08050701/view.
Foreign Economic Policy-Making in China: http://www.idsa.in/system/files/strategicanalysis_ravi_0905.pdf.
China`s development: assessing the implications: http://cpds.apana.org.au/Teams/Articles/china_as_economic_engine.htm.
Bernard O’Connor. Market-economy status for China is not automatic, 27 November 2012: http://www.voxeu.org/article/china-market-economy.
Bernard O’Connor. Market-economy status for China is not automatic, 27 November 2012: http://www.voxeu.org/article/china-market-economy.
Symposium Report: The Market Economy in China: http://global.tokyofoundation.org/en/news/article/n08050701/view.
China`s development: assessing the implications: http://cpds.apana.org.au/Teams/Articles/china_as_economic_engine.htm.
Zhang, Chen, and Zhang Yu. 2012. Is the efficiency of state-owned enterprises low?”  Economist (2): 16-25.
Competing economic paradigms in China. Working paper for the 3rd International Confederation of Associations for Pluralism in Economics (ICAPE).Gao, Liang. 2012.
Bernard O’Connor. Market-economy status for China is not automatic, 27 November 2012: http://www.voxeu.org/article/china-market-economy.
Bernard O’Connor. Market-economy status for China is not automatic, 27 November 2012: http://www.voxeu.org/article/china-market-economy.
Xie, Fusheng, An Li, and Zhongjin Li. 2012. Guojinmintui: A new round of debate in China on state versus  private ownership? Science & Society. 76 (5), July.
Bernard O’Connor. Market-economy status for China is not automatic, 27 November 2012: http://www.voxeu.org/article/china-market-economy.
An, T. and H. Wang (2012), “Research of China Housing Market Development and Real Estate Tax System Reform”, Jingji Yanjiu Cankao (Review of Economic Research), Vol. 26, № 43.
Bernard O’Connor. Market-economy status for China is not automatic, 27 November 2012: http://www.voxeu.org/article/china-market-economy.
Xie, Fusheng, An Li, and Zhongjin Li. 2012. Guojinmintui: A new round of debate in China on state versus  private ownership? Science & Society. 76 (5), July.
An, T. and H. Wang (2012), “Research of China Housing Market Development and Real Estate Tax System Reform”, Jingji Yanjiu Cankao (Review of Economic Research), Vol. 26, № 43.
Song, Lei, and Xiaodong Sun. 2011. On the potential political economics meanings of the socialist market economy. Academic Research. The World Bank. 2012.
Song, Lei, and Xiaodong Sun. 2011. On the potential political economics meanings of the socialist market economy. Academic Research. The World Bank. 2012.
Kotz, D. Foreign capitals’ merger and acquisition in China and China’s economic security. 2011: http://www.globalview.cn/ReadNews.asp?NewsID=20647.
An, T. and H. Wang (2012), “Research of China Housing Market Development and Real Estate Tax System Reform”, Jingji Yanjiu Cankao (Review of Economic Research), Vol. 26, № 43.
Song, Lei, and Xiaodong Sun. 2011. On the potential political economics meanings of the socialist market economy. Academic Research. The World Bank. 2012.
An, T. and H. Wang (2012), “Research of China Housing Market Development and Real Estate Tax System Reform”, Jingji Yanjiu Cankao (Review of Economic Research), Vol. 26, № 43.
Competing economic paradigms in China. Working paper for the 3rd International Confederation of Associations for Pluralism in Economics (ICAPE).Gao, Liang. 2012.
Conway, P., T. Chalaux and R. Herd (2010), Reforming China’s Monetary Policy Framework to Meet. Domestic Objectives, OECD Economics Department Working Papers, № 768.
Song, Lei, and Xiaodong Sun. 2011. On the potential political economics meanings of the socialist market economy. Academic Research. The World Bank. 2012.
Competing economic paradigms in China. Working paper for the 3rd International Confederation of Associations for Pluralism in Economics (ICAPE).Gao, Liang. 2012.
Competing economic paradigms in China. Working paper for the 3rd International Confederation of Associations for Pluralism in Economics (ICAPE).Gao, Liang. 2012.
Conway, P., T. Chalaux and R. Herd (2010), Reforming China’s Monetary Policy Framework to Meet. Domestic Objectives, OECD Economics Department Working Papers, № 768.
Herd, R. 2010, “A Pause in the Growth of Inequality in China?”, OECD Economics Department Working Papers, № 748.
Herd, R. 2010, “A Pause in the Growth of Inequality in China?”, OECD Economics Department Working Papers, № 748.
An, T. and H. Wang (2012), “Research of China Housing Market Development and Real Estate Tax System Reform”, Jingji Yanjiu Cankao (Review of Economic Research), Vol. 26, № 43.
Competing economic paradigms in China. Working paper for the 3rd International Confederation of Associations for Pluralism in Economics (ICAPE).Gao, Liang. 2012.
Song, Lei, and Xiaodong Sun. 2011. On the potential political economics meanings of the socialist market economy. Academic Research. The World Bank. 2012.
Herd, R. 2010, “A Pause in the Growth of Inequality in China?”, OECD Economics Department Working Papers, № 748.
Conway, P., T. Chalaux and R. Herd (2010), Reforming China’s Monetary Policy Framework to Meet. Domestic Objectives, OECD Economics Department Working Papers, № 768.
An, T. and H. Wang (2012), “Research of China Housing Market Development and Real Estate Tax System Reform”, Jingji Yanjiu Cankao (Review of Economic Research), Vol. 26, № 43.
Herd, R. 2010, “A Pause in the Growth of Inequality in China?”, OECD Economics Department Working Papers, № 748.
Song, Lei, and Xiaodong Sun. 2011. On the potential political economics meanings of the socialist market economy. Academic Research. The World Bank. 2012.
An, T. and H. Wang (2012), “Research of China Housing Market Development and Real Estate Tax System Reform”, Jingji Yanjiu Cankao (Review of Economic Research), Vol. 26, № 43.
An, T. and H. Wang (2012), “Research of China Housing Market Development and Real Estate Tax System Reform”, Jingji Yanjiu Cankao (Review of Economic Research), Vol. 26, № 43.
Competing economic paradigms in China. Working paper for the 3rd International Confederation of Associations for Pluralism in Economics (ICAPE).Gao, Liang. 2012.
Conway, P., T. Chalaux and R. Herd (2010), Reforming China’s Monetary Policy Framework to Meet. Domestic Objectives, OECD Economics Department Working Papers, № 768.
Against the law: Labor protests in China’s rustbelt and sunbelt. University of California Press. Li, Minqi. 2011.
Competing economic paradigms in China. Working paper for the 3rd International Confederation of Associations for Pluralism in Economics (ICAPE).Gao, Liang. 2012.
Herd, R. 2010, “A Pause in the Growth of Inequality in China?”, OECD Economics Department Working Papers, № 748.
An, T. and H. Wang (2012), “Research of China Housing Market Development and Real Estate Tax System Reform”, Jingji Yanjiu Cankao (Review of Economic Research), Vol. 26, № 43.
Herd, R. 2010, “A Pause in the Growth of Inequality in China?”, OECD Economics Department Working Papers, № 748.
Conway, P., T. Chalaux and R. Herd (2010), Reforming China’s Monetary Policy Framework to Meet. Domestic Objectives, OECD Economics Department Working Papers, № 768.
Chang, Ha-Joon. 2011. State-owned enterprise reform. UNDESA National Development Strategies Policy notes: http://esa.un.org/techcoop/documents/PN_SOEReformNote.pdf.
An, T. and H. Wang (2012), “Research of China Housing Market Development and Real Estate Tax System Reform”, Jingji Yanjiu Cankao (Review of Economic Research), Vol. 26, № 43.
Conway, P., T. Chalaux and R. Herd (2010), Reforming China’s Monetary Policy Framework to Meet. Domestic Objectives, OECD Economics Department Working Papers, № 768.
China`s development: assessing the implications: http://cpds.apana.org.au/Teams/Articles/china_as_economic_engine.htm.
Song, Lei, and Xiaodong Sun. 2011. On the potential political economics meanings of the socialist market economy. Academic Research. The World Bank. 2012.
Competing economic paradigms in China. Working paper for the 3rd International Confederation of Associations for Pluralism in Economics (ICAPE).Gao, Liang. 2012.
Competing economic paradigms in China. Working paper for the 3rd International Confederation of Associations for Pluralism in Economics (ICAPE).Gao, Liang. 2012.
Song, Lei, and Xiaodong Sun. 2011. On the potential political economics meanings of the socialist market economy. Academic Research. The World Bank. 2012.
An, T. and H. Wang (2012), “Research of China Housing Market Development and Real Estate Tax System Reform”, Jingji Yanjiu Cankao (Review of Economic Research), Vol. 26, № 43.
Competing economic paradigms in China. Working paper for the 3rd International Confederation of Associations for Pluralism in Economics (ICAPE).Gao, Liang. 2012.
Herd, R. 2010, “A Pause in the Growth of Inequality in China?”, OECD Economics Department Working Papers, № 748.
Conway, P., T. Chalaux and R. Herd (2010), Reforming China’s Monetary Policy Framework to Meet. Domestic Objectives, OECD Economics Department Working Papers, № 768.
Competing economic paradigms in China. Working paper for the 3rd International Confederation of Associations for Pluralism in Economics (ICAPE).Gao, Liang. 2012.

Список литературы [ всего 20]

1. Against the law: Labor protests in China’s rustbelt and sunbelt. University of California Press. Li, Minqi. 2011.
2. An, T. and H. Wang (2012), “Research of China Housing Market Development and Real Estate Tax System Reform”, Jingji Yanjiu Cankao (Review of Economic Research), Vol. 26, № 43.
3. Arnold, J., B. Brys, C. Heady, Å. Johansson, C. Schwellnus and L. Vartia (2011), “Tax Policy for Economic Recovery and Growth”, Economic Journal, Vol. 121, Issue 550.
4. Bernard O’Connor. Market-economy status for China is not automatic, 27 November 2012: http://www.voxeu.org/article/china-market-economy.
5. Chang, Ha-Joon. 2011. State-owned enterprise reform. UNDESA National Development Strategies Policy notes: http://esa.un.org/techcoop/documents/PN_SOEReformNote.pdf.
6. China`s development: assessing the implications: http://cpds.apana.org.au/Teams/Articles/china_as_economic_engine.htm.
7. Competing economic paradigms in China. Working paper for the 3rd International Confederation of Associations for Pluralism in Economics (ICAPE).Gao, Liang. 2012.
8. Conway, P., T. Chalaux and R. Herd (2010), Reforming China’s Monetary Policy Framework to Meet. Domestic Objectives, OECD Economics Department Working Papers, № 768.
9. Fan, J.P.H., J. Huang, F. Oberholzer-Gee, T. Smith and M. Zhao (2011), “Diversification of Chinese Companies: An International Comparison”, Chinese Management Studies, Vol. 2, Issue 1.
10. Foreign Economic Policy-Making in China: http://www.idsa.in/system/files/strategicanalysis_ravi_0905.pdf.
11. Herd, R. 2010, “A Pause in the Growth of Inequality in China?”, OECD Economics Department Working Papers, № 748.
12. Kotz, D. Foreign capitals’ merger and acquisition in China and China’s economic security. 2011: http://www.globalview.cn/ReadNews.asp?NewsID=20647.
13. Song, Lei, and Xiaodong Sun. 2011. On the potential political economics meanings of the socialist market economy. Academic Research. The World Bank. 2012.
14. Symposium Report: The Market Economy in China: http://global.tokyofoundation.org/en/news/article/n08050701/view.
15. Tang, B.S., S. W. Wong and S. C. Liu (2010), “Institutions, Property Taxation and Local Government Finance in China”, Journal of Urban Studies, Vol. 17, № 4.
16. Teaching under China’s Market Economy: Five Case Studies: http://issuu.com/educationinternational/docs/study_on_china.
17. The view of this growth as miraculous arises from a macro-economic perspective. See Robert E. Lucas’ lecture, “Making a Miracle” in his collection Lectures on Economic Growth, Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 2012.
18. Xie, Fusheng, An Li, and Zhongjin Li. 2012. Guojinmintui: A new round of debate in China on state versus private ownership? Science & Society. 76 (5), July.
19. Zhang, Chen, and Zhang Yu. 2012. Is the efficiency of state-owned enterprises low?” Economist (2): 16-25.
20. Zhou, X. (2010), “Macro-Prudential Policy – An Asian Perspective”, Opening remarks of the Governor of the Peoples’ Bank of China at the High Level Seminar on “Macro-prudential policy: Asian perspective”, Shanghai, 18 October.
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