
Анцупов Анатолий Яковлевич: биография и книги по конфликтологии

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Actionable recommendations can only offer a mature science, deeply understand the real, rather than imaginary laws of development conflicts.     Theory occupies an intermediate position in the triad "concept - theory - the paradigm." Antsupov believes EMTK may be one of the first versions of the national paradigm, Russian Conflict. Concept - a certain way of understanding, interpretation of any phenomena, the basic point of view, the guiding idea for their coverage. Theory - a system of basic ideas in this or that branch of knowledge; form of scientific knowledge, which gives a holistic view of the patterns and relationships existing reality. Paradigm - the initial conceptual diagram model posing problems and their solutions, methods, ruling over a certain period of history in the scientific community.      Conflicts play a major role in the life of the individual, family, organization, government, society and humanity in general. They are the main cause of death. At the beginning of the century at the approximate evaluation of conflicts in the world (war, terrorism, murder, suicide) have claimed over 300 million lives. By the end of the XX century. Russia is likely unattainable and is the undisputed world leader not only in the loss of life in the conflict, but also for other their devastating consequences: the material and psychological.Conflict - science about the origin, development and completion of the conflict, as well as management. Quantitative analysis of more than 2,500 domestic publications on conflict allowed allocating in the history of Russian Conflict three periods.     In Proceedings Antsupova described in great detail about resolving conflicts from different perspectives. This helps the reader to better assess the situation in which it is located.CONCLUSION     Antsupov is the author of numerous books. The main theme of which was science - Conflict. That's about it Antsupov wrote and continues to write in his writings.     In Russia, the study was carried out conflicts in Soviet times, mainly in line with the Marxist theory of class struggle. The official ideology of the vulgarized Marxism prevailed in the Soviet Union, argued that under socialism can exist only non-antagonistic contradictions, and there are no conditions for the emergence of social conflicts. Therefore, the problem of conflict is seen mainly in terms of criticism of the defects of capitalism. From mid-1920 until the end of the 1940s, no research on the conflict was not conducted. Starting from the 1950s gradually became increasingly appear in print publications that focus on particular types of private conflicts - in art , in international relations, in the pedagogical process , in sports, family and work relationships. But the general theory of conflict remained restricted area and only mentioned in order to "expose the false thinking" bourgeois philosophers and scientists.     It Antsupov Anatoly was the first who began to closely examine conflicts, with its different sides. He still writes and explores conflicts, its different types and use.LIST OF SOURCES AND LITERATURE1.http://www.migsu.ranepa.ru/psy/about/employees/antsupov-anatolij-yakovlevich2. http://www.gumer.info/bibliotek_Buks/Psihol/Konflikt/23.php3. http://trava.ru/book/2531683-Slovar-konfliktologa-Ancupov-Anatolij-YAkovlevich4. http://www.acmeology.com/ancupov_anatoliy.shtml5. http://depdela.ru/ancupov-anatolij-jakovlevic6.A. Antsupov, Social and psychological problems: prevention and resolution of conflicts in interpersonal relations officers.

Список литературы [ всего 6]

СПИСОК ИСПОЛЬЗОВАННЫХ ИСТОЧНИКОВ И ЛИТЕРАРУРЫ 1. http://www.migsu.ranepa.ru/psy/about/employees/antsupov-anatolij-yakovlevich 2. http://www.gumer.info/bibliotek_Buks/Psihol/Konflikt/23.php 3. http://trava.ru/book/2531683-Slovar-konfliktologa-Ancupov-Anatolij-YAkovlevich 4. http://www.acmeology.com/ancupov_anatoliy.shtml 5. http://depdela.ru/ancupov-anatolij-jakovlevic 6. А. Я. Анцупов, Социально-психологические проблемы: предупреждение и разрешение межличностных конфликтов во взаимоотношениях офицеров. список литературы
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