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Introduction ……………………………………………………………………..3
1. Characteristic of predicative constructions…………………………………...4
2. Types and functions of predicative constructions…………………………….7
3. Features of the use of predicative constructions in modern English………. ..9
Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………..11
List of reference…………………………………………………………………

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

1. Characteristic of predicative constructions

All non-finite forms of the verb are capable of forming predicative constructions, i.e. constructions consisting of two components: a nominal, expressed by a noun or pronoun, and a verbal expressed in an impersonal form of a verb - participle, gerund or infinitive.
Both components of the predicative structure consist in predicative relations that resemble the relationship between the subject and the predicate of the sentence and are called secondary predicativity by some authors of the grammar books of English. In most cases, predicative constructions act as one member of a sentence.
Since the verbal component of a predicative construction can be expressed only by an impersonal form of the verb, it is possible to classify all predicative constructs according to the filling of the verbal component as follows:
1. predicative constructions with infinitive;
2. predicative constructions with gerund;

2. Types and functions of predicative constructions

Predicative constructions in English have their own syntactic functions. It should be noted that each type of predicative constructions performs a separate function in the sentence, but there are also constructions capable of acting as different members of the sentence.
Predicative constructions with gerund and semi-gerund may have different syntactic functions, for example a complex subject, predicative, additions, definitions or circumstances:
Elvira was confused by Miss Marple observing her but she could do nothing about it.
In the sentence, three-termed verb constructions with participles serve as a complex complement, and are translated into Russian by an additional subordinate clause.
The syntactic role of subject participial constructions is a complex subject, but there is an opinion that the nominal component of the design is subject to the offer, and the participle is a predicate.

Список литературы

1. Berman I.M. English grammar. A course for self-education. - M., "Higher School", 1993. - 288 p.
2. Bloch, M.Ya. Theoretical foundations of grammar: A manual for students of institutes and faculties of foreign languages. - Moscow: Higher School, 2000. - 383p.
3. Zhigadlo V.N., Ivanova I.P., Iofik L.L. Modern English. Theoretical course of grammar. - M., Literature Publishing House in Foreign Languages, 1956.
4. Ivanova I.P. And others. Theoretical grammar of modern English: A manual for institutes and faculties of foreign languages. - Moscow: Higher School, 1981. - 285s.
5. Ilyish B.A. Modern English. Theoretical course. Edition 2, revised and supplemented. - M., Publishing house of literature in foreign languages, 1948 - 347p.
6. Ilyish, B.A. The Structure of Modern English: A Textbook on the Course of Theoretical Grammar for Pedagogical Institutes. - 2 nd ed. -L .: Enlightenment, 1971. - 385s.
7. Semenyuk M.V. Methodical recommendations for the work on the topic "Predicative Constructions with Verbals" in the classroom on practical grammar of English in the 3rd year of the Faculty of Foreign Languages. - Y-Ola, 1990. - 27s.
8. Smirnitsky AI English syntax. - M., Publishing House of Foreign Languages, 1957. - 285 p.
9. Blokh, M.Y. A Course in Theoretical English Grammar. - Moscow, 2000. – p. 396.
10. Jespersen, O. A Modern English Grammar on Historical Principles. Part III. Syntax. Vol.2. - Copenhagen, London, 1949. Part IV. Syntax. Vol.3. -Copenhagen, London, 1949. Part IV. Vol.4. - Copenhagen, 1940.- p. 523.
11. Jespersen, O. Essentials of English Grammar. - Ldn, 1946. – p. 246.
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