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Добрый день! Уважаемые студенты, Вашему вниманию представляется дипломная работа на тему: «РАЗВИТИЕ СТИЛИСТИЧЕСКИХ ОСОБЕННОСТЕЙ ДРАМАТУРГИИ И ОБРАЗОВ ПЕРСОНАЖЕЙ ЖАНРА НУАР В АМЕРИКАНСКОМ КИНЕМАТОГРАФЕ С 1940-Х ПО 2020-Е ГОДЫ»



Аннотация 3

Введение 5

Глава 1. Истоки нуара 14

1.1 Литературная основа и ключевые жанровые характеристики фильма нуар 14

1.2 Визуальный стиль. Архетипические персонажи фильмов

жанра нуар 26

Глава 2. Неонуар в американском кинематографе второй половины 20 века и фильмах нового столетия 37

2.1 1960-1980-е годы, векторное развитие жанра. Эволюция классических жанровых тропов 37

2.2 1990-2020-е годы, влияние «повестки» на жанр. Трансформация классических жанровых тропов 46

Глава 3. Жанр нуар в контексте медиакультуры

3.1 Нуар и его развитие за пределами США 55

3.2 Перспективы дальнейшего развития жанра нуар в медиа 65

Заключение 70

Список литературы 73

Список литературы

Список литературы

1. «Пули, кровь и блондинки: история нуара», Андрей Васильченко. Издательство «Пятый Рим», 2019.

2. Рэймонд Чандлер, «Простое искусство убивать», 1950. URL: http://lib.ru/DETEKTIWY/CHANDLER/ProstoeIskusstvoUbivat.txt

3. «Криминальное чтиво и не только. Американский детектив первой половины ХХ века: новеллы». Составители А. Борисенко, В. Сонькин. – Москва: Издательство АСТ: CORPUS, 2020.

4. Жан Бодрийяр, «Симулякры и симуляции». Размещен 31.01.2011. URL: http://lit.lib.ru/k/kachalow_a/simulacres_et_simulation.shtml

5. Ги Эрнест Дебор, «Общество спектакля», 1967.

6. А.М. Лобок, «Антропология мифа», 1997.

7. Я.Э. Голосовкер, «Логика мифа» - М.: Наука, 1986.

8. Уолтер Липпман, «Общественное мнение», 2004.

9. Borde, Raymond, and Etienne Chaumeton (2002) A Panorama of American Film Noir, 1941–1953, trans. Paul Hammond. San Francisco: City Lights Books.

10. Dickos, Andrew (2002). Street with No Name: A History of the Classic American Film Noir. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky

11. Silver, Alain, and James Ursini (1999). The Noir Style. Woodstock, N.Y.: Overlook Press.

12. Martin, Richard (1997). Mean Streets and Raging Bulls: The Legacy of Film Noir in Contemporary American Cinema. Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow Press.

13. Irwin, John T. (2006). Unless the Threat of Death Is Behind Them: Hard-Boiled Fiction and Film Noir. Johns Hopkins University Press.

14. Mizejewski, Linda (2004). Hardboiled and High Heeled: The Woman Detective in Popular Culture. Routledge Chapman Hall.

15. Server, Lee (2002). Encyclopedia of Pulp Fiction Writers.

16. Haut, Woody (1996). Pulp Culture: Hardboiled Fiction and the Cold War. Serpent's Tail.

17. Bould, Mark (2005). Film Noir: From Berlin to Sin City. London and New York: Wallflower.

18. Lee Server (1993). Danger Is My Business: an illustrated history of the Fabulous Pulp Magazines. San Francisco: Chronicle Books

19. Conrad, Mark T. (2006). The Philosophy of Film Noir. University Press of Kentucky.

20. Doane, Mary Ann (1991). Femmes Fatales: Feminism, Film Theory, Psychoanalysis. New York: Routledge.

21. Andrew Spicer, Film Noir, Pearson Education Limited, 2002.

22. Dudley Andrews, Mists of Regret: Culture and Sensibility in Classic French Film, Princeton University Press, 1995

23. McGilligan, Patrick. Robert Altman: Jumping off ther Cliff. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1989.

24. Thompson, David. Altman on Altman. London: Faber and Faber 2005.

25. Richard Armstrong, Understanding Realism, British Film Institute, 2008.

26. Peter Deakin, ‘Masculine Identity In Crisis In Hollywood’s Fin De Millenium Cinema’, 2012.

27. Silver, Alain, and Elizabeth Ward (1992). Film Noir: An Encyclopedic Reference to the American Style. 3d ed. Woodstock, N.Y.: Overlook Press.

28. Pettey, Homer B. (2014). International Noir. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

29. Verevis, Constantine (2006). Film Remakes. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

30. Auger, Emily (2011). Tech-Noir Film: A Theory of the Development of Popular Genres. Intellect Ltd. p. 21.

31. Naremore, James (2008). More Than Night: Film Noir in Its Contexts. 2d ed. Berkeley, Los Angeles, and London: University of California Press.

32. Rombes, Nicholas, New Punk Cinema (2005).

33. Ballinger, Alexander, and Danny Graydon (2007), The Rough Guide to Film Noir. London: Rough Guides.

34. Bayman, Louis (2001). Directory of World Cinema: Italy. Intellect Book.

35. Bondanella, Peter (2009). A History of Italian Cinema. A&C Black.

36. Mankell, Henning (2006). Introduction to Roseanna. HarperCollins.

37. Ellroy, James; Penzler, Otto, eds. (2010). The Best American Noir of the Century. Mariner Books.

Статьи в журналах и коллективных монографиях

38. Aziz, Jamaluddin Bin (2005). "Future Noir", chap. in "Transgressing Women: Investigating Space and the Body in Contemporary Noir Thrillers", page 242. Ph. D. dissertation, Department of English and Creative Writing, Lancaster University.

39. Ursini, James (1995). "Angst at Sixty Fields per Second", in Silver and Ursini, Film Noir Reader.

40. A. Kaplan, E. (1987), 'Women in film noir'. BFI Publ.

41. Dueck, Cheryl. (November 2016) 'Secret Police in Style: The Aesthetics of Remembering Socialism'. A Journal of Germanic Studies, Volume 52:4

42. Palmer, R. Barton (2004). "The Sociological Turn of Adaptation Studies: The Example of Film Noir", in A Companion To Literature And Film, ed. Robert Stam and Alessandra Raengo.

43. Arnett, Robert (Fall 2006). "Eighties Noir: The Dissenting Voice in Reagan's America". Journal of Popular Film and Television. 34 (3).

Источники сети Интернет

44. «Любить тревогу», Михаил Трофименков. Журнал «Коммерсантъ Weekend» №4 от 11.02.2011, срт.26. URL: https://www.kommersant.ru/doc/1577625

45. Кэрролл Джон Дейли, «Детективный метод». URL: https://detectivemethod.ru/american/carroll-john-daly/

46. Уильям Райли Бернетт, «Детективный метод». URL: https://detectivemethod.ru/american/william-riley-burnett/

47. Словарь юного художника: Кьяроскуро. Блог «Море идей». URL: https://zen.yandex.ru/media/more_idey/slovar-iunogo-hudojnika-kiaroskuro-5fe35f08abcef566157743d9

48. «Жена или любовница: что такое комплекс Мадонны и блудницы (и в чем его опасность)», Виктория Пархомчук для Marie Claire.

URL: https://www.marieclaire.ru/psychology/zhena-ili-lyubovnica-chto-takoe-kompleks-madonny-i-bludnicy-i-v-chem-ego-opasnost/

49. Рэймонд Чандлер, «Высокое окно». URL: https://www.litmir.me/br/?b=5713&p=1

50. «Расширение пространства войны: одиночество Жан-Пьера Мельвиля в кинематографических джунглях», Егор Сенников, 12/05/20. «Искусство кино». URL: https://kinoart.ru/texts/rasshirenie-prostranstva-voyny-odinochestvo-zhan-piera-melvilya-v-kinematograficheskih-dzhunglyah

51. «Убийственный Париж», Михаил Трофименков. 16/05/2012, журнал «Сеанс». URL: https://seance.ru/articles/ubiystvenniy-parij/

52. 'Film noir', Britannica. URL: https://www.britannica.com/art/film-noir

53. Gamasutra, Graft, Kris (13 June 2011). "NPD: May U.S. Retail Game Industry Sales Lowest Since Oct. '06". URL: https://www.gamasutra.com/view/news/35201/NPD_May_US_Retail_Game_Industry_Sales_Lowest_Since_Oct_06.php

54. Walker, Trey (7 February 2002). "2001 game sales break records". GameSpot. URL: https://web.archive.org/web/20041019101827/http://www.gamespot.com/news/2002/02/07/news_2846252.html

55. GamesBeat. 'Playing it Old School – Max Payne and the birth of Game-Noir', by Stan Rezaee. February 10,2012. URL: https://venturebeat.com/community/2012/02/10/playing-it-old-school-max-payne-and-the-birth-of-game-noir/

56. ‘Why I love L.A. Noire’s fictional influences – the books, films and TV that made Rocjstars crime sim’, by Sam Roberts, gamesradar. December 28, 2017. URL: https://www.gamesradar.com/why-i-love-la-noires-fictional-influences-the-books-films-and-tv-that-made-rockstars-crime-sim/

57. Harnisch, Larry (January 6, 1997). "A Slaying Cloaked in Mystery and Myths". Los Angeles Times. URL: https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1997-01-06-mn-15889-story.html

58. '13 of the best noir films set in Los Angeles' by Chris Eggertsen, Los Angeles Curbed, 16.12.2019. URL: https://la.curbed.com/2019/12/16/21019466/film-noir-definition-meaning-best

59. ‘The Silk Stocking Murder’, L.A. Noire Wiki Fandom. URL: https://lanoire.fandom.com/wiki/The_Silk_Stocking_Murder

60. ‘1947project Slain Woman’s Stripped Body Found in Gutter’. July 08, 2005. URL: http://1947project.blogspot.com/2005/07/slain-womans-stripped-body-found-in.html

61. ‘Dr. George Hodel 1940s ‘’L.A. Lone Woman Murders’’ Victim Map Update’ by Steve Hodel. April 16, 2014. URL: https://stevehodel.com/2014/04/16/george-hodel-1940s-l-lone-woman-murders-update/

62. ‘The rise of true crime and criminology ‘, by Rebecca Scott Bray. The University of Sidney. 8 February 2018. URL: https://www.sydney.edu.au/arts/news-and-events/news/2018/02/08/the-rise-of-true-crime-and-criminology.html

63. ‘Is our growing obsession with true crime a problem?’, by Kelly Leigh-Cooper. BBC News, Wisconsin. 1 April 2019. URL: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-47474996

64. ‘After The Maltese Falcon: how film noir took flight’, by Phil Hoad. The Guardian, 28 October 2016. URL: https://www.theguardian.com/film/2016/oct/28/after-the-maltese-falcon-how-film-noir-took-flight

65. ‘Megan Abbott on the difference between hardboiled and noir’, Literary Hub. 2018-06-26 by Annie Adams. URL: https://lithub.com/megan-abbott-on-the-difference-between-hardboiled-and-noir/

66. ‘How Edward Hopper’s Story Blonde Became a Noir Icon’ by Stephanie Kane. Crime Reads, 14/10/2020. URL: https://crimereads.com/how-edward-hoppers-stony-blonde-became-a-noir-icon/

67. ‘Seduction, Corruption, Deception, and Protection – The Black Widow and the Vice Queen (Part 2), LAPL blog. Thursday, June 14, 2018. URL: https://www.lapl.org/collections-resources/blogs/lapl/seduction-corruption-deception-and-protection-black-widow-pt2

68. John Waugh, ‘L.A. Mayors: The Great, near-Great and Un-Great’, Los Angeles Times, may 25, 1969, page M-16. URL: https://search.proquest.com/docview/156180980

69. ‘So You Want To/ Write a Film Noir’, TV Tropes. URL: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/SoYouWantTo/WriteAFilmNoir

70. Altman, Gould Reunited for 'Goodbye' Warga, Wayne. Los Angeles Times 23 July 1972

71. James Lileks for ‘The Bleat’, 07/02/2003. Bleat Archives. URL: http://www.lileks.com/bleats/archive/03/0203/020703.html

72. ‘Dashiell Hammett’s Introduction to The Maltese Falcon (1934 Edition)’, Thrilling Detective.


73. 'Omerta Man When Frankie Carbo Ruled Boxing', by Carlos Acevedo. May 15, 2019. Hannibal Boxing Media. URL: https://hannibalboxing.com/omerta-man-when-frankie-carbo-ruled-boxing/

74. 'The suspected gangster at the heart of world boxing', by Darragh MacIntyre. BBC, URL: https://hannibalboxing.com/omerta-man-when-frankie-carbo-ruled-boxing/

75. Corliss, Richard (August 24, 1981). "Torrid Movie, Hot New Star". Time. URL: https://web.archive.org/web/20060908200137/http://rogerebert.suntimes.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=%2F20041215%2FCOMMENTARY%2F41215001%2F1023

76. Maslin Janet (August 28, 1981). ''Body Heat''. The New Tork Times. URL: https://www.nytimes.com/1981/08/28/movies/body-heat.html

77. Erickson, Glenn (2006). "Body Heat (Special Edition): Home Video Review". Turner Classic Movies.

78. Arnett, Robert (Fall 2006). "Eighties Noir: The Dissenting Voice in Reagan's America". Journal of Popular Film and Television. 34 (3).

79. 'Where to begin with neo-noir' by Paul O'Callaghan, British Film Instiute. 2 February 2016. URL: https://www2.bfi.org.uk/news-opinion/news-bfi/features/fast-track-fandom-where-begin-neo-noir

80. '10 Breathtaking Sci-Fi Neo-Noirs To Watch If You Like Blade Runner' by Ben Sherlock, ScreenRant, November 22, 2019. URL: https://screenrant.com/sci-fi-neo-noirs-like-blade-runner/

81. ‘Raymond Chandler Evening’, Cyberpunk Fandom Wiki. URL: https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Raymond_Chandler_Evening

82. 'Who killed the chauffeur? The annotated version of Raymond Chandler's Big Sleep' by Louis Bayard, Financial Review. Jul 31, 2018. URL: https://www.afr.com/life-and-luxury/arts-and-culture/who-killed-the-chauffeur-the-annotated-version-of-raymond-chandlers-big-sleep-20180730-h13bhv

83. ’13 Mysterious Facts About The Maltese Falcon’ by Eric D. Snider. Mental Floss, February 25, 2016. URL: https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/76041/13-mysterious-facts-about-maltese-falcon

84. Horowitz, Josh (November 5, 2003). "The Lost Wachowski Brothers Interview". MoviePoopShoot.com. URL: https://web.archive.org/web/20031202184946/http://www.moviepoopshoot.com/interviews/27.html

85. Whilk, Nat; Whitehead, Jayson (January 1998). "Glory Bound: An interview with Larry and Andy Wachowski". Gadfly Online. Gadfly Productions. URL: https://web.archive.org/web/20040301035225/http://www.gadflyonline.com/archive-wachowski.html

86. 'The Coens Speak (Reluctantly)' by Doug Stone. Mar 9, 1998. Indiewire. URL: https://www.indiewire.com/1998/03/the-coens-speak-reluctantly-83037/?fbclid=IwAR2j-IGyCXy7k6wwIgA35G1HfJoSMqCc2RRmxaeiuG6Ez3YGtri73bNko84

87. ‘Heel It Now, Dig?’: Rian Johnson Revisits the Mystery of Brick by Nate Jones. Oc. 17, 2019. New York Vulture. URL: https://www.vulture.com/2019/10/rian-johnson-brick-and-knives-out-interview.html

88. "A Series on Mexican Noir Films Illuminates a Dark Genre". 07/21/2015,The Wall Street Journal by Kristin Jones. URL: https://www.wsj.com/articles/a-series-on-mexican-noir-films-illuminates-a-dark-genre-1437513037

89. ‘Auguste Le Breton’ by Douglas Johnson, 10th June, 1999. The Guardian. URL: https://www.theguardian.com/news/1999/jun/10/guardianobituaries1

90. ‘Rififi: The Great Noir Caper’ by Christian Esquevin. November 18, 2017. Silver Screen Modes. URL: http://silverscreenmodes.com/rififi-the-great-noir-caper/

91. 'Rififi' review by Lucia Bozzola. Allmovie. URL: https://www.allmovie.com/movie/rififi-v41398/review

92. 'Quell dommage: A Review Of Melville’s Indelible ‘’Bob le flambeur’’ ‘, by Ray Pride. February 19. 2018, New City Film. URL: https://www.newcityfilm.com/2018/02/19/quel-dommage-a-review-of-melvilles-indelible-bob-le-flambeur/

93. ‘Le doulos: Walking Ghosts’ by Glenn Kenny. October 6th, 2008. Critertion. URL: https://www.criterion.com/current/posts/702-le-doulos-walking-ghosts

94. ‘Improvisation on a noir theme: The jazz of Francois Truffaut’s Shoot the Piano Player’ by Terrence Rafferty. November 2nd, 2016. Library of America. URL: https://www.loa.org/news-and-views/1212-improvisation-on-a-_noir_-theme-the-jazz-of-francois-truffauts-_shoot-the-piano-player_

95. 'Shoot the Pianist', British Film Institute. URL: https://www2.bfi.org.uk/distribution/node/3253

96. 'Jonathan Lethem: Motherless Brooklyn’ by Gary Krist, 23/09/1999. Salon.com

URL: https://www.salon.com/books/review/1999/09/23/lethem/index.html

97. "Edward Norton on 'Motherless Brooklyn's 20-Year Journey to Big Screen" by Carolyn Giardina, 08/09/2019. The Hollywood Reporter.

URL: https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/edward-norton-motherless-brooklyns-20-year-journey-big-screen-1237734

98. ‘Motherless Brooklyn’, Box Office Mojo. URL: https://www.boxofficemojo.com/release/rl1426687489/

99. 'Motherless Brooklyn (2019) – Rotten Tomatoes', URL: https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/motherless_brooklyn

100. Goodbye, Mr. Marlowe Michaels, Ken. Chicago Tribune (1963-1996); Chicago, Ill. [Chicago, Ill]03 Dec 1972: 88.

101. ‘Private Eye Monologue’, TvTropes. URL: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/PrivateEyeMonologue

102. 'A Guide to Film Noir Genre' by Roger Ebert, RogerEbert.com, January 30, 1995. URL: https://www.rogerebert.com/roger-ebert/a-guide-to-film-noir-genre

103. ‘Going straight is a crooked road’ by Roger Ebert, RogerEbert.com, May 16, 2012. URL: https://www.rogerebert.com/reviews/the-samaritan-2012

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